I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 159 What is a merchant?

"Then what.

"Buying cigarettes, what else? How did you get into smoking? Very few people know about this." The long-eared man adjusted himself to a comfortable position and asked.

"By chance, someone recommended this thing to me. It was said to be very good. One cigarette cost me 10 secondary crystal cores. I'm losing my pants now just thinking about it." The pigtailed man tore open the butt of the cigarette, revealing the full contents inside. It's tar cotton, put it on your nose and smell it deeply.

"That's too expensive. The black market should be open next Friday, do you want to go?"

"I want to go, but there is no crystal core."

The long-eared man clicked his tongue, he also had no crystal core.

The two of them looked at the gray wall and couldn't think of any way to quickly get the crystal core.

Regardless of whether the customer is staying or not, the crystal core is converted into points.

The black market doesn’t recognize points.

"Hey, do you think you can exchange points for crystal nuclei?" The pigtailed man suddenly said: "Crystal nuclei can be exchanged for points, and points can also be exchanged for crystal nuclei!"

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They both sat up at the same time.

"There's nothing wrong with what you said. If we can change it, we'll have a lot more room for maneuver."

"Go ask Boss Xia."


"What did you say? What do you want to do?"

In the hall, Xia Yan stood up straight and looked shocked.

Lao Zhang rubbed his hands, quickly glanced outside the door, and repeated: "I want to ask if the points can be exchanged for crystal cores..."

"Can't change it."

Xia Yan noticed his movements and knew who asked him to come.

These two people were quite cautious and knew how to send a minion out.

Let me ask this question...the mind is not an ordinary poison.

After receiving the answer, Lao Zhang relaxed.

"Well, I'll bother you, Boss Xia. I'll leave first."

Lao Zhang went out without stopping.

Xia Yan looked at his back in silence.

She was in no position to criticize his behavior.

Anyway, once the crystal core entered her pocket, it didn't go back.

The strong one wins.

If you don't accept it, make trouble.


Lao Zhang stood still, took a deep breath, opened the door and walked in.

The two people lying on the bed heard the sound and looked over.

"Come back so soon? What did she say?"

"Boss Xia said no, we can't change it." He hunched his shoulders and carefully looked at his face.

"She didn't say why she couldn't change?"

"Just businessmen, as you know, are only interested in profit. The crystal core that goes into the pocket cannot be spit out again..." Lao Zhang started to talk nonsense, and fine beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

"It's so *\u0026#@\u0026, these..." The long-eared man cursed angrily, then looked at Lao Zhang and said with a smile: "You know what to say and what not to say."

The braided man next to him pulled out a sharp blade and tapped it with his fingers, making a crisp sound.

"I know, I know." Lao Zhang swallowed and nodded.

"get out."

Lao Zhang quickly "fucked off".

"What can we do? We can't replace the crystal core." The pigtailed man hit the bed hard with a hammer, his face wrinkled like a chrysanthemum.

"Shut up and let me think."

The long-eared man roared and then thought deeply, his mind running wildly.

How can I get the crystal core quickly? !

The braided man didn't dare to disturb him, so he had to pretend to think of ideas.

The actual brain goes blank.

"You said..." the long-eared man suddenly spoke.

"If we can help those who have reserved a house to move in in advance, how many crystal cores should we charge?"

The braided man sat up suddenly.

"Move in early?"

The long-eared man nodded.

"Well, then we have to collect five or six second-level crystal cores anyway. But they all have points in their hands..."

"Tsk, you're so stupid. With all the points, why can't you kill zombies?!"

"But, the black market is next Friday, too late, right?"

The long-eared man thought for a moment and then said, "It should be fine. Don't underestimate those people. When the female boss isn't here, go check the registration book and see who is next in line."


The braided man got up and walked out.

The glass of the resort hotel was so bright that he could see Boss Xia sitting on the sofa without even getting close.

Yes, let's bask in the sun.

He wandered aside and sat down on the steps.

Anyway, it’s not hot anymore, so just take calcium supplement.

His behavior of peeking in from time to time successfully attracted Xia Yan.

After waiting for several days, it was finally time to take action.

I didn't expect these two people to be able to handle it.

Xia Yan sneered and pretended not to see it.

She waited for a while, and the man kept slumped on the steps pretending to bask in the sun.

After thinking about it, she called Xiong Xiong and whispered:

"Have you seen that person outside the door? When he comes in later, just leave him alone and just do your own work."

Xiong Xiong heard this and looked out the door, "Did something happen to the boss?"

"not yet."

Xia Yan got up and walked into the cafeteria, took a cup of coffee, sat on a chair by the window, drank, and turned on the surveillance background to stare.

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The pigtailed man who had been lying outside the door basking in the sun actually slept through it.

He turned to look at the hotel again.

Boss Xia is no longer here.

Only Bear was left working in the hall.

The pigtailed man stood up and stretched his back to observe his surroundings. He happened to see Boss Xia drinking coffee by the window in the cafeteria.

He was relieved.

It was good to know where she was.

It looked like she still had a full cup of coffee. She probably wouldn't come out for a while.

There was plenty of time.

The pigtailed man hummed a little tune and walked into the hotel.

Xiong Xiong, who was mopping the floor, just looked up at him and then concentrated on his work.

The pigtailed man was even more relieved. He pretended to be attracted by the TV program on the way upstairs and stopped at the stairs.

Xiong Xiong ignored him, picked up the bucket and went outside to wash the steps.

It was not in vain. The opportunity came.

The pigtailed man's eyes lit up and he walked quickly behind the cashier.

The book with the reservation information was placed in the open.

He carefully glanced at Xiong Xiong outside, and his men kept turning the first page.

"Reservation information, bearded man, two people... Lao Zhang, one person."

He wrote down the first five people.

Xiongxiong glanced at the front desk, not knowing what he was looking at.

But the boss said, ignore him.

Xiongxiong retracted his gaze and continued to mop the floor.

The pigtail man looked outside the door, closed the book and went to the second floor. He stayed there for a while and then went downstairs again.

He greeted Xiongxiong when he passed by him. He looked kind and didn't look like someone with ulterior motives.

Xiongxiong ignored him, poured the sewage on the street, and went back with the mop.

"Boss, he's gone."

"Yeah, I know." Xia Yan stood behind the cashier and flipped through the reservation information book.

She saw it clearly in the surveillance just now.

The pigtail man just flipped through it, didn't add the two people, and didn't change anyone's information.

It seems that he went to such great lengths just to understand the information of the reservation personnel.

Then he thought about Lao Zhang asking if the points could be exchanged for crystal cores.

Could it be that their purpose was for crystal cores?

But, what do they want crystal cores for? Upgrade?

Xia Yan sorted out her thoughts and thought about it carefully before she suddenly realized.

The two of them probably realized that the points could not be exchanged for crystal cores, so they thought of another way.

Who is the next person to be booked?

The bearded man.

What a coincidence.

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