I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 167 Tongzi who can't count

No matter what the process was, they left dejectedly in the end.

Xia Yan looked at their backs with mixed feelings.

There was always one person who was willing to cooperate with the two men with pointed ears.

Maybe the others were unintentional at the beginning, but were forced to participate later.

Xia Yan fell on the back of the sofa and looked at the ceiling. This kind of thing might be everywhere. In the cruel background of the end of the world, their creed was to survive first and then talk about moral bottom line...

Xiongxiong sent people downstairs and returned again. Seeing the boss like this, it was also a little uncomfortable.

It walked behind her and gently pressed its furry palm on her temple to help her relax.


The soreness and swelling quickly disappeared under Xiongxiong's massage. Xia Yan closed her eyes comfortably, and the small hair on Xiongxiong's body scratched her face and it itched.

"Xiong, it's good to have you."

This is not known how many times she said such words, but every time she was sincere.

From above came Xiongxiongnai's laughter, "Do you want candy, boss?"


Xiongxiong removed his palm, peeled a pineapple-flavored fruit candy and stuffed it into her mouth.

The sweet taste flowed along the taste buds to the whole body, as if the mood was a little better. Sweets really make people happy.

A few minutes later, Xia Yan grabbed its paw and squeezed it. It was still furry.

She stood up and walked towards the elevator, "Xiongxiong, go back to the first floor for ice cream."


At 8 o'clock in the evening, Xia Yan was soaking in the bathtub with a mask on, listening to a little song in her ears, and drinking a sip of refreshing lemon tea from time to time.

The icy and sweet feeling swept away the fatigue in her heart.

There is nothing that a cup of lemon tea can't get rid of, just drink two cups if it doesn't work.

20 minutes later, she walked to the hall in comfortable home clothes and sat on the sofa to rub her calves.

It seemed that she was in a better mood, so the system dared to jump out.


"Well, tell me what's wrong." Xia Yan switched to the other leg as if nothing had happened and continued kneading.

[Good news or bad news, which one do you want to hear]

"Hear the good news first, I'm tired of hearing bad news recently."

[The good news is that the hotel can move after it is upgraded to level 6]

Move? Xia Yan stood up, "How to move?"

[Tell me after you upgrade to level 6]

"How far am I from level 6 now?"

[Still 380,000 points short, not much]

"Okay, I get it. What about the bad news?" Xia Yan nodded.

[The bad news is that you need to upgrade to level 6 within 3 days for it to take effect]

380,000 points in 3 days? An average of 126,000 points a day?

Xia Yan was in big trouble.

She ran to the study to find paper and pen, and opened the hotel backend to check the daily sales.

The average daily turnover of the takeaway system is 30,000. The turnover of the head office plus the consumption of customers who have not checked in is about 16,000. The turnover of the branch is higher, reaching 40,000.

Adding together, it was 86,000. As long as she could "struggle" to make 40,000 in sales every day, she could upgrade smoothly.

Xia Yan breathed a sigh of relief after getting the number. It seemed that the fact that the system could not count was confirmed. The daily sales of less than 50,000 was bad news...

System in the dark: Eh? Only 40,000 a day? Did it calculate wrong? Eh?

Xia Yan held a pen and wrote down a few things that could be sold on paper.

Fruits, mineral water, boxed lunches, and she could sell some winter clothes and shoes, which would definitely sell well.

As for the way, how about going to Shangyang Base? Or go to the rich man Chu Wanfu? Or set up a stall at the branch?

All three places should be good for business... Then change one place a day, and the decision was made happily.

Xia Yan got up and changed her shoes, walked through the courtyard and returned to the hotel lobby. Xiongxiong and Zhikang were sitting on the sofa watching anime. The eyes of one person and one bear were staring straight, and they were fascinated.

She didn't bother them, turned around and walked into the store, swiped out all the lunch boxes that had not been sold today on the self-service ordering machine, put them in the refrigerator next to her, and took 20 cups of juice of different flavors to chill them.

She could buy the rest in the mall when she got back.

From this point of view, the store in the hotel has very few things... There are only a few items on sale...

She will increase the number after she reaches level 6.

It's best to drive there tomorrow, and bring a card processing device and a valuation device.

Where is this thing?

Xia Yan walked to the front desk, opened the drawer and searched. Recently, Xiongxiong has been processing cards for customers, and she has never heard of any new gold and silver jewelry. She really doesn't know where it is.

GG interval, Xiongxiong heard a rustling sound.

"Boss, what are you looking for?" It tilted its head in confusion.

"Do you know where the Everything Valuation Device is?"

"I know. I put it away because I haven't used it for a long time." Xiongxiong came in, opened the drawer and took out a well-packaged box. "Here, this is it."

Xia Yan took it with doubt, "I remember there was no box before."

"Oh, I was afraid of dust, so I found one specially." Xiongxiong blinked, "Boss, why are you looking for it?"

"I need it tomorrow. By the way, Zhikang, go out with me tomorrow. Can you drive?" Xia Yan put the valuation device in the system grid and looked at Zhikang.


"Well, wait for me here at 9 o'clock tomorrow. Xiongxiong, continue watching TV." Xia Yan rubbed Xiongxiong's head and went back contentedly.

She lay on the bed, opened the mall interface, and flipped up and down to find suitable items for sale.

Go to Shangyang Base first tomorrow. What is urgently needed there?

How about instant noodles in bags? They can be cooked or eaten dry. Three boxes.

Bread, sausage, compressed biscuits, canned meat can be bought in one box each. Cotton trousers and cotton coats should be in one size. There are also cotton hats, gloves, and shoes. I have 10 sets for now. I don’t have enough to buy now.

Although winter is still two or three months away, these survivors have already started to prepare.

Xia Yan continued to scroll down while thinking, and soon a high-priced product popped up on the interface.

High-tech cold-proof and warm clothing, mainly light and comfortable, with excellent fit, giving users an ultimate experience... The price is 1999 points per set.

This thing is a bit expensive, right? The purchase price is 4 secondary crystal cores, and the selling price must be 6 or 7 crystal cores?

Xia Yan couldn’t estimate the "financial resources" of the customers in the Shangyang Base, but it seemed a bit easy to buy. He could order 20 sets to test the waters.

That’s about it for now. I’ll see about the rest tomorrow. Xia Yan yawned, turned off the lights and went to sleep.

She was determined to sleep until she woke up naturally.

When she packed up and changed into comfortable sportswear and went to the lobby, Zhikang was already waiting for her.

"Boss." Zhikang stood up when he saw her.

"No hurry, take out the lunch boxes and juice in the refrigerator, and get some more mineral water, and put them in the car."

Xia Yan walked outside the hotel, took the RV out of the system grid, turned around and walked into the buffet restaurant to eat egg custard and baked sweet potatoes.

Zhikang began to move things into the car, and Xiongxiong also came to help while there were not many customers.

Twenty minutes later, just when Xia Yan came out, Zhikang also washed his hands and came over.

Xia Yan praised the two, opened the door of the co-pilot and sat in, and entered Shangyang Base on the navigation.

Zhikang followed and got in the car to familiarize himself with the operation, started the car and followed the navigation to the destination.

Xiongxiong waved to the car outside the door, "Have a safe journey, come back soon!"

The people far away in Shangyang Base didn't know that they were about to usher in the most dreamy day.

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