I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 165 Who is blocking the door?

Now, let alone freeing up one hand to accumulate superpowers, it’s hard to resist the weight of three zombies!

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The zombie on top stretched out its sharp fingers to grab him, and its terrifying face was close at hand.

The pointy-eared man knew that he couldn’t hold on for long.

Looking at the hideous zombie face in front of him, scenes of the past passed by.

Standing in the third perspective, watching the road he had walked, the zombies and people he had killed, if he had to do it again, he would still take the old path.

The zombie face slowly approached, and his arm also felt unbearable soreness, and he couldn’t hold on.

Rather than being bitten to death by zombies and feeling the feeling of flesh and blood being eaten alive, it’s better to die quickly.


The pointy-eared man made up his mind, used up his last strength, and at the same time began to gather superpowers with both hands, intending to die together with the zombies in front of him.

After a loud bang, the zombies in front of him were blown to pieces.

At the same time, he was also seriously injured, with severe pain in his chest and abdomen, and the smell of blood was pungent.

As the last bit of strength was used up, his arms drooped weakly.

The pointed-eared man closed his eyes, waiting to be torn to pieces by the zombies next.


The pigtailed man rushed upstairs as soon as he opened the fire door.

He glanced back while running.

His scalp was numb.

Seeing the living creatures, the zombies ran wild and were extremely excited. They rushed upstairs at almost the fastest speed.

The rooftop was upstairs, not far away.

It was just that there were too many zombie corpses on the steps, stacked together without any gaps.

He couldn't move quickly.

Seeing the zombies getting closer and closer, the pigtailed man's face turned pale.

"What's going on?! Why are there so many more corpses?"

The zombies behind him had already rushed to the corner.

The zombies behind him who didn't have time to turn were pressed against the wall and couldn't move, stretching out their hands and roaring at him.

It barely gave him some time to escape.

The pigtailed man grabbed the handrail with his left hand to gain leverage, and continued to rush up on the corpses without thinking twice.

Puff, puff.

Soon, the upper of his shoes was covered with rotten things.

The pigtailed man cursed, pulled out his feet and continued to walk up.

The iron gate was right in front of him.


"Who the hell put so many zombie corpses to block the door?"

The pigtailed man almost vomited blood, and had to throw the corpses blocking the way downstairs.

In a panic, he saw that the zombies had rushed not far away.

After a strange cry, he hurriedly climbed on the corpses, jumped into the door, and tried to force the door closed.

Halfway through the door, he found that he couldn't push it no matter what, and when he looked down, he found that there was a corpse stuck in the crack of the door.

He lowered his head to pull it, but his right wrist couldn't get any strength, and the more anxious he was, the harder it was to pull it out.

"****" The pigtailed man cursed wildly, and his body trembled constantly because of fear or anger.


A zombie had already rushed out of the door, stretching out its hands to grab him.

The pigtail man was so frightened that he had no time to continue. He closed the door, picked up the iron chain beside him, and began to wrap it around and fix it.

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The next second, countless zombies rushed over and smashed on the iron door with a creepy sound.

Countless pairs of gray and black hands stretched out from the gap in the door.

The pigtail man dodged hurriedly.

Staring at the shaking iron door.

A zombie showed its head in the gap at the top, and roared even louder when it saw him.

The iron chain hasn't been tied yet!

The pigtail man looked terrible.

There were zombie hands everywhere near the iron chain, and he would be touched as long as he went over.

But if he didn't go , the gap will get bigger and bigger.

Until the zombies squeezed open a gap that could pass through...

The pigtailed man panted heavily and looked around, trying to find a tool.

There was nothing on the roof except zombies.

His eyes fell on the leg bone sticking out of the rotten meat.

No matter what it is, it can be used!

The pigtailed man twisted hard, and the bone came out. He rushed to the door with the bone and waved it to drive it away.

While the zombies didn't touch him, his other hand quickly reinforced the chain.

The zombie that emerged from the top struggled to move down, and its gray eyes stared at him , biting the air with one mouthful and another.

At such a close distance, he listened with a tingling sensation as the zombies outside continued to rush over.

It has to be tighter!

The pigtail man finally inserted the bone into the chain as a final fixation method.

Then he hid in a place where the zombies could not see him, and quietly looked for a way to get to the ground.

If only the zombies could not see him and leave automatically.

The pigtail man comforted himself with a glimmer of fantasy.

There was a one-meter-wide platform on the rooftop, and he stood on it and looked down.

Such a high distance made him Dizzy and nauseous.

He knew it was his fear of heights.

He jumped off the platform and continued to look around.

The zombies were still pushing hard at the iron gate, and two or three zombies had already popped out and moved with his movements.

The more they roared, the more upset the pigtailed man became.

His ability was useless!

Unless he could jump down from more than 30 floors without any damage, he could ensure that the zombies could not catch up!

The iron gate was shaking more and more violently, and the iron chain made an ominous creaking sound.

It seemed that he could break in at the next second.

The man with the pigtails was pulling at the end of his hair and was irritated, his heart was beating very fast, his mind was empty, and he couldn't think of a single possible solution!

If not...

He looked downstairs.

If he broke in, he might as well just jump down and die.

It's better than being bitten to death one bite at a time.

The bones on the chain made a final ominous creaking sound and snapped in the middle.

The braided man was startled, with cold sweat covering his forehead.

Several zombies stretched out half of their bodies from the gap and struggled in his direction.

The braided man was fighting with gods and humans, hesitating between being bitten to death or falling to death.

His eyes were a little dark, and he slowly moved to the edge of the rooftop, staring at the iron gate with fear.

One second.

Two seconds.

At the third second, the iron chain slipped and the iron door opened wide.

Countless zombies rushed in.

"Mom, damn." The pigtailed man swallowed hard, his toes hovering on the edge.

His eyes swept over the height, and his brain began to feel dizzy.

One is actively seeking death, and the other is passively seeking death.

It's so hard to choose.

There were zombies behind the door one after another, coming straight towards him.

This is the most horrific scene in the world.

Brain: Run!

Body: Move, cannot move.

The pigtailed man stared stiffly at the nearest zombie swooping over, grabbing his calf and biting it in one bite, digging his sharp teeth into it while shaking his head vigorously.

A large piece of flesh and blood was torn away.

"Ah!" The pigtailed man screamed, and then he came to his senses.

Finally, I looked up at the blue sky and jumped down from the building in despair.


Xia Yan calmly waved to Xiong Xiong and whispered a few words into its ear.

Xiong Xiong nodded.

It walked to the back row and tapped several customers on the shoulders.

The completely immersed customer almost jumped in fright. He saw that it was Xiong Xiong, and then he saw that he was in a hotel. Then he patted his chest and sat down again. Looking at Xiong Xiong with a frightened look, he spoke in an extremely gentle voice:

"After the meeting, you guys don't want to leave yet. Boss Xia has something to discuss with you."

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