I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 149 The Crab Eater

In ten seconds, two groups of people appeared in the void.

Sang Guqiu had been counting silently and trying to contact the outside world.

But all the signals she sent were rejected.

The others were also trying various things.

None of them succeeded.

Boss Xia, who brought them in, also disappeared.

Sang Guqiu pulled her to hide behind the crowd.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

From their perspective, the other person was wrapped in mist all over his body. Not only could he not see his face, but he could only see the outline of his body roughly.

Sang Guqiu didn't know whether it was the other person's ability or the ability of the female boss who brought them in.

Ten seconds passed quickly in a few blinks.

No matter what everyone thought.

When they saw Boss Xia's figure reappear, they were relieved.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. Everyone is here, and the tour will begin."

The virtual Boss Xia waved casually.

The void in front of them quickly dissipated.

They appeared on a small island.

The bright crescent moon hangs in the sky, the sea breeze blows, and the waves roar.

The villa in front of me is brightly lit - not candles, but real electric lights.

Just as I was surprised, Boss Xia pushed the door and walked out.

"Welcome everyone, please follow me."

Wasn't she by my side just now? Why did she suddenly come out of the house?

Everyone suppressed the shock in their eyes and followed one after another.

After Xia Yan and everyone came in, he began to introduce briefly.

"The private island has 3 master bedrooms, 5 secondary bedrooms, and three independent dressing rooms.

There are also sun rooms, billiard halls, home theaters, chess and card rooms, etc. to ensure the living experience of customers staying in.

The independent kitchen is fully equipped with home appliances, and you can enjoy the satisfaction of cooking at any time.

In addition, the whole house provides 24-hour hot and cold air supply to ensure that customers are cool in summer and warm in winter.

There are two indoor and outdoor swimming pools, clean and pollution-free, and automatic water changes every week..."

Xia Yan led everyone to visit from the front hall to the kitchen, from the first floor to the fourth floor, and from the front yard to the backyard.

Everyone can no longer describe it with the word "shock".

Are you sure you are not dreaming? !

The scene before the end of the world?

"Sister, this place is a bit good..." Sang Yu tugged at her fingers and whispered.

Sang Guqiu didn't say anything.

A lonely island can be destroyed by any storm.

Where to run then?

"Boss Xia, can you show me the shield?"

Xie Ji also thought of this question and asked it first.

"Of course."

Xia Yan snapped his fingers.

A hemispherical light screen instantly lit up at the edge of the island, shining brightly in the night sky.

Xie Ji has similar superpowers under his command.

It's just that their shields have time limits and thresholds for withstanding heavy blows.

I wonder if this shield also has...

He simply asked the question.

"The shield of the private island has no time limit and provides 24-hour invisible protection.

As for the threshold, so far, I have never seen anyone break the shield. If I must use a metaphor, even an atomic bomb can't break it."

Atomic bomb?

Xie Ji was dreaming.

He didn't quite believe it, it was a bit exaggerated.

The three-times-tall giant Yang Le who came later also didn't believe it.

He clenched his fist, took a run, and punched the shield fiercely, shaking the ground.

Such a weight?

Xie Ji frowned, will it break?

If it was his men, they would definitely not be able to hold on.

He stared at the light screen.

This was to verify whether the defense was really that high, so we must look carefully.

Everyone stared at the shield, not missing a single crack.

But they didn't expect that the place where the shield was hit did not move except for a few ripples.

It didn't break!

"It's quite awesome." Someone whispered.

The giant punched a few more times unwillingly.

The sound of banging made everyone's internal organs tremble.

"Okay, stop. Even if your fist is broken, you can't break the shield."

Xia Yan flicked his finger, and the giant floated back to where he came from.

"In order not to waste everyone's time, I will continue to introduce.

Standing at this position, you can glide to the main island. In the future, various official stores will be opened on the main island.

The private island is absolutely safe. Except for the consent and authorization of the guests staying, no one else can reach the main island."

"How can we get back here in the real world?" Sang Yu asked loudly.

"You need to apply for a points card. This is the points redemption standard. Please check."

Flyers were distributed one by one, and the customers who received them read them facing the light source.

Only then did I understand.

It turned out that crystal cores were used to redeem points.

Level 5 crystal cores can be exchanged for 10,000 points?

The redemption standard is very affordable.

"Does it mean that you can move in after applying for a card?" Yang Le asked.

Xia Yan shook his head, "There are only two islands open to the public at present, first come first served."

Only two?

Everyone's thoughts were flying.

I want to live here, but I don't want to be the first to eat crabs.

"How to rent?" Xuan Nan asked.

"Monthly rent is 180,000 points, and half-year rent is 1.08 million points."

How much is 180,000 points converted into crystal cores?

Everyone calculated silently in their minds.

It is equivalent to 18 level 5 crystal cores and 36 level 4 crystal cores.

The price... is acceptable.

Sang Yu pulled her sister aside and asked softly: "Sister, let's rent it. I like it here. It's similar to my previous home.

The broken house we live in now can't even turn on the lights at any time, let alone take a shower."

"Don't worry, I'll ask carefully." Sang Guqiu patted her hand to comfort her.

The two returned to the crowd.

Prepare to take a look.

"Boss Xia, I'll rent it for a month first."

A voice suddenly sounded in the crowd.

Everyone looked over.

The first person to eat crabs finally appeared.

After a serious discussion, Xuan Nan and his group decided to rent it for a month first.

They also had the mentality of gambling.

If this boss Xia really wanted their lives, he would have killed them as soon as they met.

Why wait until now and waste so much time to mess with people?

Besides, they really don't want to live in the cold and humid valley anymore.

Five people walked up to her and handed over 18 level 5 crystal cores.

It is unknown where she received the crystal cores. An embedded card appeared on the arms of the five people.

"What is this?" The teammates panicked and rubbed it back and forth.

It seemed to grow in the flesh, without any strange feeling.

Xuan Nan calmed them down and asked, "Boss Xia, what is this?"

"This is a points card. After double-clicking, there is an option to go home in the personal information page. After confirming, you can return to the private island."

The five people did as she said half-believingly.

A virtual pop-up window appeared in front of them, which not only had a personal information page, but also a takeaway ordering page.

They looked at each other.

Takeaway ordering?

It was really magical.

Xuan Nan clicked on the home button, but did not feel teleported as she said.

"Try it, do you feel anything?" He said to the four people.


The four people clicked home one after another, and then looked at each other with big eyes.

"It seems that there is really no feeling." Bu Xin scratched his head.

That's right, he thought there was something wrong with his perception.

"Boss Xia, we didn't feel teleported back."

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