I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 153 Borrowing a Door

After leaving the water house, Xia Yan went straight to the bubble house.

Passing through the sky blue vortex, in front of her was a one-bedroom and one-living room house with simple and warm furniture.

The whole house was wrapped in a super large transparent bubble.

Under the sunlight, colorful apertures were printed.

There was a large round bed in the bedroom with a controller on it.

The privacy of the bubble can be easily controlled.

It can also switch between semi-frosted mode and one-way mode.

The interior can also automatically identify, and when the customer does not switch to private mode, there will be an alarm prompt.

In addition, the bubble house has a 3-meter private area.

"The minimum rental is three months, and a total of 70,000 points are collected. The water and electricity bills are at your own expense. The room fee is collected one week before the check-in date of each month." Xia Yan said.


I have already seen the private island, so there is no need to experience it again.

Now she is going back to the main store to see if there are any customers willing to live here.

She was about to step out of the door when a little bear jumped over and blocked her in front.

"Boss, don't you go upstairs to take a look? I heard that the boss can go wherever he wants, so cool."


Xia Yan stopped.

"Okay, I'll go up and take a look."

The little bear behind him smiled cutely.

Going up the spiral staircase, a barrier suddenly appeared in front of him.

Xia Yan stretched out his hand and pressed it.

After a beam of light scanned, the barrier disappeared.

After crossing it, the scene in front of him changed instantly.

It was different from the dim second floor seen downstairs.

The hall was extremely spacious and bright, and the golden sunlight was scattered all over the ground.

There was a cylindrical aperture similar to a teleportation array in the center.

There were different doors inside.

The main store, branch store, private island, private courtyard, and even the door of a private island for rent.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, walked into the aperture and pushed open the door of the main store.

"Customer, there are really no rooms for rent. You can register to reserve a room. When there is a vacant room, I will notify you."

The somewhat anxious voice of the bear came from behind the door.

"Really no more rooms?"

"Really no more!"

Xia Yan walked through the corridor, and two men were surrounding the front desk, looking at Xiong Xiong without blinking.

"Long Ear, it said no more." The man with pigtails said to the people around him.

"Then... let's go." His eyes swept over Xia Yan who was passing by.

"Let's go."

"Don't you two customers need to register?" Xiong Xiong waved the small book in his hand.

The two walked out of the store without looking back.

Xiong Xiong felt a little sorry.

Xia Yan glanced at the backs of the two and said, "Xiong Xiong, don't do this in the future. They can stay or not. The style should be high."

Xiong Xiong nodded.

"How many people have booked rooms now?"

"Not many for now, only five or six." Xiong Xiong was a little depressed, touching his belly embarrassedly.

"It doesn't matter, the house in Li Dai Island can be rented out. You can go to the rental department later, and come back to post a notice after understanding it, to see if there are people willing to move in."

Xia Yan put the holiday door on the wall of the living room, and Xiong Xiong slipped in.

She was the only one left in the hall to look after the store.

Xia Yan put her feet on the sofa and lazily turned on the TV.

The temperature outside had long returned to normal.

Customers no longer had to choose a time to go out.

They were busy breaking up the kapok cores and making cotton clothes and quilts a while ago.

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They disappeared again in the past few days.

I'm afraid she is the most idle person here.

"Bang! Bang!"

"Clang! "

A loud banging sound came from outside, and Xia Yan sat up from the sofa.

What happened outside?

She walked outside the hotel.

It turned out to be the long-eared man and the pigtailed man who were about to check in.

They were smashing other people's houses with sticks they found from nowhere.

The bricks and wooden doors that were added later were opened in a few strokes.

The two glanced at Xia Yan, and walked in as if nothing had happened to occupy the magpie's nest.

It happened that the out-of-town guests came back at this time.

Holding today's harvest in their hands, they walked happily to their own homes.

"Lao Zhang, you are lucky today! You actually found a pair of down pants. You have a sharp eye."

Everyone looked at the package on his back with envy.

That was a pair of down pants.

What a good life.

Lao Zhang smiled and held the straps tightly without saying a word.

"Hey, whose house is that? "

A middle-aged woman pointed at the house with an open door and shouted.

Everyone was startled and looked in the direction.

That was——

Everyone looked at Lao Zhang.

Lao Zhang's face turned ugly in an instant.

"Damn you, which bastard! How dare you take the opportunity to steal my nest?"

Lao Zhang pulled out the scissors at his ankle and walked towards his home aggressively.

The people behind looked at each other and moved slowly towards their homes.

Zou Yu took Zhang Manxue's hand and walked straight into the hotel.

Lao Zhang's roar came from the house:

"Who are you two? This is my house. If you want to live here, go find a house yourself!"

A leisurely voice came out: "This is the house we are looking for."

Zou Yu and Zhang Manxue looked at each other and quickened their pace.

"What are you looking for? Didn't you see something inside?" Lao Zhang kicked the door hard, completely destroying the door that was already shaky.

"Heh, this old man is being rude to us." The voice was light and fluttery.

The next second.

Lao Zhang was kicked out.

He flew directly to the opposite door, hit the wall and fell to the ground, his body curled up like a shrimp, his face flushed with pain.

He shocked the crowd watching the excitement around him.

Two people in the room walked out slowly, hugged their arms and leaned against the wall, and asked jokingly:

"Old man, is this your home or mine?"

Lao Zhang struggled to get up from the ground, his chest and back felt dull pain.

"Old man?"

"You, yours. Ahem."

"Heh. Wouldn't it be better to be so sensible earlier."

The two looked around at the expressions of the crowd and walked back to the room, and at the end they said:

"Old man, fix the door for me."

No one around dared to speak, nor did they dare to look at Lao Zhang's miserable appearance. They quickly hid back in their own home and lightly inserted the bolt.

There was no sound on the whole street.

Lao Zhang coughed a few times, stood up and picked up a broken door, trying to install it on the door frame.

"Can you please replace it with a new one?"

Lao Zhang shuddered, "Okay, okay."

But where can he find a new door?

He pounded his stuffy chest, and a suffocating breathing sound came from his throat, and his eyes turned around.

Soon he saw the double door of the bearded man's house with whom he had a good relationship.

Lao Zhang was delighted and walked over to knock on the outer door.

"Knock knock knock."

No one answered from inside.

He thought and knocked again.

"...Who is it?"

A small voice came from the crack of the door.

He looked back at the home that originally belonged to him, and also whispered close to the crack of the door:

"It's me, Lao Zhang. Ahem."

"...Oh... What's the matter?"

"Lend me a door, and I'll return it to you later."

There was no sound behind the door.

Lao Zhang put his ear to it and listened carefully to the movement inside.

After a long while, the voice inside was heard again: "Brother, it's not that I don't want to lend it to you, I have a lot of money on hand. How about you go look somewhere else?"

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