After a while, a large group of people came from the city.

I don't know who "leaked the news", but now almost the whole city knows that Boss Xia is selling supplies outside.

The women took their children and the biggest bags at home, and led their men to rush here.

I heard from neighbors that Boss Xia has everything he wants, and it's all brand new.

And you can also tell Boss Xia what you want. If you can buy it happily today, won't you be able to get through this cold winter smoothly?

The daughter-in-law who bought a bunch of things finally left with satisfaction, and the guard captain wiped away the hot sweat.

This woman is really good at buying things. She buys whatever she sees, no matter whether she uses it or not. If she talks a little more, her wife will fly over with a single glance.

"You can get whatever you want. There's so much nonsense. Can you still afford it in the future?"

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

The captain who was being reprimanded shut up obediently and acted as a tool. His wife was right. After all, he was not a leader, so he really didn’t know what was useful...

At this time, another wave of people poured out from the city, looking as excited as a wolf after seeing a fat sheep.

The guard captain saw more and more people, and Boss Xia and her employees were too busy to handle them. He waved over his team members to start helping.

"Boss Xia, do you have any cotton-padded clothes or trousers for the child? My child hasn't got any winter clothes yet." The woman touched the child's thin clothes and asked loudly after hesitating.

Attracting mothers who also have children to respond.

Adults can tolerate no matter how cold or cold they are, but children can't.

Winter is the season that mothers fear the most. Countless children freeze to death every year. It would be nice if they could be warm.

Busy Xia Yan raised his head and looked at the children running around and playing.

"Yes, are down jackets and down pants okay? They're just a bit more expensive."

"Okay! Any number of points will do!" The mothers didn't expect that Boss Xia really had it. They excitedly gathered around her and reported their children's sizes. They were all at least three sizes larger than the fitting size.

There is no way, just to wear it for a few more years.

Xia Yan chose the down suit with the most down content in the mall and placed the order based on the sizes reported by everyone. Each set only received an additional 100 points, so just think of it as a hard-earned fee.

If she is asked to sell it at the original price, I'm sorry, she is a businessman, so she can only make less, but it is impossible not to make no profit.

"Children's down suit, a set sells for 800 points, plus three pairs of large thick cotton shoes, a total of 1,000 points. If necessary, please report the size!" Xia Yan waved the clothes in his hand, just like the passionate sales in Thirteen Lines Before the End of the World little sister.

Mothers with children gathered around, stretched out their hands and shouted out the sizes of their children. Basically, everyone bought two or three sets.

Buy clothes as soon as possible while someone is selling them. There is no such store after passing this village.

In fact, Xia Yan doesn't plan to buy children's clothes and shoes. Unlike adults, who can get everything in one size, children's sizes are messy and numerous.

But when she saw the carefree children running around in the sunshine not far away, she opened the mall like a resigned woman, picked out suitable items and placed an order.

When Chu Wanfu heard the news and hurried over, he saw a bustling crowd.

"It seems we have to be a little late." He took a few steps back and stood on the steps to watch.

In the middle of the crowd, Boss Xia was listening carefully to the needs of customers, and soon he took out three boxes of milk powder from the void.

"Children drink milk powder of different ages. If you want it, you can get it yourself. What else do you want?"

"Why does she have everything?" Seeing that she was like a treasure chest, there were only things you couldn't think of, and there was nothing she didn't have. She kept taking things out, and Hubei kept gasping in surprise.

"Yes. Don't report it secretly. The situation is unclear at the moment. As long as Boss Xia is not hostile, that will be fine."

Chu Wanfu gave him a flat look, with a hidden warning in his eyes.

"I promise not to talk nonsense!" E Ze immediately raised his chest and raised his head and swore to God.

Chu Wanfu looked away, with a smile on his lips and nodded to Boss Xia who noticed him and raised his hand.

Xia Yan nodded in return and continued busy replenishing supplies.

The customers here are all so generous, especially the teams who came after hearing the news. They bought more than ten boxes and moved them. Xia Yan was almost carried away as soon as he took them out.

Especially for teams with many female members, sanitary napkins are purchased in twenty or thirty boxes, and they are all recharged with level 4 or 5 crystal cores, making them extremely bossy.

Xia Yanle couldn't close her mouth, mainly because they didn't bargain, so she made a lot of money when she originally planned to buy more at a cheaper price.

Finally, after all the residents and customers had left, Chu Wanfu walked over.

"Boss Xia, I heard you were looking for me?"

Xia Yan opened the mineral water and drank most of it before she felt alive again.

"Yes, General Chu, I want to do business with you. I wonder if you are interested?"

She took out a special flyer from her pocket and handed it over, "Look at it to see if there's anything you're interested in. I have a lot of it."

While he was looking through the flyers, Xia Yan and Zhizhang collected all the packages and cartons scattered in the venue, tied them with strips, and put them aside to be taken back and thrown into the trash can later.

The aunt who had been watching for a long time helped clean it up, then rubbed her hands and asked Xia Yan sheepishly if she wanted more. If not, she wanted to take it back and use it to light firewood in the winter.

Paper shells and plastic are the best things to use to start a fire.

"Then take it away. It's useless if I want it." Xia Yan nodded in agreement.

The old lady walked back contentedly with a pile of cardboard.

Chu Wanfu watched silently, and when he saw her come back, he said jokingly: "Boss Xia can actually open a department store here. I think the business is no less than that of the restaurant."

Xia Yan smiled and shook her head, "No. General Chu, have you decided what to buy?"

"Everything on this list needs 20 boxes each, and I can only take 100 high-end cold-proof clothes for the time being."

"Okay, please prepare the crystal core."

"Then the price..."

"It can't be cheaper, it's hard to get one." Xia Yan smiled with the corners of her mouth hooked, and she would not lower the price.

"Okay, E Ze, pay the points."


After rejecting Chu Wanfu's idea of ​​letting her open a store again, the two said goodbye and went their separate ways.

Xia Yan and Zhigang were exhausted today.

Much more tired than yesterday, and the turnover was ten times that of yesterday.

Originally planned to complete it in three days, but unexpectedly completed it in excess today.

When she passed by Fu Niang's flower shop, she saw that the door was open, so she walked in, and Zhi Kang followed her in.

Fu Niang was busy fiddling with flower pots and trimming the dead leaves. When she heard the noise and saw that it was Xia Yan, her lips were dotted with beautiful dimples.

"Boss Xia, why are you here?"

"I was passing by and saw that you hadn't gone home yet, so I came in to sit down. I was too busy today and didn't have time to talk to you." Xia Yan saw a bench next to him and sat on it.

Zhi Kang smiled at her gently and watched the flowers blooming in the shop calmly. The sweet floral fragrance lingering in his nose made him feel like lying on cotton after being dried in the sun, so comfortable that it made him tremble.

He looked at Fu Niang and felt that she was more beautiful than the flowers.

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