I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 160 Knock Knock Knock

The bearded man and his wife spent the most unforgettable night.

First, the door was knocked after dark, which scared the two people who were lying in the quilt and preparing to go to sleep.

"Old man, who do you think is outside the door?" The woman asked in a low voice, shaking like a sieve.

Everyone who lives on this street knows that if there is something, they will talk during the day and close the door at night.

Compared with zombies, they are more afraid of their own kind.

The bearded man did not reply, and rubbed his shaking hands around him.

After touching the cold sharp weapon, his heart stabilized.

The door was knocked again, and there was a strong force that would keep knocking until it came out.

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The sound was not loud, but it seemed to knock on the heart.

"I'll go and see." The bearded man whispered.

The woman grabbed the corner of his clothes tightly, and her voice was tight as a line, "You, you be careful."

The bearded man slapped her hand away.

He tiptoed towards the door and listened carefully.

"Knock knock--"

The sudden sound in his ear frightened him and he gasped.

The knocking stopped.

Apparently the person behind the door heard the noise.

"Brother, are you behind the door?"

Isn't this the voice of the person who robbed Lao Zhang's house? !

The bearded man was sweating coldly.

Why are they looking for him?

"Brother, we know you are behind." Some eerie words came from the gap in the door.

A tingling sensation climbed up his neck along his spine from the soles of his feet, as if a poisonous snake was entangled.

The bearded man's palms were full of cold sweat.

He swallowed hard and tried to make himself sound normal:

"Yes, we'll talk about it tomorrow. We're asleep."

"It's too late tomorrow. Open the door and let's go in and talk."

"Well, that won't work. We're already asleep."

The woman got out of bed secretly and squatted beside him, her heart beating so fast that it was about to jump out.

Hearing that the two men insisted on coming in, her hands and feet were cold, and her knees were weak and she sat down on the ground.

Those are two brutal men with superpowers!

Her husband can't beat them...

The scene of the tragic death of a woman she had seen before automatically appeared in front of her.

Faintly, she saw a face that looked like her lying in a pool of blood...

"Brother, don't worry, we don't have any idea about you, we just want to talk about a deal." The man outside the door took two deep breaths and tried to speak calmly.

"What deal? We don't have money, no, no crystal core."

God bless them, let them go quickly.

The woman folded her hands and prayed continuously.

"If they force their way through the door later, I will hold them back, and you run to the safe zone." The bearded man leaned in and whispered.


The bearded man hurriedly covered her mouth and said in a breath: "Keep your voice down."

The woman was scared to death, her nose was sore and two lines of clear tears flowed out.

The holiday hotel is good, there is food and drink inside.

But they can't live in it.

Boss Xia doesn't care about the outside.

Their life is as sad as in the base.

If she could stay in a hotel... If she could... She would pay any price...

"Okay, open the door, we can let you stay in a hotel." The person behind the door finally lost his patience and said the purpose of this trip.


The two were stunned.

Stay in a hotel?

"Open or not? If not, we will find someone else."

Open? Not open?

The two were unsure.

On one side were two lives that might be harmed, and on the other side was the dream of staying in a hotel.

But the person outside the door obviously didn't have the patience to wait any longer.

There was a lot of room for maneuver in booking the first place.

Let's find the next person who will be the first.

The bearded man and his wife were half relieved and half puzzled when they heard that they were really leaving.

"How about giving it a try?"

The woman was also unsure.

Hearing that the two had really walked away, the bearded man made up his mind and opened the door.

The moon is dark and windy, the moonlight is bright, the moonlight is like water, the moon is bright and the wind is clear, the old man under the moon...

The bearded man looked at the two people who were about to knock on another door and shouted softly: "Wait!"

The two turned around and showed a mocking expression.

"What, have you figured it out?"

The bearded man nodded, his eyes full of vigilance, "Are you telling the truth?"

Afraid that the neighbors around would hear, he lowered his voice very low.

"Come in and tell me."

The bearded man wanted to take a gamble.

The pointed-eared man and the pigtailed man looked at each other and turned back to the bearded man's home.

The two of them were not polite and sat directly on the only bed in the house.

The bearded man half-hidden in front of the woman and asked cautiously:

"What you just said... is it true?"


"But there are no vacancies in the holiday hotel. If there are..."

"Haven't you heard a saying, if there are no conditions, create them." The pointed-eared man scratched his ears and flicked his little finger casually, looking nonchalant.

The bearded man seemed to understand, his heart was beating like a drum.

They want to...

"What do you want? Tell me the price, I'll see if I can afford it."

The pigtailed man on the side said, "Tell me a number."


The bearded man and the woman looked at each other, not knowing how to price.

The long-eared man saw that the two were reluctant to speak, and sneered and suggested:

"Hesitate? Just think about how many crystal cores your life is worth, isn't this number easy to figure out?"

This is not a scalper asking for a sky-high price, it is a direct threat.

The bearded man gritted his teeth and quoted: "Ten first-level crystal cores."

"Keep the flowers on the road." The two stood up and left.

"No, no, no, aren't we talking about the price? Let's talk about it later." The bearded man stood in front, a little flustered.

"No ink marks, fixed price, 6 secondary crystal cores." The long-eared man made the sign of six.

"This is too expensive! I don't have that many crystal nuclei!"

"If not, just figure it out on your own."

The long-eared man waved his arm away, and the two of them walked out.

The bearded man didn't stop them anymore and just watched them leave.

"Husband, do you think what they said is true?"

"...have no idea."

The two of them returned to the door just now, knocked a few times and said something, and the door opened.

The long-eared man looked back at him before entering the door, unable to hide the sarcasm on his lips.

"They went in. Do you think that family will give them 6 secondary crystal cores? It's too expensive."

The woman was lying on the edge of the door with only her eyes exposed.

"If that family agrees, what's the use? We are the first to book. Even if there are vacancies, we will move in first."

The bearded man heard what she said and thought that was the case.

It seems like there is no need to worry.

Let that family pay the crystal core.

Anyway, I am first in line.

The bearded man looked at the hotel covered in silver gauze, then pulled the woman into the room to close the door.

But he didn't expect that the woman's sudden words would make his scalp numb and his liver and gallbladder split.

"As long as we don't move in, it's useless for others to pay for the crystal core. It's getting late, so go to sleep."

The woman locked the door, held his hand and found that her palms were covered with cold sweat and her fingers were extremely cold.

"Husband, what's wrong with you?"

The bearded man slowly turned back mechanically, his eyes widened and full of fear.

“How can the person in second place get to first place?”

"What's wrong with you? There's no need to ask. Naturally, you surpassed the first place - you mean?!"

The woman also reacted.

"How dare they..."

The bearded man didn't have time to speak, so he hurriedly opened the door and wanted to rush over and drag the two of them back.

But I saw the two people walking out of the door with smiles on their faces...

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