I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 152 Please go to the store to buy anything you need

Xia Yan walked out of the lake and looked at the people coming from Island No. 2 again.

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The customers who rented a house yesterday are now standing on the disk, flying close to the water.

Soon we were nearing the coast.

The other party also showed a surprised expression when he saw her.

It seemed that he didn't expect to see her again.

A few seconds later, Xuannan and the other five were walking on the beach, their eyes fixed on the huge building behind Boss Xia.

It looked like it had just been built, but they didn't see any construction teams around.

“There’s a store opposite, just go inside and buy whatever you need.”

Xia Yan shook off the gravel on his shoes and said casually.


Only then did they notice the completely transparent store.

I don’t know what’s on sale there, so I’ll go take a look.

With a clanking sound, the glass door opened automatically and they stepped inside.

The interior of the store is more spacious than it appears from the outside.

Neat shelves are lined up, with brand new price tags on them.


Where's the goods?

The five people were dumbfounded in the empty store.

"I don't seem to see it in stock..."

"I didn't even look at it."

"You are not alone."

"Is this? Is it because we didn't recharge? So we can't see it?"

"That seems to be the case. After all, we have no points in the card now."

So the five people took out the crystal cores one after another, and were dumbfounded again.

"How do you recharge this thing?" Ollie scratched his head.

Gu Nianmeng suddenly laughed out loud.

"It's amazing, everyone. I think we were at the forefront of fashion back then, but I never thought we would be here today."

Xuannan raised his head and said, "Mainly there is no one here who can ask questions."

"Go out and ask Boss Xia?"

"Hey! Look!" Yao Yingcai suddenly pointed at his arm and shouted.

The crystal core in his hand was quickly absorbed by the score card.

"Here, it's so high-tech?"

Bu Xin took out a crystal core and placed it on top of the score card.

The score card became brighter, wrapped around the crystal core and swallowed.

The balance is shown to be 100 points.

Others also recharged their points.

After the rays of light, everyone has at least 100 points in their hands.

The five of them waited quietly, looking at the shelves without blinking, for fear of missing the wonderful moment.

Three seconds.

Five seconds.

Ten seconds later.

"This... seems to be really out of stock..." Yao Yingcai tried to laugh, but his face turned red.

Was he really tricked by Boss Xia?

Several people turned around again without giving up and left angrily.

Ah, damn profiteer!

The goods haven't been seen yet, so Jingnuo paid them first.

Fortunately, everyone was cautious and only charged one low-level crystal core.

On the other side of the lake, under the super new building, Boss Xia was looking up.

"Let's go and ask her." Yao Yingcai pushed everyone.

First ask what's going on.

You can't let people recharge in vain.


Xia Yan just received a notification from the system that the rental department has been established.

[Whether to start business]


The next second, the perimeter disappeared, revealing a building similar to her private villa.

There are three big words at the top - Rental Department.

Just as she was about to go in and take a look, she heard someone calling her from behind.

"Boss Xia, please wait a moment."

Xia Yan turned around, waited for them to get close, and asked, "What's wrong, customers?"

Based on the tenant information in the background, she can know everyone's name.

"Yes, there's something wrong." Yao Yingcai pushed Xuan Nan's arm.

Xuannan had no choice but to take a step forward and said: "Boss Xia, just now you said you can buy things in the store. But the shelves inside are empty. Is our method wrong? So we can't see it?"

Xia Yan:? ! ! !


Not in stock yet!

How could she forget this?

Xia Yan coughed lightly and kept his expression expressionless.

"I was so busy that I forgot. The employees moved all the goods back to the warehouse yesterday. It will take a few days to get the goods. You can come back to buy them later."

"Ah, this..."

"Okay, trouble." Xuannan interrupted his teammates.

Xia Yan watched them leave with a smile.

He vaguely heard a string and left just like that? What else would be a conversation.

It wasn't until they left completely that they turned back and stepped onto the steps.

The heavy double doors slowly opened, revealing the oversized inner hall inside.

The rental department has only two floors, upper and lower.

The first floor is divided into four parts, the private island reception desk, the water house reception desk, the bubble house reception desk and the information desk.

The second floor is the boss's reception area and office.

[Foreign operations require the purchase of employees]

[Whether to purchase 8 employees]


While she was wandering around, the main store and branches were receiving customers to earn points.

With points in her account, she can afford employees.

[Payment has been successful and is being distributed to employees...]


Immediately afterwards, 8 miniature versions of the bears fell from the sky.

After rolling on the ground and spinning around in a circle, the bears jumped up from the ground.

"Hello, boss."*8

The voices were younger than a bear, and there were male and female voices.

If you look closely, you can see that the female version of the bear has a small flower of different colors on its head to indicate the difference between men and women.

"Okay, let's go to work."


The little bears responded crisply.

I saw a group of short legs walking and running away cutely with their little bellies bulging...

Xia Yan held her forehead.

Why is the painting getting cuter and cuter?

I wonder what the bears would think when they see these little bears...

As each employee arrived, the reception desks also changed.

Behind each reception desk, an inward-spinning vortex appeared, flashing different lights.

The light in the water house is light green.

The light in the bubble house is sky blue.

The light in the private villa is clear yellow.

She walked towards the water house reception desk.

"Hello, boss, would you like to go in and take a look?"

The little bear with a light green flower on his head jumped off the work chair, walked to her side and looked up to ask.

"Well, let's go and take a look."

"Okay~" The green flower on the little bear's head shook its leaves, pulled her hand and jumped into the vortex.

Xia Yan let it hold it.

Crossing the vortex, it turned out to be a two-bedroom, one-living room house.

At this moment, they were standing at the entrance of the gate.

"Boss, please follow me." Little Bear Bear took her around the house and introduced it as he walked.

As the name suggests, a water house is a house built on water.

The whole house is built of logs, and the interior decoration is simple and elegant.

There is a rotating slide outside the house, and you can swim directly in the sea.

Another feature is that there is a hollow hammock, and the blue sea is below.

If there are small fish, you can clearly see the fish swimming around.

"Boss, you can set the rental price now, so that I can introduce it to customers later."

Xia Yan thought about it.

The price of the main store can be said to be very low, and the main customers are ordinary people and low-level superpowers.

If it is on Lidai Island, it will be more expensive.

"The minimum rent is three months, and a total of 90,000 points are collected. Water and electricity are at your own expense. The room fee is collected one week before the move-in date of each month."

"Does the boss need to hold points? It will be refunded when the customer does not renew the lease."

"Not for now. When you recommend a house in the future, remember to inform the customer:

If the house is severely damaged, in addition to deducting the corresponding points, you will be blacklisted and sent to the zombie pile."

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