Today is a rare good day in Shangyang Base.

The director of the base, Zhao Tianfu, got a batch of supplies from nowhere, and the base was very lively for a while by beating gongs and drums.

Distribution will begin at 8 a.m. today.

Whether it's food, clothing, or supplies, basically everyone can get a share, so everyone gathered outside the home of base director Zhao Tianfu early in the morning.

"Brother Fu, this dress really looks good on you." The woman smoothed the wrinkles at his collar with an expression of admiration.

Zhao Tianfu dusted away the non-existent ashes with one hand, feeling proud.

Seeing that he was in a better mood, the woman took the opportunity to ask, "Brother Fu, are those supplies really going to be given away for free?"

If it's really free, can you give her parents back some more?

Hearing this, Zhao Tianfu just gave her a sideways look, snorted coldly, and said from his nose: "Free? Just dream."

There was a knock on the door of the room, and a man who looked like a secretary walked out from the back: "Mr. Zhao, everyone is here, waiting for you to come on stage."

Zhao Tianfu hummed, looked at himself handsome in the mirror again, picked up the speech on his desk with satisfaction and walked down the stairs.

He stood behind the gate and heard the eloquent men outside speaking impassionedly. When the atmosphere reached its peak, the gate in front of him was opened. As fierce applause sounded from outside, Zhao Tianfu slowly walked out with a smile on his face.

"Now put all the supplies behind Mr. Zhao, quickly!" The staff in the room hurriedly began to move the boxes.

Boxes after boxes were laid flat behind Zhao Tianfu. Opening the top cover revealed the rare supplies inside, including canned tuna, pickled mustard, dried noodles, bagged seasonings, water cups, knitted hats, etc. The categories were very mixed, but they are all not good now. Found supplies.

When the onlookers saw these supplies with their own eyes, no words could describe their excitement. Everyone had warm admiration in their eyes, and they even listened to the long speeches with gusto, wishing they could have it filled in their minds.

The survivors sitting in the front row straightened their backs, stroking their frizzy hair when Zhao Tianfu wasn't paying attention, trying to leave a good impression on him, so that they could be "sympathized with" and get a better share in a while. s things.

More than half an hour later, the speech in Zhao Tianfu's hand finally came to an end. Before the last word could be heard, the warmest applause broke out from below. Everyone looked at it with more expectancy, knowing that it was about to arrive. The long-awaited step - the distribution of supplies.

At this time, a man ran out from the field, holding many things in his hand. In front of everyone, he handed Zhao Tianfu a manuscript, and he started talking again.

The staff waved to call three people, brought up two large notice boards, and placed them in front of everyone, which read - detailed price list of various materials: dried noodles, a handful of 2 secondary crystal cores. Water cup, three first-level crystal nuclei...

What does it mean? Why do you want more money?

Everyone was puzzled, and they happened to hear Zhao Tianfu talking about how difficult it was to buy these supplies, and how many crystal cores he had spent, but for everyone's sake, these things were sold to everyone at a loss, and they just wanted to lose less... .

The words are sincere and full of emotion. At first glance, it looks like a professional has written it for him. However, there were still people who were fooled, with wet eyes, shouting to support Mr. Zhao!

After Zhao Tianfu finished speaking the last word, he shouted: "Please buy as much as you can! Mr. Zhao will pay for all losses!"

Several staff members walked out from behind him, holding papers, pens and pockets and began to ask questions one by one.

"Do you want it? What do you want? How many do you want?" and the like.

Whenever the person being asked hesitates for a few seconds before thinking again, someone will yell from behind: "Do you want to buy it or not? If not, give way!"

The staff didn't want to waste time. Seeing that he remained silent, they walked over to the next person and continued asking.

Everyone knows how rare supplies are. Not to mention that Mr. Zhao sells them expensively. If you have the ability, go out and find them yourself.

Under the influence of this mentality, no matter how expensive it is, as long as you can buy it, especially food, basically one box will be gone in the blink of an eye.

Still hesitating, I couldn’t buy a water glass for a while.

If you don't have a crystal core, others may.

Some survivors who didn't have many crystal cores thought that supplies would really be distributed, so they sat and waited with a glimmer of hope until all the boxes were empty. They stood up slowly with hunched waist and turned back three times at a time.

"All sold?" Zhao Tianfu took the book and looked through it. He nodded with satisfaction when he saw a string of zeros. "It would be great if I could get this kind of material again in the future. Give me the crystal core. Thank you for your hard work. Come to the back." Let’s buy a piece of noodles at a low price and go back to eat.”

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao!" Everyone flattened the cartons, put them under their armpits, and stacked them neatly.

Only then did the survivors give up. After waiting all night, they thought they could have a bite of food today, but now they didn't even have the strength to go back.

With chapped lips and eyes, all of them moved with their heads down aimlessly. One of them was accidentally hit by a boy running from the opposite side.

The boy glanced at them, then swung his whip as if nothing had happened and ran while talking to the people around him:

"There's an RV coming outside. It's very nice. I heard it sells all kinds of things. Come and have a look."

Someone is here to sell something?

They were stunned, and many people around them heard it. Seeing that the two children were really running towards the door of the base, they hurriedly followed them.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, you can’t suffer any loss if you go over and take a look!

The closer to the base gate, the more people came to watch the excitement. These people did not dare to step out of the base gate. They looked at the clean RV outside the door and the two people who were putting out goods.

Xia Yan looked back and saw that almost everyone had arrived. She took out the little bee she bought last time, turned on the switch, and automatically played the GG lyrics she had recorded last night:

"Lunch boxes, sausages, mineral water, bread, cotton-padded clothes, warm clothes, cheap and good quality, a crystal core can buy them all. If you want to buy, please apply for a membership card. If you are hungry, you can also order takeout!"

Zhi Cang took the opportunity to put the public notice board in front of the car and prepared to hold the card machine on the side.

Everyone in the base was so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths. One of them recognized Xia Yan and excitedly shouted "Boss Xia" and squeezed forward.

"Eh? Does anyone know me?" Xia Yan looked at the tall man who called her name and lowered the voice of the little bee.

Seeing him running nearby, she asked, "Do you want to buy something? The price is right."

" to sell..." The tall man scratched his head embarrassedly. He had just bought a lot of things and some crystal cores in his hand were not enough.

When I saw Boss Xia, I rushed over in a rush. I didn't expect that I would have to buy something...

"Zhikang, tell everyone the price and how to buy it."

Zhikang nodded, "Everyone, take a look at the points redemption introduction first... We didn't bring many boxed lunches this time. Each box sells for 50 points, each bag of instant noodles sells for 5 points, sausages sell for 20 points, and bread sells for 20 points."

"Mineral water sells for 5 points, juice sells for 30 points, compressed biscuits sell for 10 points, canned meat sells for 20 points, cotton-padded clothes, cotton-padded pants, gloves and shoes are sold as a set, and each set contains two secondary crystal cores."

"And this high-tech cold-proof warm clothing is more expensive, 7 secondary crystal cores."

Xia Yan added: "The quantity is not large, first come first served."

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