I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 164 There is no point in going back

The man with pointed ears on the other side had calmed down. He walked to the edge and looked around, but didn't find any useful tools.

Unless he had wings and could fly down directly.

Otherwise, he could just remove the chain and escape from the stairs.

It was just unclear how many zombies were alive in the corridor. He vaguely remembered that there were a lot.

He didn't dare to take risks.

"We can't stay here forever, can we? We have to think of a way to escape."

The man with pointed ears walked to him and pretended nothing happened.

"What do you think?" The man with pigtails sat on the thick pipe and stretched his legs to rest.

"Either jump down from the building or climb down the stairs."

"You want to untie the chain? What if there are zombies behind?"

"What do you say? Stay here?"

"It may not be impossible." The man with pigtails double-clicked on the points card and prepared to order takeout.

As a result, a pop-up window popped up: Takeout service is temporarily suspended, and the subsequent opening time is undecided.

The man with pointed ears who had been observing understood when he saw this.

How could Boss Xia let them be comfortable?

"Go knock on the door and see if there are any zombies inside." The pigtailed man had no choice but to rush outside while he still had the strength.

As time went on, not only would his strength not keep up, but the danger would also increase.

He didn't even have a handy tool at hand.

The pointed-eared man walked to the iron door, kicked it a few times, and stepped back alertly.

The two stared at the iron door motionlessly.

There was no sound behind the iron door.

The pointed-eared man felt relieved, and after careful consideration, he knocked a few more times. This time he didn't go far, but stuck to the door and listened.

It was still silent inside.

It seemed that there were really no zombies, so he could go out.

He waved to the pigtailed man, then began to untie the iron chain, saying, "You run fast, go down and take a look later, I'll be guarding here, come up quickly if something is wrong."

The pigtailed man laughed angrily.

"No, we go together if we want to go, and we die together if we want to die."

"You don't believe me?"


The two of them stared at each other, neither of them giving in.

Finally, the man with pointed ears stepped back, "Okay, let's do as you say, and go down together!"

"You go out first."

"That's all-ok! I'll go out first!"

The man with pointed ears gritted his teeth and untied the last circle of iron chain and threw it at his feet.

He slowly opened a crack in the door and looked inside. Behind the door was full of zombie corpses.

The zombie's head was violently broken open, and the crystal core inside had been taken away long ago.

Not only the area in front of him, but also the steps below were full of zombies.

"How is it?"

"No one is alive, all dead."

The man with pointed ears opened the door and found the iron rod hidden under the zombie. His face lit up and he pulled it out with force.

Self-defense weapons are available!

He didn't notice that the man with pigtails behind him had an unpredictable expression, and the look he gave him was like poison.

The man with pointed ears poked around with an iron rod to make sure there were no survivors before continuing down.

After safely reaching the first platform, he pushed the fire door hard.

It only opened a crack and then did not move at all.

He looked inside and saw zombies everywhere, just like here.


A zombie suddenly appeared at the crack of the door, its gray eyes facing him.

At the same time, a hand stretched out to grab his clothes tightly and pulled him closer.

The man with pointed ears was startled, and in a blink of an eye he saw the zombie with a rotten face and a hideous mouth opening to bite him.

With his scalp numb, he gritted his teeth and pressed the iron rod against the zombie's forehead, and with his other hand he quickly condensed a primary bomb and stuffed it into the zombie's mouth.

At the same time, he dodged backwards with force.


After a loud noise, the rotten blood and broken meat fell all over him.

The stench that hit the sky was so strong that he gritted his teeth to prevent himself from spitting it out.

The noise made by the bomb was not small.

Almost at the moment of the sound, they heard violent roars and rushing noises from deep in the corridor.

The eyes of the two were full of shock and fear.

"Go upstairs? Or here?" The man with pointed ears asked hurriedly.

There was no point in going back, and they couldn't fly down.

"Then go in quickly!" The man with pigtails understood what he meant.

The deep corridor was full of the sound of groups of zombies rushing up, constantly echoing and circling in the sky, with a tendency to intensify.

Trying to let the sound overwhelm their psychological defenses.

The two pushed the fire door hard and barely squeezed through.

The many zombie corpses behind the door became a weapon to block the door.

The man with pointed ears found the zombie he had just killed, pried out the crystal core inside, rubbed it clean on the zombie's clothes with little fabric, and put it close to his body.

This is a level 5 crystal core, it's really good.

Not to mention a box of cigarettes, you can buy ten boxes!

The man with pointed ears wanted to hug the crystal core and kiss it hard.

He didn't notice the pigtailed man's pale face as he slowly retreated.

The pigtailed man moved carefully, took a deep breath, and pulled the door with all his strength.

The door that originally required two people to push open with all their strength, under the pressure of death, he actually stimulated his potential and suddenly opened a crack!

The pigtailed man dodged and ran out.

The sound of running not only attracted the pointed-eared man's sidelong glance, but also attracted the three zombies inside.

The pointed-eared man clearly saw the groups of level 5 zombies appearing at the corner through the crack of the open door, and his face became extremely ugly.


The pigtailed man ignored him and turned around and ran desperately upstairs.

Are you going out to die?

The man with pointed ears was so frightened by the dense zombies in the corridor that he trembled all over and slammed the door before they came.

You ran out by yourself, not because of him.

The man with pointed ears was still in shock when he heard several shrill roars not far behind him.

When he turned back in surprise, three level 5 zombies flew over.

So that's what happened!

The man with pointed ears was furious.

It was too late to run now.

The attack power and speed of the level 5 zombies were simply terrifying.

The man with pointed ears held the iron rod across his chest and urged his superpowers quickly.

The zombies came in a flash, holding the iron rod and biting him.

The corners of his mouth were torn to his ears, and his wide-open mouth was full of three-centimeter-long fangs, which kept opening and closing in front of him.

The huge impact force pushed him directly into the pile of zombies.

Fortunately, he happened to be lying in the groove in the middle.

Apart from the zombie in front of him, there was no other threat for the time being.

The pointy-eared man groaned, his arms softened, and a huge pressure came from the zombie above.

Then, the last zombie pressed up, and he shouted and supported his arms with all his strength, his forehead veins exposed, his eyes widened and bloodshot.


He tilted his head and spit out a strand of dry wood-like hair, and the sticky stench seemed to penetrate the tip of his tongue.

At that moment, he didn't even want his tongue anymore.

The pointy-eared man glared at the female zombie in front of him who was obviously severely bald. The strands of dry hair on the top of her head were sweeping across his face.

He wished he could pull it off with his own hands and throw it aside.

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