Zou Yu and Zhang Manxue were busy packing their luggage.

The heavy quilts and mattresses were also stuffed into the cloth bag.

"Ah." Zou Yu looked at the neatly stacked wood in the house and sighed deeply, "It was a waste to cut the trees and prepare so many things in vain, and then give them away."

Zhang Manxue was also reluctant to hear him say that.


It's not that she can't bear to leave this home, but she can't bear to leave the efforts they have made.

"Then what do you say? You can't take it to the hotel."

"Forget it, it can be safe in the hotel for the winter anyway. Continue to pack up."

Zou Yu took his eyes off the wood and decisively abandoned it after careful consideration.

At this time, a person walked in from outside the door.

"Brother, are you busy?"

The two turned around and it turned out to be Lao Zhang.

"Brother Zhang is here." Zou Yu glanced at his wife and greeted casually.

Lao Zhang kept touching the rows of wood and kept clicking his tongue.

"Brother Yu is really a good hand. Look at how he split the wood. It's neat and clean."

Old Zhang glanced at the two of them, and then he walked into the room quietly.

Zhang Manxue, who had been secretly observing him, bumped into Zou Yu and winked at him.

Zou Yu frowned, "Brother Zhang, what do you mean by this?"

"Hehe, nothing, nothing."

"Why are you going inside if there's nothing?" Zou Yu threw the package on the bed with an unchanging expression, and pretended to roll up his sleeves.

"Hey, brother, don't worry. I'm just taking a look. If you don't like it, I'll leave right away. Why are you rolling up your sleeves?"

Old Zhang waved his hand and moved out.

"Why are you following me like a leper?" Zhang Manxue picked up the package and stuffed the pillow in.

This kind of material is non-renewable.

If one day they don't plan to stay in a hotel, they don't have to worry about these things anymore.

"He's attracted to our wood and house."

"I know. As soon as he came, I knew what was going on. I really can't bear it." Zhang Manxue stamped her feet in hatred, "I can't bear to give away what we worked so hard to cut."

"And we spent points!" she added.

Zou Yu also felt a headache, "How about selling it to him?"

"Do you think he's someone who would spend points?"

"What should we do then?"

Zhang Manxue thought of a good idea.

"Give it to someone! Give it to Sheng Nan! She has a high level of supernatural power and hasn't booked a room yet. She should be spending the winter outside. Let's treat it as a favor."

Zou Yu's eyes lit up, "I agree!"

"Go see if she's home and talk to her."


Old Zhang at the door saw him coming out and hurriedly stood up, smiling and said, "Go out, brother."

Zou Yu passed by like a gust of wind.

"Oh." Old Zhang waved his hand, looked inside the house and squatted again.

After a while, Zou Yu ran back with a happy face.

"You're back, brother." Old Zhang smiled and stood up again.

Zou Yu didn't even look at him.

"Who are you?"

After being snubbed repeatedly, the thick-skinned old Zhang couldn't stand it anymore.

Forget it, just consider it for the sake of the house and firewood.

Speaking of wood, he had prepared a lot of it, but in the end, those two took it all.

What is lost will always come back.

Suddenly, he was kicked twice in the butt.

"Who is it! Oh, it's Sheng Nan, you come here..."

"Get up, don't block the way." Sheng Nan motioned him to squat aside.

Old Zhang bowed and stood up and left.

Soon he saw Sheng Nan and Zou Yu carrying wood.

"Hey, what are you doing..."

Sheng Nan glanced at him.

"It's okay, it's okay, do you need my help?"

No one paid attention to him.

Old Zhang rubbed his hands awkwardly.

He watched the room full of wood being emptied, and his mood was extremely complicated.

Zhang Manxue and Zou Yu walked into the holiday hotel with big and small bags.

Lao Zhang looked back and saw that the house was empty, and his heart was empty too.

He sighed heavily, got up and went to find Xiong Xiong to book a room.

In the hall, several people gathered in front of the cashier counter, and they all looked familiar.

Boss Xia was sitting on the sofa, slurping spicy snail noodles.

Eating such spicy food early in the morning, aren't you afraid of getting a stomachache?

Lao Zhang would not admit that he wanted to eat it too.

He squeezed through the crowd and came to the front, saying to Xiong Xiong:

"Manager Xiong, please register me too, I just want a single room."

"Register the information above, and I will notify you if there is a vacancy." Xiong Xiong pushed the notebook over.

"Are you kidding me? Why are you cutting in line, Zhang!"

"Just this time, just this time, don't be impatient." Lao Zhang didn't care so much, and after fooling around, he held the pen and wrote his name and other information.

"You guys are busy, I'm leaving. Boss Xia, I'm leaving."

"Hurry up and leave, it's annoying to watch." The customer who was squeezed to the back glanced at Xia Yan, but didn't dare to say anything unpleasant, and could only think that he was unlucky.

As long as the verbal conflicts between customers didn't get out of hand, Xia Yan would not pay attention.

People have many ideas and conflicts.

In order to prevent out-of-town customers from feeling unfair, Xia Yan simply let them make reservations without restrictions.

When there are vacancies, they will be notified to check in in order.


"Can the thing you said work?"

"It can work. Didn't you see that someone moved in today? As long as there are vacancies, it's fine." The long-eared man took out the last cigarette from the cigarette box and sniffed it at the tip of his nose.

"No more, give me one." The pigtail man reached out to take it, but he opened his hand.

"No more, just this one. Where's yours?"

"No more too."

"It seems I have to go to the black market to get some tobacco leaves. Damn, I always feel like I'm dying without cigarettes, and life is meaningless." The long-eared man took out a lighter and lit it, took a deep breath and exhaled the smoke.

"Give me a puff." The pigtail man leaned over and took a puff, looking intoxicated, "It's amazing, I've never thought that cigarettes are so fragrant before."

The long-eared man laughed, "Stupid 13, there is something in it, otherwise how can a box of cigarettes sell for 20 secondary crystal cores."

He took another puff, squinting his eyes to enjoy the surging pleasure in his body, and his superpowers increased slightly after a tremor.

The pigtail man took the opportunity to take another puff.

"I know something is added in it. Could it be... that?"

"No, it's just the blood of a superpower."

"Can this thing be passed on?" The pigtail man thought it was unrealistic.

If it was really blood, this superpower would be robbed like crazy, who would advertise it?

"How can it be impossible? You don't know how powerful the power behind it is, who dares to move. And I have seen the production process of cigarettes with my own eyes."

"Why haven't I seen it?"

"Who knows what you are doing, you idiot." The pointy-eared man said unhappily.

"Let me take another puff and I will forgive your offense. Keep talking, I love to hear it."

"You can smoke, and give me one later. I didn't ask you for more."


The long-eared man took several deep puffs, leaving only the butt of the cigarette to hand over. After his body recovered, he said lazily: "I have only seen it that once.

It was when promoting cigarettes, and it was too expensive. Who would be willing to spend a lot of money to buy a box of cigarettes?

The group had no choice but to take out a blood potion on the spot, saying that it was a new potion that could enhance superpowers, and the effect would be doubled when used with tobacco leaves.

Then he injected a small part into the cigarette, lit it, and asked everyone to take a puff, but not too much.

I also tried it, it was really awesome."

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