I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 166 The dust has settled

The biting wind rushed past my ears.

The feeling of weightlessness in his body made him cry out.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw countless zombies jumping down like dumplings.

It only takes a few seconds to go from more than thirty floors to the ground.

He will turn into a pool of bloody mud and die in convulsions...

"This is the end of the zombie tour."

Xia Yan clapped her hands. In front of her were the two people she had passed back to her. She glanced at the braided man's calf, and black lines climbing upward appeared on it.

The pigtailed man is about to mutate.

Xia Yan didn't give the two of them time to wake up. He snapped his fingers and the transparent cube began to compress inwards.

The two of them felt a squeezing sensation that was different from biting. When they opened their eyes, they were less than excited and fell back into the fear of dying. They tried their best to pat and beg for mercy.

After the heart-wrenching cry, it turned into a pool of blood mist, condensed into two small red cubes, automatically floated to the checkout counter, and was put into the self-service vending machine by Xiong Xiong, selling for 1,500 points.

Xia Yan silently looked around at everyone, taking in all their expressions.

Some people can't bear it, some people are secretly excited, and some people are very supportive...

Xia Yan was silent for a moment and said with a serious face: "Those who violated our store rules have been dealt with. I hope everyone will take a warning."

She picked up the crystal core block and walked to Feng Bei, asking in a gentle voice: "How many crystal nuclei did they take from you?"

Feng Bei didn't expect that the lost crystal core could come back again, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

For a moment, there was silence in the leisure area. When pairs of eyes looked in her direction, Feng Bei felt a little timid.

"Yes, there should be only 7 first-level crystal nuclei."

"Are you sure it's 7?" Xia Yan pinched the crystal core block gently, and all the crystal cores fell into his hands in an instant.

Xiong Xiong on the side handed over the tray with great discernment.

When Feng Bei heard her question, he couldn't help but glance at his former teammates in the crowd.

"Well, then 5?" Say it less or...

Xia Yan glanced at her without trace, took out 7 first crystals and 3 second crystals from the tray, and put them together in her hand.

"These 7 first crystals are your original ones, and the other 4 second crystals are regarded as compensation for their harm to you."

"Ah, this lady..." Feng Bei stuttered. The crystal core in his palm seemed to be extremely hot, and even his face turned red.

"Take it." Xia Yan smiled gently, "It was my fault as the boss that you were hurt this time. I'm sorry. To make up for it, from today until today next month, the rent will be free of charge."

! ! !

Everyone stared.

Is there such a good thing?

It's hard to find a room outside, so this girl wants to stay for free for a month?

One month!

Boss Xia's words caused a stir. Not only Feng Bei was shocked, but even the customers who had not checked in were frightened.

"That, that, that -" Feng Bei was so excited that he couldn't hold his tongue straight, "then thank you very much, Boss Xia!"

Xia Yan signaled Xiongxiong to pack up the remaining crystal cores, patted her shoulder with a smile on her face, and whispered while everyone was whispering: "Stay in peace."

Hearing this, Feng Bei was surprised. Because of what her father had done before, almost all the old customers who knew about it had complained about her, and they didn't understand why Boss Xia still let her live here. There was obviously no shortage of customers.

She was also very worried, fearing that she would be kicked out one day.

The sky is vast outside, and she is like grass without roots...

Feng Bei lowered his head and sat on the sofa, with water in his eyes and his knuckles pale as he clenched the crystal core.

"Everyone, be quiet. I have a few more words to say." After everyone had finished talking, Xia Yan interrupted, "In the future, each customer will have floor restrictions. Except for the floor of his or her own room, he can only enter and exit the second floor. floor and here, including non-stayers.”

This limitation is reflected in the fact that only these three or two buttons can be seen in the elevator, and other floors cannot be entered in the stairway.

"Another point is that in the past, superpowers were not allowed to be used in the restaurant. From now on, superpowers are not allowed to be used in the entire building, and they can only be used outside the safe zone. In addition, the physical limit in the restaurant has been cancelled."

Can't use superpowers?

Everyone's expressions changed, and they tried to drive, but found that their bodies were empty and turned into normal people.

"I really can't use my powers anymore, what about you?"

"I can't use it either..."

"If you can't, you can't. After all, it's the same for everyone."

"Yes, as long as you can use it when you go out. It's safe this way."

There was a lot of discussion in the venue for a while. Xia Yan turned off the projection, walked to the side and opened the curtains to let the warm sunlight shine in again.

She opened the window and looked at the ruined walls and the devastated city outside in a daze.

She was not in a good mood. The system meditates.

Xiong Xiong's heart has always been focused on the boss. Seeing her like this, he took the initiative to take over the work and answer the customers' questions.

"Yes, you can use your powers when you go out. There will be no side effects, don't worry. No one will break in and cause trouble again, but you should still be careful when leaving the hotel..."

The customers who got the answers left one after another, and the remaining customers who were named and stayed looked at each other and fidgeted.

Soon there were only a few of them left in the venue.

Xiong Xiong came to her and whispered something, then quickly walked away.

When I came back again, I had a pot of tea in my hand.

Xia Yan turned back to the sofa and said to them: "Everyone, come and sit in front and let's chat."

Several people looked at each other and refused to move.

Xia Yan didn't rush him, and sat at the front seat and poured tea into the teacup gracefully.

Xiongxiong stood beside her and winked at them: Come on, what are you doing? I thought the boss didn't know what you did.

At this time, several people pushed me forward, like students who had done something wrong and were pointed out by the teacher. They didn't dare to raise their heads or breathe on the sofa.

"Let's drink tea." Xia Yan looked at them calmly, handed the teacup to them, and took a sip of the teacup himself.

For a while, the venue became quiet again, leaving only the heartbeats of the people like drums and the unknown shouts of fear.

Why didn't Boss Xia say a word?

The more this happened, the more afraid they were. Drinking tea was like being tortured. The axe hanging over their heads didn't fall for a long time, and their hearts were hanging up and down!

The waiting time is always long.

Several people only felt that the sweat on their bodies dried and fell, fell and dried again, as if they had experienced four seasons of spring and autumn in an instant, but in fact, the tea in the small pot was about to run out.

Xia Yan gently placed the teacup down, and the bottom of the ceramic cup made a crisp sound when it hit the glass tea table.

Everyone trembled, knowing that Boss Xia was about to speak.

"Why I want to keep you all here, you should all know it." Xia Yan looked at everyone calmly, with no joy or anger on his face.

"Your behavior is also an indirect violation of the store rules, and it has touched my tolerance line. Your eligibility to stay is cancelled. Find another place."

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