I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 155: Boss Jing's Sigh

Lao Zhang made do with one night in the safe zone.

Early the next morning, he saw Sheng Nan going out and followed her quietly.

After crossing a few streets, Sheng Nan stopped by the road and looked back at him.

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿก๐Ÿž๐•ค๐•™๐•ฆ.๐•Ÿ๐•–๐•ฅ

"Why are you following me?"

Lao Zhang rubbed his hands and smiled flatteringly: "I have something to tell you, but it's not really important."

"Since it's not important, then don't say it." Sheng Nan glanced at him and turned to leave.

"Hey, Captain Sheng, don't leave in a hurry. Just listen to me." Lao Zhang hurriedly called to her, "Actually, it's like this. I think Captain Sheng is very powerful. If you can manage our group like the base, People will be fine.

After all, everyone is now scattered, each looking after his own business. Of course, we canโ€™t let you do management for nothing, we can pay you some management fees every month..."

Sheng Nan stopped, "Is this your idea or everyone else's?"

"For the time being, it's my personal one, but don't worry, everyone wants someone with powerful powers to be their protector, even if they have a cross-crystal core, they are happy to do so."

Sheng Nan rolled his eyes after thinking about it.

"I can only say that you are overthinking. I have no intention of protecting anyone, thank you."

After that, she walked away.

Lao Zhang was left alone in his place, stunned.

Don't fall for it.

He also wanted to take the opportunity to get his house back.

Now, could he really just find another place to live?

Somewhat unwilling...


Inside the resort hotel.

Xia Yanshou was watching the store at the front desk, kicking his legs and playing.

The weather has been nice recently, and I always want to go back and bask in the sun.

Even the passion for renting a house is gone.

Hey, it turns out that it sucks for a while and feels good for a while.

It's always fun to be messed up.

Xiong Xiong went upstairs to inform customers door to door that Lidai Island was open for rental business.

The monthly rent was not cheap, so Xia Yan didn't have much hope.

Anyway, let it go.

Not long after, Jing Yimai went downstairs with his bag on his back.

When he saw Xia Yan, he hesitated for a moment, and stopped when he was about to enter the holiday door.

He didn't speak, his eyes fell on the TV playing the variety show.

Xia Yan glanced at him and planned to wait.

Maybe there are still customers willing to come in.

At this time, the elevator door opened, and several customers walked out of it and walked straight to Jing Yimai.

Wait in line, and you'll get a lot of insights as soon as you go in.

The customers who checked in later were not very familiar with Xia Yan. Although they knew she was the boss here, they always felt that she was not as friendly as Xiong Xiong when they came into contact with her.

After several waves of customers were transported up and down in the elevator, Xiong Xiong followed the last wave of customers downstairs.

It walked to Xia Yan and said, "Boss, all the guests are here."


Xia Yan stood up and invited everyone to enter Lidai Island.

Jing Yimai followed her and was the second to step into the holiday door. The others followed suit and stepped onto the white gravel again with excitement.

Blowing in the salty sea breeze, everyone discovered that there were two more buildings on Ridai Island.

"Rental Department, what's the other one? It's flashing, I can't see anything clearly."

"I don't know, it's all made of glass. We'll find out later..."

The door to the rental department opened automatically before anyone could approach.

The little bears inside stood in rows, looking at them and chatting.

"Oh my God."

"Are those... Manager Bear's children?"

"It's so similar, carved from the same mold."

"Can a bear give birth to so many babies in one litter?"

The appearance of the little bears instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Whatโ€™s so good about a bare glass house?

There's nothing inside yet.

How could Store Manager Xiongโ€™s children be so cute?

The guests looked at the cubs with curiosity, and so did the cubs.

Before they could walk through the door, the bear cubs rushed out and surrounded Xia Yan, each calling the boss cute.

Xia Yan happily patted each cub on the head, making them very soft.

The customers behind him looked envious.

Sure enough, the cubs are the cutest.

"Work first, customers come to see the house, everyone should be seated."

"Okay, okay!"

The cubs took her hand and led her into the hall, then dispersed and returned to their work stations, hanging their work badges around their necks.

"Welcome to the rental department, the little bears say hello~"

"Hey, okay, thank you, thank you." The customers nodded repeatedly.

How could I have received such courtesy after the end of the world? I was a little flattered.

Xia Yan cleared his throat and said, "This is the house currently rented out. Which house are you interested in? Let the little bears take you in to view it on site."

She waved, and two little bears walked out from the reception desk, leading everyone to introduce them.

Xia Yan followed everyone and walked leisurely.

Even though he is young, he is good at his job.

After introducing the situation and price of the house in a few words, Xiao Xiong, who is responsible for the type of house, takes the interested customers to visit.

"Did I hear correctly? How many points per month??" Customer A plucked his ears and was shocked.

"Guests with different prices. Bubble house 70,000 points for three months, water house 90,000 points for three months, private island 180,000 points per month."

The customers were stunned and looked at each other, all embarrassed.

They thought it was similar to the price of a resort hotel.

I didn't expect the difference to be so big...

It turns out that Boss Xia also wants to earn points.

After hearing the price, Jing Yimai looked back at Xia Yan, his eyes full of shock and distraction.

He always thought that he was still a person with points.

Originally, he wanted to spend the winter well and learn from Boss Xia's leisurely life...

Heavy blow...

Seeing that everyone was thinking of retreating, Xia Yan said:

"Since everyone is here, let's go in and take a look. Let's talk about whether to rent it or not."

Seeing that Boss Xia had spoken, everyone felt relieved when they recalled that there had never been forced buying or selling in the hotel.

Then, go in and take a look.

Everyone walked to the room they were interested in, followed the little bears into the vortex, and disappeared in place.

Jing Yimai touched the pitiful points in the points card and gritted his teeth and walked into the private villa.

He wanted to see where the rent of 180,000 points a month was so expensive.

Five minutes later, he was completely convinced.

Compared with the villa, the room he lived in now was pitifully small, like a sparrow's nest.

This is the difference between survival and life.

He left the private island and stepped into the water house.

Although the water house is a little smaller than the villa, it is better than the room he lives in now.

Moreover, it can directly enter the sea.

Go out to kill zombies during the day, and lie on the lounge chair to watch the sunset at night.

Life is pretty comfortable.

As for the bubble house, he took a look and left.

Jing Yimai returned to the water house, sat on the floor and looked into the distance to reflect on himself.

He has been staying in the hotel for a while, and even if he kills zombies, he only kills zombies near the hotel.

Food and drink are cheap there. With the points he has now, let alone winter, even if he stays in a bad state for another year, his points are enough.


After seeing these houses, he suddenly woke up.

What kind of effort is he?

Killing level 2 and 3 zombies with a level 6 ability is called effort?

Under his witness, the hotel has gradually changed from a broken house to a resort area.

And he has not made any progress except reaching level 6.

All self-righteous efforts are deceiving themselves.

The place where he lives now, to put it bluntly, is actually a low-rent house rented out by Boss Xia to take care of everyone.

The strong will never stop moving forward.

Jing Yimai sighed.

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