I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 163: Fallen Crystal Core

Xia Yan took in their expressions and understood their concerns.

The more times like this, the more she, as a boss, cannot panic.

This book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 𝟗𝟔𝐬𝐡𝐮.𝐧𝐞𝐭, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

"Ahem." Xia Yan coughed lightly to attract everyone's attention, "Don't be anxious or afraid, since I can call everyone here for a meeting, I naturally have a corresponding method here."

Everyone think about it, it seems to be the case.

Boss Xia promised before that she would ensure their safety, and she must have a way.

Feng Bei, who was standing aside, saw the surveillance screen and couldn't stand the stimulation again and cried out. The feeling of wandering on the edge of death was not good at all.

Everyone followed Boss Xia's gaze and saw Feng Bei covering her face, and also saw the red mark left on her neck.

Needless to say, it was definitely done by them!

Everyone was indignant and wished that Boss Xia would execute the two people on the spot.

What's the point of keeping such people? Trash that will only harm their compatriots!

Xia Yan withdrew his gaze from her and walked slowly to the side.

"Everyone has already understood what happened. These two people seriously violated the first and third rules of the store. The punishment is to take them to a one-day trip to the fifth-level zombie group and then eliminate them."

She silently opened the zombie area map, and the interface that was originally a surveillance playback became a regional map with different numbers of red dots flashing.

The two people hanging in the air only understood it at this time.

It turned out that all this was a trap carefully set by Boss Xia for them! Just to find a suitable reason to get rid of them!

Xiongxiong turned off all the lights in the hall at this time. The leisure area was dark, only the projection was bright, and the flashing red dots in different areas indicated that it was unusual and filled with a terrifying atmosphere.

A tense atmosphere hovered over everyone's heads, as if the zombie group would break through the curtain soon, roaring and rushing over, biting and swallowing them.

This breath also infected the pointy-eared man and the pigtailed man.

The bright light screen shone on Xia Yan's face. Her lips were tightly pursed and her eyes were serious. It seemed that she really wanted to send them in.

The pointy-eared man slapped the transparent barrier hard, shouted out the names of several people, and pointed at the back row of the crowd.

"Help me say something--" If it weren't for you, how could I kill someone!

Xia Yan raised his head suddenly, waved his arm, and the sound that originally resounded in the leisure area disappeared instantly.

The pointy-eared man didn't know yet, and he was still shouting at the top of his voice, his voice getting louder and louder, and soon became hoarse.

The pigtailed man beside him sat dejectedly, looking around with a pale face at the several people who had done business with them, and then looked at the red-faced and thick-necked pointy ears, and was too lazy to remind him.

Stupid 13, it's useless to shout louder, and you have been silent for a long time.

His right hand was hanging weakly, his fingers curled together, and it was clearly visible that the bones on the back of his hand were broken.

Waves of pain came, and the blood color on the pigtail man's lips faded a little.

The pointy-eared man yelled for a long time, deliberately shouting the names of those people a few more times, but he didn't get the effect he wanted at all, and couldn't help wondering.

The group of people sitting outside clearly heard his voice...

"Did you hear it? He just said you..."

"Yes, it means us, right? He wants us to help plead for mercy? Are you stupid?"

"Oh, that's what you mean, then I misunderstood."

"Is there anything else?"

"No, no, it's just what you said."

The bearded man and his wife didn't dare to raise their heads, listening to the conversation between the two people in front of them in fear, for fear that they would understand something else.

Why, why were they caught, isn't it amazing...

Won't they give them out?

It's unjust, they were also forced to do it, if they don't give the crystal core, they will be killed!

Under such public anger, if they know the truth is related to them, won't they be thrown into the zombie group together?

God bless.

The bearded man sat unsteadily, moving left and right on the soft sofa, and accidentally bumped into the person next to him.

Like being electrocuted, the two separated instantly, looked at each other in shock, and then tightened their legs, trying not to touch anyone.

After a while, the bearded man, who noticed something was wrong, looked sideways at him, then looked behind him, and instantly the blood rushed to his heart, and his whole body trembled violently.

Soon attracted the attention of his wife.

She tugged at the corner of his clothes and whispered: "Don't shake all the time, it's easy for others to see something wrong."

The bearded man suddenly grabbed her hand, which scared her. The temperature was not cold yet, so how could his hand be so cold.

He approached her ear, trying his best to suppress it, and the hot breath rushed into her ear canal with anger, hitting her eardrum word by word:

"Those two bastards made deals with many people! We were cheated!!"


The last word was like a huge hammer, breaking the eardrum with one hammer, hitting the brain and making her dizzy.

The woman's eyes widened, and her face turned pale instantly.

Her voice was so loud that countless people looked back. The bearded man quickly blocked her mouth and held her in his arms.

"It's okay, it's okay. We are not the only ones who were deceived. Even if the pointy-eared man tells everyone, we can still say that he forced us to do it."

The woman's body was shaking more severely than his.

After a while, the bearded man felt his clothes were wet.

Behind them, several families looked at each other, knowing why she was crying, and they also wanted to cry.

"It's chosen, this one."

Xia Yan picked out a rather peculiar zombie map, clicked to open it, and the screen was filled with it.

"However, before you leave, you must pay double compensation for the damaged items in the room!" She glared at her, "Turn it over and shake it hard for me!"

The three-dimensional body was seen rotating 180° and began to shake violently the next second.

The faces of the two men with pigtails turned red and they couldn't even open their mouths.

Everyone stretched their necks and stared at the secondary crystal cores that crackled out.

Darling, if you have so many points, why do you want to kill someone?

Xia Yan glanced calmly from the fallen crystal core to the non-stayed customers in the last row whose eyes were bright and did not dare to look at her when she saw it. She did not look happy at all when she saw the crystal core.

They returned to their original positions after no more crystal nuclei could be shaken from their bodies.

The cube took the initiative to bring the secondary crystal nuclei together and send them to Xia Yan.

No one in the leisure area spoke, and all eyes fell on one place.

There was no smile on Xia Yan's face, and she really couldn't be happy.

Just throw the two people who were shaking their heads trying to wake up into the map.


After the eyes of the man with pointed ears and the man with pigtails once again blurred, they changed from the hotel to another strange yet somewhat familiar place.

The two of them sat slumped on the spot, holding their heads and gasping for breath. Their brains were like a puddle of colored paste, eroding and disgusting.

After five or six minutes, they stood up again and looked around.

There is another room behind it with a rusty iron door on a chain.

Not far away were several corpses that had been eaten with only their upper bodies left.

His whole body was black and blue, with purple blood vessels all over his skin. He stared at his eyes like cataracts and died unwillingly.

One of the corpses looked familiar.

The pointy-eared man came closer to take a closer look in disbelief, then took a few steps back with his eyes widened.

Isn't this my cousin? !

Wasn't he locked up on the top floor by himself, wasn't he eaten by zombies? Why are you here?

Could it be...

The pointed-eared man didn't dare to think anymore. After running to the edge of the platform, he found that they were now on the top floor of a high-rise building.

"What's going on? Why did you suddenly run here..."

He hit his head hard with a hammer, thinking he was hallucinating again.

The man with the pigtails took a cursory look at him, who looked like he was going crazy, and then found a place to sit down.

The wrist of his right hand was swollen and terribly bruised.

He glanced at the sharp-eared man.

Take off half of your sleeves, tear them into strips, and wrap them tightly to hold them in place.

The process was extremely painful, and I was covered in sweat after being wrapped.

Mad, wait, abandon your friend and run for your life.

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