Jing Yimai looked at the sea for a while and calmed down.

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It's not too late to realize the problem.

Making changes is what we really need to do.

The tenant's exclamation came from behind, and his footsteps gradually approached.

He stood up and made way, and passed by the family of three with a calm look.

Jing Yimai walked to the reception desk, where you can handle the rental business.

"Customer, which house do you want to rent?" The little bear with a little red flower on his head took out a pen and a notebook.

"Water house."

Xia Yan was sitting idly by the side, and looked back when she heard his voice.

"Not staying in the hotel anymore?"

Jing Yimai looked at her and nodded.

Xia Yan keenly noticed that he had changed, but she couldn't say what it was.

It felt like the whole person was more restrained.

Xia Yan took a look and then retracted his gaze.

I don't know if it's because my relatives are coming soon, but I can't do anything.

I feel lazy.

Let's go back and lie down later.

Seeing that the two didn't continue chatting, Xiao Xiongxiong began to introduce the way to enter and exit after renting the house.

"No matter where you are in the future, you can teleport to your house through the background. If you teleport again, you will return to the position when you came in, and there will be a three-second invincible shield."


"There is one more thing, the water house has an absolute area of ​​3 meters, and no one or anything can enter without your permission."

"Got it."

"The deduction notice has been sent to your points card background, please operate~"

Jing Yimai double-clicked and agreed to pay.

The balance in the card was instantly reduced to 20,000 points.

Xia Yan took this opportunity to apply for the rental of the water house.

Xiao Xiongxiong told him the good news as soon as he received the information, "Your house has been successfully rented. If you don't want to renew the lease in the future, please apply in the background~"

"Thank you."

Jing Yimai saw a virtual big arrow appear on the points card.

This was to point out the location of the water house to him.

He said nothing more and followed the arrow to leave the rental department.

Going around the big lake in front of him, the water house is located near the mountain.

Stepping on the fine gravel, a slight rustling sound was made.

Step by step, he walked away from the deep sea area, away from the rental department, and walked to the seashore of another shallow reef.

The water house is here.

As he stood still, a light gray wooden bridge quickly emerged on the calm sea surface, which was only wide enough for him to pass.

Jing Yimai stepped on it.

He felt a very solid touch under his feet.

The water house that belonged to him was at the end of the wooden bridge, surrounded by a layer of light yellow protective cover.

It flashed for three seconds and then became transparent.

As if to remind him, the water house also had a protective cover.

He strode across the wooden bridge, and when he looked back, there was nothing behind him, and there was no trace of the wooden bridge at all.

Boss Xia always took great care to protect the safety of his customers.

He lowered his eyelashes, and when he looked up again, there was more determination in his eyes.


Except Jing Yimai, only a few customers rented bubble houses.

Xia Yan didn't expect that there were actually a few wealthy people in the hotel.

The remaining customers looked at her with a smile, their faces red.

"You've all finished watching, right? Then let's go back together."

Xia Yan stood up and waved to them with a smile.

"By the way, I want to tell you that Lidai Island will start charging admission tickets in the future. Each person will be charged 50 points per time. Overnight stays are prohibited. The business hours are from 7 am to 10 pm. Please tell each other."

The ticket is just a cover.

Now that there are customers staying in Lidai Island, naturally, hotel customers can no longer enter and exit at will.

If you spend a high price, you naturally have to enjoy a different environment.

She walked in front and returned to the hotel first.

After the customers came out, she set the ticket price in the background.

"Please tell each other." She smiled.

The guests nodded and took the elevator back to their houses one after another.

Xiongxiong took a glass of orange juice very sensibly.

"Thank you for your hard work, boss."

Xia Yan took it and placed it on the coffee table, then lazily lay on the sofa.

Looking at it reminded me of the group of kids in the rental department.

The more I looked at them, the more they looked alike.

Then she started to play.



"I'll tell you something fun. Well...you should go and see for yourself."

Xiongxiong tilted his head, "Where are we going?"

"Go to the rental department in Ridai Island and see if you like the environment there." Xia Yan grinned.


Xiongxiong took off her apron and folded it neatly on the cashier.

"Then I'll go."

Xia Yan waved.

Ah, I wonder what Xiongxiong's reaction would be when he saw those kids.

Little bear milk VS young bear

It's fun just to think about it.

Xia Yan drank a sip of orange juice and laughed happily.

"Ding Dong."

She looked over when she heard the sound.

Jing Yimai walked out of the elevator with his bulging luggage.

He was followed by Bai Zuo and Bai You.

Like two little tails.

He stepped into the resort gate without looking around, but Bai Zuo and Bai You were stopped outside.

"Collect, collect the entrance fee?"

"50 points?" Bai You wailed.

They opened the points card at the same time, looking at the numbers on it in confusion.

Points are hard to come by, and the tickets are too expensive!

They looked at Boss Xia on the sofa, but didn't dare to speak loudly. They were reluctant to leave, so they squatted on both sides of the door.

"Why haven't I seen you go out with Ye Qizhen recently?" Xia Yan asked curiously.

Did the three of them break up?

As soon as they heard the three words "Ye Qizhen", they snorted coldly and turned their heads to one side: "We won't go with him, a cold-blooded animal!"

"What do you mean?" Xia Yan became interested.

I like to watch the excitement the most.

Bai You lowered his head and tapped his toes, obviously not wanting to answer.

Bai You hesitated between him and Boss Xia, "Aunt Ye has been dead for so long, and we have never seen him cry, just like a normal person. He is the ungrateful wolf that grandma said. We won't go with him."

"This..." Xia Yan laughed, she didn't expect it to be this reason.

It can only be said that the two are still young and too naive. After all, you don't have to cry when you are sad.

She turned her head back, drinking orange juice and not ready to continue the conversation.

Bai Zuo didn't hear what he wanted to hear. He felt that it was not clear enough and Boss Xia didn't understand it thoroughly. He straightened up and wanted to add a few more words.

But Bai You on the side stopped him, glanced at her, and shook his head slightly.

Bai You also looked at Boss Xia, and seeing that she didn't react, he bent down dejectedly and waited for Boss Jing.

The hall became quiet.

The TV was still playing a program, which changed from the original lyrical TV series to an interview program.

"Regarding the growth of children, how do you think children without parental education can be healthy--"

Xia Yan switched to the next program expressionlessly.

A furry foot stepped out of the holiday door.


Bai Zuo and Bai You hurriedly stood up to prevent being stepped on by Xiong Xiong.


Xiong Xiong cried loudly and ran straight to Xia Yan.

"What--Oh, it's so heavy."

Xia Yan was pounced on by it and was pressed against the back of the sofa.

"Hey, Xiongxiong, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying? Did they bully you?"

It would be fine if he didn't mention it. Once he mentioned it, Xiongxiong felt even more wronged.

He held Xia Yan tightly, and rubbed her neck with his furry face.

She was so itchy that she kept dodging.

"No, no, Xiong, it's too itchy, haha, let me go quickly, haha."

Xiongxiong refused to let go, and held her tighter and tighter. His breath was hot, and Xia Yan almost laughed out tears.

God knows, she is most afraid of being tickled.

"...Boss, do you want me anymore..."

Xiongxiong hid in her neck and was depressed.

"You still have so many cute little bears..."

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