I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 169 All members mobilized

It means that one first-level crystal core can be exchanged for 100 points, which can buy 2 boxes of lunch boxes, or 20 bags of instant noodles, or 5 sausages?

After everyone whispered about the price, they felt that it was a pie in the sky! Who would have thought that they just spent two crystal cores from Zhao Tianfu to buy noodles!

They are almost regretting it!

Some people even bought several bags, and their family assets are almost empty!


I wonder if I can go back to Zhao Tianfu to return the goods now?

"The price is cheap, but I don't have any crystal cores. Sister-in-law, lend me two and I'll return them to you next time. The thin middle-aged woman put her arm around the shoulder of the person next to her and said with a smile.

"Oh, it's really unfortunate. Sister-in-law, I don't have any crystal cores either. Why don't you ask Boss Xia if he will accept anything else? "The woman who was embraced shook off her arm and stood further away from her.

Just now I saw you take out a bunch of crystal cores when you were buying things. Now you are pretending to be poor, bah!

The middle-aged woman was not discouraged. She glanced at the short man behind her and said, "Brother Zhao Wu, you are here to buy things too. Do you have crystal cores? Lend me two."

The man called Zhao Wu ignored her, stood on tiptoe and looked around, with a bit of anger on his face.

He wanted to see if it was the boss Xia of the holiday hotel!

"Didn't I apply for a card for you last time?" Xia Yan looked at the tall man in confusion.

"Hehe." The tall man blushed, laughed and handed the crystal core to Zhikang.

How dare he say that he was too careful last time and didn't plan to apply for a card...

Seeing that he didn't plan to say it, Xia Yan turned his eyes to the crowd, "Is there anyone else who wants to apply for a card? It doesn't matter if you don't have crystal cores, gold and silver jewelry can also be exchanged for points. "

"Is jewelry really okay? "Someone in the crowd shouted.

"Okay, go back and get it." Xia Yan waved his hand.

"Boss Xia, see how many points you can get for this big ring of mine." A middle-aged man with wrinkles on his face walked out slowly with a hunched back, took off the ring on his finger and handed it over.

Xia Yan put it on the everything appraiser, and the price popped up two seconds later, "It can be exchanged for 1,000 points, are you sure?"

The middle-aged man didn't expect to be able to exchange so much, and nodded excitedly.

After Zhikang processed the card for him, he said gently: "The card is ready, go buy something."

The tall man who just processed the card was frantically putting food and drinks into the sack, looking like a madman. Seeing this, the middle-aged man's waist and legs were no longer sore, and he took the sack given to him by Zhikang and rushed to the booth to start grabbing things.

It was as if the things were free.

This move stimulated the eyes of the people behind him to redden, and they didn't care about being on guard. Applying for cards and buying things was more important!

"Hurry up! I want to apply for a card too!"

"I want to apply for a card too!"

"I have more crystal cores, I'll go first."

"Boss Xia, do you have enough stuff? Don't let them grab them all."

"Leave some for us!"

For a moment, everyone surrounded Zhikang. Some wanted to rush to the front to get the lunch box, but they seemed to bump into something after running a few steps, and they couldn't move forward at all.

They could only come back and apply for the card.

"Don't worry, come one by one, line up, everyone line up. "I kept yelling in vain. In the end, I could only grab a crystal core and put it into the card machine. Anyway, a points card will automatically appear on the corresponding customer, so I don't have to worry about charging the wrong crystal core.

The customer who successfully got the card was not stopped this time. He rushed over with a sack and started to operate.

The last box of lunch was grabbed haha!

The instant noodles must be taken. The more the better. You can eat it anyway, and it's cheap.

Wow, there are canned meat and sausages. Hurry up and pack them. If you are slow, you will miss them.

Oh my god, there are four-piece cotton clothes. They feel thick and are in one size. I want a set.

The customers holding sacks seemed to be buying for free without spending money. They were afraid that they would not be able to grab them. They stuffed them into the sacks frantically. Their enthusiasm was comparable to the old people who kept queuing in circles to get eggs.

Until the points in the card were used up , people instantly returned to the gate of the base and barely calmed down.

Xia Yan stood aside and replenished whatever she saw was missing.

The action of taking supplies out of the void did not attract everyone's attention. Maybe everyone thought she was a space power user.

The customers who had made a lot of money carried heavy sacks on their backs, with cotton hats and cotton shoes in their arms, and rushed home excitedly, ready to go back and look to see if there were any gold and silver jewelry to exchange for points!

When they met people on the road, they advertised that there was a boss Xia outside the door. Not only did he sell things cheaply, but he also provided enough.

The few people who originally did not have crystal cores to go home to get jewelry were envious and jealous to death when they saw that everyone who came back was carrying sacks. Their legs suddenly became strong. They ran all the way to the outside of the base, exchanged points for Zhigang and applied for a card. With red eyes, they received a sack and squeezed into the crowd to grab things.

"Boss Xia, it would be great if you also sold thermoses and thick quilts." Some customers who bought two or three times repeatedly were reluctant to leave. While watching others grab things, they looked at Xia Yan with hope.

"Thermos? Thick quilt? Yes, wait a minute. "Xia Yan immediately opened the mall to find these two items, and took them out after placing an order. "Thermos 50 points, quilt 300 points. Who wants it? Just come and get it!"

The customer who made the suggestion was stunned. How come this boss Xia has everything! Just like Doraemon!

"Hey, hey, hey, that's what I like, put it down!" Before she knew it, the quilt she liked was taken away.

The man didn't even look back, carrying three bags of quilts and three thermoses and rushed into the base.

You said it’s yours? Why do you have hands if you can grab things with your eyes?

A group of people changed direction and rushed to the quilts. 30 thick quilts were gone in a blink of an eye.

Xia Yan didn’t expect this thing to sell so well. This time she specifically ordered dark quilt covers, and it was indeed more popular than light colors.

A short man in the crowd was busy, carrying a sack that was almost taller than him and shuttling back and forth.

The brothers’ affairs were over, and they hurried to grab things.

The eyes of the few people standing on the watchtower were full of anxiety. The news had been reported for so long, why didn’t anyone come?

If no one came, they would go down to buy things!

“Look, isn’t that the little leader? Don’t look at him covered tightly, I can see through him at a glance.” Sentry A was proud.

In a blink of an eye, he realized something was wrong and glared at his colleague opposite him, "Damn, he also sneaked out to buy things! Let's go, let's go too!"

The two of them slid to the ground, ran home, and wrapped themselves tightly like the little boss, snatched the jewelry from his wife's hands and neck, and led his family to rush out to buy.

Along the way, they saw many familiar big leaders.

Everyone just glanced at each other, pretended not to know each other, and rushed to Zhigang to apply for a card and get a sack.

"Boss, the instant noodles are gone, restock quickly!" someone shouted.

"The sausages are gone too, we have to restock them!"

"Coming soon!" Xia Yan placed an order for 10 boxes of instant noodles in the mall. The moment he took them out, someone carried them up with the boxes and ran away.

"Yes, Boss Xia, you don't have to open the boxes, we buy them in pieces!"

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