Feng Bei pointed out the window and yelled: "Boss Xia, there is another one who escaped from there!"

This pointy-eared man is the most cunning, we must not let him run away!

Xia Yan looked at the sheets tied to the bed legs, walked to the window, and leaned his head out to look down.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱

The pointy-eared man was struggling to climb down.

But after so much time, he still didn't climb to the end of the bed sheet.

This made the pointy-eared man sweat anxiously. When he raised his head again to estimate the distance, he suddenly saw the weird Boss Xia with a smile on his face at the window. His heart stopped for a moment, and then beat violently. Unspeakable fear climbed up his spine, tightly wrapped around his neck, and kept contracting.

The palms of the pointy-eared man were full of sweat. He slid down a little unexpectedly and hurriedly grabbed to stabilize his body.

Seeing this, Xia Yan gently reminded him "kindly": "It's okay, let go and slide down, there's a bear to catch you."

A bear to catch you?

The pointed-eared man looked down and saw that the store manager Xiong was waiting with a super large net bag.

Seeing him looking at Xiong Xiong, he smiled and waved.

"Don't worry, Xiong Xiong will definitely catch it!"

Xia Yan smiled evilly.

Unless he has wings and can fly, it's like catching a turtle in a jar.

Go up, she's waiting, go down, there's a bear to catch you, and next to it, there's a transparent cube waiting at any time.

Looking at the pointed-eared man's frustrated expression, Xia Yan said she felt really comfortable.

This time there are both witnesses and evidence, and the little cube is really comfortable to hold.

It's not in vain that she has opened so many conveniences for these two people.

In order to let them show their tracks, she even asked the waiter on the third floor to hide in the corridor.

After all, her ability only exists in the hotel. If these two people take people outside and kill them, or just kill a few customers who go out hunting outside (it is impossible not to go out anyway, as long as they kill people, the customers who have made reservations can check in in order).

Unless she goes out to find their traces and kill them in order to avenge the customers.

But is that possible?

The most responsible way is to design them to make trouble in the hotel, and then she will take action to solve it.

In this way, customers will not feel that their boss is killing innocent people, and they will choose to stay in the hotel with peace of mind.

It's just that the customers who are targeted by them are suffering. Even if Xia Yan has made advance arrangements with the system to provide a protective shield, this customer will suffer a psychological blow.

Xia Yan looked at the pointed-eared man with gloomy eyes.

They will not be the first, nor the last.

As the reputation of the hotel grows, people who come to seek protection will come, and people with bad intentions will also come.

There are definitely smart people among this group of people, and they can definitely find various loopholes to exploit.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt a little upset.

Xia Yan frowned and took out a pair of sharp scissors from the system grid, and began to cut the sheets.

Feeling the different movement of the sheets in his hands, the pointed-eared man stared in disbelief.


"What's wrong with me? Is it so easy to protect so many people? You are just looking for trouble! You have a lot of tricks in your stomach! I don't know why your mother gave birth to such a rubbish like you.

Isn't it good to live? You have to take those crooked ways. I don't know how much blood is on your hands. Aren't you afraid that a group of ghosts will strangle you to death in the middle of the night?

You have nothing to do but make trouble here. This time I must kill you!"

Xia Yan was furious, and she kept cutting with her hands and cursing.

It was originally a comfortable vacation, but there were always these rubbish people.

She now suspected that the system was asking her to save the world in the name of vacation?

[No! Absolutely not! ]

'You fart! '

[How can you save the world with your own ability? Don't make me laugh, my stomach is cramping]

'Then why do you always meet such people? ’

[Adjust your mindset. No matter which world you live in, there will always be all kinds of weird people.]

This sentence successfully extinguished half of Xia Yan’s anger, but he just cut the sheets unwillingly.

The man with pointed ears saw this, freed his left hand and took out a brown spherical object from his pocket and threw it at Xiong Xiong.

Shouted: "Go to hell!"

"Who the hell are you asking to die?! Capture!" Xia Yan's extinguished flame instantly rekindled.

A transparent cubic body emerged in the air, and soon wrapped the man with pointed ears.

And the other spherical object that was about to hit Xiong Xiong was also wrapped by the cubic body at the same time.

The sphere that came into contact with the hard material exploded instantly, and a thick smoke filled the internal space.

The violent explosion was loud, and both the residents upstairs and the customers living outside poked their heads out to find the place where the noise came from.

Xia Yan frowned coldly, spread his right palm, and clenched it slightly, and the corresponding cube of the man with pointed ears also shrank accordingly.

Until the pointy-eared man couldn't straighten his back and could only curl up.

"Xiongxiong, invite all customers to the 11th floor leisure area for a meeting. Let Zhicang watch the hall."

Xia Yan walked out, followed by two suspended façades with two people locked inside.

Feng Bei hurriedly followed, took the initiative to press the 11 button, glanced at the person who wanted to harm her, and then looked at Boss Xia with a serious face.

Suddenly, she felt a sense of comfort with the support of a big boss, and straightened her back unconsciously.

The 11th floor was in a flash.

Xia Yan walked into the leisure area, arranged the two of them in the most conspicuous position, asked Feng Bei to draw the curtains and turn on the lights, adjust the size of the projection screen, and cut out the surveillance playback that was about to be played.

Then he sat on the sofa, closed his eyes and calmed down, waiting for all the customers to arrive.

Xiong Xiong was very efficient at work, and soon the leisure area was full of people.

Everyone didn't know what happened, but when they saw the two people locked up, they whispered and guessed.

When the old customers saw such a familiar situation, they knew that someone had violated the store rules again, and they didn't say much, and found a seat with the best angle to sit down.

Boss Xia had to show these new customers a bit of power, otherwise they wouldn't know what it meant to abide by the rules!

As the last wave of people walked out of the elevator and found a place to sit, Xiong Xiong came to Xia Yan and whispered, "Boss, everyone is here."

Xia Yan slowly opened her eyes and stood up.

When everyone saw Boss Xia standing up, they all quieted down, and their eyes looked back at her.

Xia Yan swept across everyone's face with a solemn expression.

When she spoke again, her voice was steady and powerful, ensuring that everyone could hear it, but it would not be deafening--

"I called everyone here this time because a very bad thing happened in the store just now."

She emphasized the word "bad" and waited for two seconds before continuing:

"These two people had bad intentions and ignored the rules of the store. They tricked customers into opening the door and then tried to beat them up. They also robbed the crystal core and even attacked the store manager Xiong. What they did was simply not human!"

When it came to attacking Xiong Xiong, she was so angry that she trembled all over. It was more uncomfortable than being beaten herself.

Xia Yan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Please look at the surveillance playback."

On the projection screen behind her, the two people were clearly played from whispering in the restaurant, to selecting the target person and following him into the elevator, and then returning from the fourth floor to the third floor to trick people into opening the door, and then covering the customer's mouth and slipping into the house.

The surveillance ended here.

Seeing this, everyone's face was not very good.

I really didn't expect that there would be villains here.

Old customers are also not too happy. In the past, it was always someone looking for trouble with the boss, but suddenly it has become the customers who are cheating other customers. What valuable thing do they have on them?

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