I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 154 Seeking a Gate

Lao Zhang couldn't help but cough again, spitting out a mouthful of bloody phlegm.

"Brother, please, help me this time. I have helped you a lot in normal times, just give me a door."

As he spoke, he stretched out a finger and pressed it against the crack of the door pitifully.

Everyone knew that there was no such thing as respecting the elderly and loving the young after the end of the world.

If you offend someone, you will live if you are lucky, and reincarnate if you are unlucky.

Lao Zhang didn't want to reincarnate, he still wanted to live.

He didn't want to gamble his only life on the cruelty of two strangers.

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

Except for the bearded man, I really can't think of anyone else who would help him.

He leaned close to the crack of the door again and begged in a low voice.

A low argument came from inside the door.

One side hesitated, and the other side carefully counted the reasons why they couldn't lend the door.

The more Lao Zhang listened, the more frightened he became, and the colder his hands and feet became.

He looked back at his door again and hurriedly begged for mercy.

They wrestled with each other through the door panel and pulled the invisible rope.

The bearded man in the middle was strangled to death.

"Okay! Stop talking!" The bearded man roared in a low voice.

Both sides stopped talking immediately.

What to say?

Lao Zhang's heart was in his throat.

If he was determined not to lend the door...

Lao Zhang looked around at the closed doors nearby.

If he refused to lend the door...

Lao Zhang's eyes stopped in front of the door of a couple of the same age as him.

"Go away!" The bearded man pushed away the hands blocking his way, "Brother, I'll lend you the door!"

! !

Lao Zhang stared, the double door opened from the inside, revealing his very familiar stubble face.

"Brother, I kneel down for you!" He couldn't describe his excitement, and he was about to kneel down trembling all over.

The bearded man stepped forward and held his arm.

"Brother, don't!"

Lao Zhang was helped up by him, tears welled up in his eyes, and thousands of emotions gathered into tears dripping at his feet.

"You saved my life. From now on, you are my brother!"

The bearded man also had tears in his eyes. He turned around and glared at his woman, and roared:

"Did you hear what your brother said? What did you just say? Let my brother exchange down pants for the door?! Vicious!"

The scolded woman was stunned.

Old Zhang was also stunned.

"Brother, I know you heard everything just now. Don't give me down pants. I know you are kind and never owe others favors! Don't give it to me, I don't want it!"

The woman reacted and took a few steps forward to grab the package behind Old Zhang.

"Have you forgotten that you have old cold legs? Why don't you want it when your brother sympathizes with you? Brother, I want it!"

"You! Even if you give it to me for free to save my brother, I don't want these down pants!"

Old Zhang looked at the two people singing the same tune, and there was nothing else to understand, so he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Don't say anything, it's my bad luck today. Give me the door and give you the down pants."

He thought about running directly into the holiday hotel and not coming out. The rules inside were strict and fighting was prohibited.

But there were no empty rooms for rent, and he had to go out at night.

Even if he stayed in the safe zone, the two men could easily carry him away from the hotel's jurisdiction, and then kill him.

As long as there was no fight in the hotel, Boss Xia would not interfere in anything.

Lao Zhang sighed deeply and said:

"I can give it to you, but you have to help me install the door."

"This..." The bearded man and his wife exchanged glances.

His wife shook her head and disagreed with him going.

Lao Zhang took in the reactions of the two people and felt a little angry.

"Do you want to go or not? At worst, I don't want your door and give the down pants to those two people.

It doesn't matter whether I live or die, but they will definitely not live in a house without a door. If I say something 'good' about you before I die... hehe."

"You!" What a cruel heart!

The woman was so angry that she wanted to scratch his face.

The bearded man held her back, "I'll go with you, but you have to put the down pants in my wife's hands."

"No, you have to take down the door first."

Seeing that Lao Zhang refused categorically, the bearded man had to grit his teeth and agree.

"Take down the door!"

Lao Zhang stood aside, watching him with cold eyes as he worked with a lot of clinking and clanging, and soon took down the door outside.

He carried the door on his shoulder, "Give the down pants to my wife."

Lao Zhang snorted coldly, unwrapped the package, took out the down pants and threw them over.

"Take it. I hope you can wear it."

The woman caught it quickly, squeezed it, and felt soft and genuine.

Seeing this, the bearded man asked her to lock the door and wait for him to come back.

The two came to Lao Zhang's original residence, and the person inside was lying on the bed and smoking leisurely, without even glancing at him.

The bearded man and Lao Zhang breathed a sigh of relief.

The bearded man complained in his heart, and didn't know where they got the cigarettes from.

The two put away their thoughts and installed the door as quickly as possible.

Two minutes later, the door was installed.

They quietly closed the door and prepared to leave.


The two were immediately frightened and sweating, not knowing what they were going to do by calling them.

"Leave the key behind, are you two going to come in and steal something while we're not here?" The pointed-eared man sneered.

"No, no, no, how dare you. Leave the key behind!" Lao Zhang hurriedly pushed him and signaled him to hurry up.

The bearded man was also nervous.

I don't know why, he felt scared when he saw the two of them.

He took out the key from his pocket, trembling as he took it off, and handed it to Lao Zhang.

"What are you doing for me? Go deliver it yourself!" Lao Zhang took a step back and refused to take it.

"I'm just here to help with the door!" The bearded man was not happy either.

It was just a favor, why did he have to show up in front of the two again and again?

The two of them were in a stalemate.

"Are you two done yet?!" The pointed-eared man frowned fiercely and threw his cigarette butt directly over, "Why are you so hesitant about delivering a key!"

"If you don't want to leave, stay." The braided man beside him put out his cigarette as if nothing had happened, and looked at the two of them calmly.

The two of them seemed to be nailed to the spot, unable to move a step.

Finally, Lao Zhang reacted and pushed him hard on the back.

The bearded man staggered, cursing in his heart, and after meeting the eyes of the two, he had to bite the bullet and put the key on the bedside.

"...bosses, here are all the keys to this door, this one, the only one." He forced a smile and backed away from the two.

"Close the door after you go out."

"Hey, got it."

The bearded man backed out and gently closed the door.

After completely cutting off the two people's eyes, the bearded man felt alive again.

The weather was not so hot anymore, but he was sweating all over.

He felt his teeth itching when he thought of what Lao Zhang had just done.

Looking around, Lao Zhang actually ran to the safe area of ​​the holiday hotel.

Damn it, bad luck.

The bearded man went back to his home cursing.

Xia Yan stood behind the glass and saw everything that happened clearly.

The bearded man's closed door, Lao Zhang who was sitting on the steps outside the door without a home, and the two people who were robbing the house in a big way.

If I guessed correctly, I would receive another small cube.

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