The pointy-eared man and the pigtailed man sat in the corner and ate breakfast slowly.

His eyes lingered on the customers in front of him.

The price had been negotiated.

The only thing missing was a vacancy.

"Look at the table in the northeast corner." The pointy-eared man whispered while eating a bun: "That woman seems to be single, so it's easy to get her."

The pigtailed man looked back calmly.

There were four people sitting at the table he mentioned, and it was obvious that they were sharing a table to eat.

Especially the young girl in the corner, who looked too out of place.

"Okay, I'll follow her later." The pigtailed man picked up the bowl and sipped the porridge.

The two chatted casually for a few more words.

"Let's go." The pointy-eared man finished his bun in one bite, wiped his mouth and stood up.

The pigtailed man followed.

It was a busy time in the hotel.

There were many people coming and going to eat.

The two walked and chatted slowly, and their eyes seemed to be looking around, but they were actually staring at the girl.

The elevator happened to be in place, the girl stepped aside, and the people inside filed out.

The group of young people who came out later seemed to know her, but neither of them said hello.

The girl snorted coldly and walked into the elevator, pressing the button for the third floor with an unhappy look on her face.

The two walked in, smiled gently at her, and stepped back to keep their distance.

Sure enough, this behavior won Feng Bei's favor.

"Which floor are you going to?" she asked.

"Fourth floor, please."

Feng Bei pressed it.

I really didn't expect to encounter such a troublesome thing early in the morning.

It's been a long time since I met them, and today is really unlucky.

In order to alleviate her bad luck, she decided not to go out today.

Anyway, she has a lot of points.

It's enough to be cool for a long time.


The elevator arrived at the third floor in a blink of an eye, and Feng Bei walked out.

At the door of 303, when she was about to open the door, she looked back as if she had a sudden inspiration.

The elevator not far away was wide open.

The two smiled apologetically at her and pressed their fingers several times in a row.

The door slowly closed.

Feng Bei thought there was a small malfunction in the elevator.

Without thinking much, she opened the door and went in.

The elevator went up and opened on the fourth floor. The two walked out and went back to the third floor along the stairs.

Knock on 303.

"Who is it?"

"I am an employee here, here to do cleaning and disinfection."

"Didn't I just do it two days ago? Here again."

Feng Bei muttered and slowly opened the door.

"Ah, you guys——"

The two quickly covered her mouth, pushed her into the room, and locked the door.

Feng Bei stared and struggled hard, kicking and hitting the pigtail man's face and lower abdomen with her hands and feet.

She even used water power to block his mouth and nose, trying to force him to let go.

"Control her first, and wait until I find the crystal core and take her outside to deal with it. Boss Xia can't control her after she leaves this place." The pointed-eared man said casually.

Hearing this, the pigtail man moved his palm to release her nose to prevent her from suffocating and attracting Boss Xia, but he couldn't breathe and his face turned red in an instant, and his eyes began to become bloodshot.

The pointy-eared man looked at him with disdain, not bothering to care about him, and started searching for the crystal core nearby.

Useless thing, can't even control a woman.

It's just right that he died, so he can still take everything.

Feeling the water flowing into his throat and nasal cavity, the pigtailed man finally got angry because of the extreme physical discomfort, and threw the pointy-eared man's warning to the back of his mind.

He pinched her neck hard and pressed her on the bed, and clenched his free hand into a fist and hit her head hard, not far from her temple.

If the man's big fist hit her, she would definitely die!

"Boss Xia! Save me!" Feng Bei shouted hoarsely.

The fist whistled, and when it was about to fall, a protective shield instantly wrapped Feng Bei's whole body.

The fist, which had no time to change direction, hit the protective shield hard, and the same force was rebounded back.

With a crack, the pigtailed man held his wrist and his face turned liver-colored. He cried out in pain, and the water on his face was sucked into his trachea. He coughed and felt pain for a while, and was miserable.

"What's going on?!"

Hearing something wrong, the pointed-eared man turned around, and when he saw the protective shield on Feng Bei, he thought it was not good.

I'm afraid Boss Xia knew about it.

He is more likely to cause trouble than to succeed!

"Can you hold on?" The pointed-eared man's mind was spinning quickly, and he stepped forward and patted him on the back.

It seemed that he was helping him to calm down, but his other hand quietly took out several crystal cores from his pocket.

He had the crystal cores in his hands, and he was ready to jump out of the window to escape.

"Wait, I'll get you a glass of water."

As long as he ran out of the safe zone, he could survive. Boss Xia's power could not extend outside.

This was what he discovered on the first day he robbed the house.

The man with pointed ears pushed open the window and looked down. It was the third floor, and the floor was still concrete. If he jumped down, he would definitely break his bones. In the apocalypse, a bone fracture meant death.

He looked back and his eyes fell on the bed sheet. Use this!

Feng Bei was still in shock when he saw him coming. He walked to the side with trembling legs and moved towards the door quietly.

The man with pointed ears pulled out the bed sheet, grabbed a corner and fixed it on the bed leg, and threw the rest of the bed sheet out of the window.

This left only two floors of height. Even if he jumped down, he would only get swollen or nothing would happen.

The man with pointed ears showed joy, not caring about his companions, and did not see the surprised expression on someone's face when Feng Bei opened the door. He just grabbed the bed sheet and slid out.

"Boss Xia, you are finally here!" Feng Bei exclaimed, her voice full of emotions, surprise, fear, and grievance.

This was the first time she saw Boss Xia's face so happy.

"Well, are you okay?" Xia Yan looked around her body. Except for some red marks on her face and neck, there was no bleeding.

"No, no, I'm fine." Feng Bei choked.

The moment the two stepped into the hotel, she received a prompt from the system.

Open the monitoring interface and follow the two people's actions until they tricked Feng Bei into opening the door and breaking in. The monitoring ended here.

After a while, she received a prompt from the system that 'the customer is about to be attacked, and the protective shield has been turned on'.

Xia Yan walked into the room, and the pigtailed man next to the bed was still rolling in pain, touching his right wrist with his left hand for a while, pinching his neck for a while, and his eyes were rolling up a little.

"It's my superpower..." Feng Bei said, "He was about to hit me just now, and I blocked his airway with my superpower. It's still blocked inside now. My hand hit the protective shield..."

Feng Bei was nervous. Don't think she was the other party who created the conflict! She didn't want to be thrown into the zombie pile!

Xia Yan listened to her carefully, patted her shoulder, and said gently, "Well done, I'm going to catch him now, you can cancel your superpower."

Feng Bei was completely relieved now, and hurriedly used his superpower to guide the water blocked inside out.

The pigtailed man who was about to suffocate to death finally breathed in the air. The parts of his body that were lacking oxygen strongly demanded that he deliver oxygen quickly, otherwise he would die in front of him.

The pigtailed man was only concerned with breathing, and didn't notice that he was gradually floating in the air and was wrapped in a transparent cube.

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