Xia Yan finally figured it out.

It turned out that when Xiong Xiong went in and saw so many little bears who were much smaller than him, his confidence instantly collapsed.

He pointed at the group of little cubs with trembling fingers for a long time, and couldn't say a word.

The group of little bears had faces that looked very similar to his, and they imitated his movements and tone, laughing together.

Xiong Xiong was even more angry.

Although he felt that he was also naughty when he was a child.

But they can't!

This is Xiong Xiong's patent!

"Look, it's angry!" said the little bear with a little red flower on his head.

"It's bigger than us, will we be so ugly when we grow up?" Another little bear circled around it, and kept clicking his tongue.

"Is it ugly? It's pretty cute. It has a round belly and wears clothes."

The little green flower bear hooked its finger and spun around.

Hearing it praise itself for being cute, Xiong Xiong was very grateful and let it pat its belly.

But the next sentence made Xiong Xiong so angry that he couldn't help it--

"But hey, it's not as cute as me! I'm the cutest, the boss likes me the most!"

"Humph! No, the boss likes me the most!" Xiong Xiong retorted.

Hearing this, a group of little bears surrounded it in the middle, like a group of little devils.

"The boss likes me the most and asked me to hug him."

"Who are you? I even held the boss's hand."

"You are all bad, the boss praised me as the cutest..."

The more Xiong Xiong listened, the angrier and more aggrieved he felt.

The little bears suddenly changed their target, aiming at the bear in the center, and said in unison:

"We are the cutest!"

"No, no!"

Xiong Xiong stomped his feet, pushed away a group of little bears with grievance, and ran towards the holiday door.


They bully Xiong Xiong...

After Xiong Xiong finished speaking, he sat obediently, his mouth pursed, two fingers pouted against each other, and his two black bean eyes secretly looked at her from time to time.

Waiting for the boss's final judgment with fear and trepidation.

Xia Yan was so angry that she laughed.

"Did those little bears really say that?"

Xiong Xiong nodded aggrievedly.

"Ask Zhi Kang to come out and look after the store. Xiong Xiong, go and prepare 8 sets of cleaning tools such as rags and mops."

Xia Yan crossed her arms and prepared to teach these little cubs a lesson.

There really is no big or small king, right?

Xiong Xiong burst into tears and laughed, trotted into the buffet restaurant, called Zhi Kang, and soon took the things and followed her.

The two went straight to the rental department.

Xia Yan pushed open the door with a cold face.

The little bears playing inside were stunned for a moment, and when they saw the smug bear behind her, they looked at each other and stuck out their tongues, and stood in line obediently.

"Xiong Xiong, hand over the tools and supervise them to clean up the sanitation here. As long as there is a dirty place, it has to be wiped again!"

Xiong Xiong was happy when he heard it.

Cleaning, this is what it is best at!

Xiongxiong put the cleaning tools on the ground and raised his little chin.

"Come and get it!"

The little bears ran over with their short legs, holding rags and started cleaning.

Xia Yan walked to the side and sat on the stool, watching them work with a serious face.

Xiongxiong looked back at her, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up. He happily pulled his sleeves and patted the non-existent dust.

The clothes fit so well.

It can now be sure that the boss definitely likes it the most.

The little bears who secretly observed the two of them couldn't help but curl their lips when they saw this scene.

The bad bears who like to complain are not good bears!

"What are you peeking at? Clean up well."

The little bears shrank their shoulders and dared not make any more small movements.

Xia Yan laughed secretly where they couldn't see.

They are really a group of children.

She bought 8 small gifts in the mall, waved to Xiongxiong, and asked him to distribute them after checking the hygiene.

Give a slap and then a candy.

Help Xiongxiong build prestige.

After doing all this, she returned to the hotel lobby.

Zhikang sat upright on the sofa, staring at the food show on the TV screen without moving.

Xia Yan sat next to him but didn't attract his attention.

"Boss Jing, where are you going?"

She looked over when she heard the voice.

Jing Yimai was carrying a black backpack, and his whole body was still wrapped tightly.

His wrists and ankles were also wrapped tightly with cloth strips like Qiao Zhen.

"Don't follow me anymore, it's useless, I won't take you with me." Jing Yimai pushed them on the forehead with a cold tone.

Bai Zuo and Bai You's eyes were red, and they shook their heads repeatedly.

"How dangerous you are, we also have superpowers, already level 2, and will never hold you back."

"No." He didn't even know where he was going.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Bai Zuo and Bai You hurriedly hugged his legs, pleading.

"Let go." Jing Yimai waited patiently for a few seconds, then directly pulled up their collars and threw them aside.

"Brother Jing!" The two screamed.

Seeing that they were about to catch up, Jing Yimai frowned, his aura was fully released, and his words were no longer polite.

"I'm going to kill level 5 zombies. What can you two do? Are you going to die? When you can afford to rent a water house, come and talk to me about going with you."

A water house for 90,000 points?

Bai Zuo and Bai You were dumbfounded.

Their total assets added up to only 30,000 points.

Jing Yimai glanced at Xia Yan who was watching the show on the side.

Why do you like to watch the fun so much?

"Are you going out?" Seeing this, Xia Yan smiled kindly.

Yes, yes, I like to watch the fun the most.

Jing Yimai covered half of his face, so his expression could not be seen clearly.

"Go out and have a look, bye."


Xia Yan looked at his back as he left.

He was as dark as when he came.

The two people who were sitting on the floor jumped up and ran out the door, wiping tears from time to time.

They came back in despair until Jing Yimai disappeared at the end of the street, the last ray of afterglow in the sky dissipated, and the bright stars filled the night sky.

"Boss, what happened to them?"

Xiong Xiong was curious.

"Jing Yimai left, and they were reluctant to let him go. You will notify the customers who have booked rooms to check in tomorrow." Xia Yan did not intend to explain more.

If he said he left, he would go back to the water house at night.

If he said he did not leave, he was not nearby.

Xiong Xiong also thought of this.

But he did not care, as long as he could bring income to the hotel.

Currently, 4 customers have moved to Lidai Island.

Finally, there are vacant rooms.

The customers who live outside are also happy.

When they heard Xiong Xiong's news that they could check in while they were having breakfast, they were surprised.

Zou Yu and Zhang Manxue were the first customers to book a room, so they could choose the room first.

"We can just stay in a double room."

Xiong Xiong checked them in on the spot.

After Xiong Xiong left, Zou Yu and Zhang Manxue excitedly held each other's hands.

"Wife, did you hear that? We can check in!"

"Yeah, I heard that. That's great. Let's go home and move our things!"

The two quickly finished the buns on the plate, not caring about responding to the congratulations from the people around them, and prepared to go back to pack their luggage.

When it comes to moving, the sooner the better.

The remaining three customers who were notified to check in obviously had the same idea as them, and they followed after eating a few bites.

After the few people left, there was a whisper in the restaurant.

The customers who checked in thanked themselves for coming early, and the customers who had not checked in were smart enough to run out to find Xiong Xiong to book a room.

In the crowd, two people showed different expressions from others.

They looked at each other, quickly scanned the crowd, and identified which customers were checking in based on the news they heard, and paid special attention to a few of them.

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