I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 172 A heroic wave of the hand

Fu Niang looked at him curiously and blindly guessed that he was Boss Xia's new employee.

I thought to myself that this person seemed to be gentle and had a very gentle temper.

It's just that it's a little too thin, as if it could be blown away by a gust of wind.

"This is my employee, his name is Zhijia." Xia Yan tapped his sore calf and introduced the two of them to each other.

Fu Niang put down the flower pot in her hand and wiped her fingers with a clean towel. The dimples at the corners of her mouth became more obvious, her eyes were bright, and she stretched out her hand with a generous attitude: "Just call me Fu Niang."


Zhichi rarely showed a strange look, and stretched out his hand to hold it, "Zhichi."

The moment their eyes met, an electric current seemed to flash through them.

The two quickly let go of their hands. Fu Niang looked away, her heart beating a little fast, and her hands rested on her side.

Xia Yan didn't notice the strangeness between the two of them and said to himself: "Fu Niang, you came late in the afternoon and didn't see the high-end thermal clothes. I tried them on yesterday and they were very warm. You should also buy a set." Yes, winter will be better this way.”

As she spoke, she ordered two sets of one-size-fits-all cold-proof and warm clothes from the mall, and handed them over as soon as they arrived.

Xia Yan unpacked the clothes and took out the clothes and marked the size on her body. They seemed to fit her perfectly, so she stuffed them back into the bag and handed over another set of unopened thermal clothes.

Fu Niang's face turned a little red, her eyes were filled with mist, and she lowered her head, not daring to look at her or the person behind her. She was extremely shy, biting her lower lip and saying nothing.

Seeing this, Zhijia looked away and touched the delicate hibiscus flower blooming nearby with his slender fingers, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Boss, I'm going back first," he said.

"Okay, let's go." Xia Yan didn't pay much attention, but he noticed Fu Niang's red face, "Fu Niang, what's wrong with you? Your face is so red."

"Ah, I'm fine. I must be a little tired from moving the flower pots just now." Fu Niang touched her hot cheek and smiled sheepishly.

After walking away, she finally felt more at ease.

"Please accept this set of clothes. Don't be polite. I usually accept the flowers you send, and I have never given you anything." Xia Yan did not allow her to refuse and stuffed the clothes into her arms.

"If there is any danger in the base in the future, Fu Niang, please run to my store to ensure safety."

Xia Yan originally wanted to let her live in the main store, but then he realized that Fu Niang was a very independent person with a kind heart and was willing to do her best to help others.

If he asked her to move, Fu Niang might not agree to it.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan swallowed back the rest of his words. I am not a nosy person myself. Everyone has different experiences and you cannot force others with your own ideas.

Fu Niang felt that the high-end cold-proof clothing in her arms was like a hot potato, and she was completely at a loss.

"No, no, no, this is too expensive."

"Take it, good neighbors are good neighbors who come and go." Xia Yan smiled and patted her hand.

Stop being polite, she will run away if you are polite anymore.

Or why she doesn't like to accept other people's kindness, and it would be too troublesome to get up and pull her.

After hearing this, Fu Niang had no choice but to nod in agreement, and was planning to bring out the best flowers to give to her.

Xia Yan hurriedly waved and left.

If I stay for a while, I have to go back with two pots of flowers.

The branch store has already turned on the lights, and bright light shines through the glass windows on the storefront, in stark contrast to the street outside.

In the residential buildings in the distance, only a few houses were lit up with orange lights, and huge figures were imprinted on the walls, making eating movements.

This is the first time Xia Yan hangs out here at night.

There was no one in the central square today. Everyone went home early for dinner, sorted out the supplies they had purchased, and excitedly let their children try on down jackets, giving them a little more confidence that they would be able to survive the harsh winter ahead warmly.

Xia Yan pushed open the glass door. There were only a few tables of customers on the first floor, and he could vaguely hear the sound of singing and cheering coming from the second floor.

The store manager Xiaowan floated over from behind the cashier and thoughtfully asked her if she had eaten.

Xiao Wan didn't mention it, but her stomach really growled when she mentioned it.

The voice was so loud that Xiaowan listened and said happily, "Boss, let's go upstairs to eat. There happened to be several tables of guests singing and dancing."

In fact, Xiaowan hasn't seen her boss for a long time and she misses him a little.

Xia Yan thought it was the same wherever she ate, and then she heard someone singing above, so she followed her upstairs.

In the cafeteria on the second floor, as soon as I entered the door, I saw two customers, a man and a woman, dancing their hometown dance amidst the sounds of joyful singing.

The female figure is graceful, with agile movements and rich expressions.

The man waves his arms, opening and closing them widely, showing the beauty of male strength.

As the dancers and vocalists responded and harmonized, the atmosphere reached its peak, and the whole room was filled with laughter.

The infected Xia Yan had a smile on his face. He walked to the dining table and picked up some food. He found a table and sat down. He clapped his hands and beat the rhythm with everyone, and followed the rhythm of the two people with his eyes. Occasionally cheer loudly.

The branch also offers drinks and ice cream.

This greatly satisfies the appetite of customers.

In your free time, invite your friends to come here to eat some meat, drink some wine, sing a few songs, dance a few, and relax your nervous mood.

Only at this time can they forget how cruel the world has become.

Only under the temporary anesthesia of alcohol can we forget the painful and hopeless tomorrow.

Unknowingly, everyone regarded eating at Boss Xia's place as the happiest thing.

Every customer who comes here consciously abides by the rules and will never quarrel over queuing or picking up food. Even because of the first branch of the holiday hotel, everyone who originally planned to leave this base has settled down again.

Gradually, they made friends here, found their loved ones, and built their long-dreamed-of home.

Even if they don’t know how long these beautiful things will last, as long as they are happy and happy now, it’s fine.

Xiaowan played festive music very appropriately, which attracted all the customers to stand up and step into the open space in the middle together, dancing and waving their hands to express their happiness.

Good singers sang a song, good dancers danced gracefully, and good ventriloquists did not hide their secrets.

A sharp-eyed customer spotted Boss Xia, raised a glass to drink with her, and held her hand to dance together.

After Xia Yan refused twice to no avail, she did not spoil everyone’s fun and drank one glass after another happily.

The onlookers shouted "good", and they didn't expect Boss Xia to be so straightforward. They were not willing to be outdone and drank a few glasses of beer.

The customers insisted that she sing a song and show her talent.

Xia Yan, who was in the right mood, waved her hand and asked Xiao Wan to play an accompaniment. She didn't care if she sang well or not, as long as her voice was loud enough for everyone to hear.

After all, what everyone listened to was not the song, but the atmosphere.

When the song ended, everyone applauded.

Xiao Wan and Zhi Cang were among them, laughing so hard that their teeth were not visible, and they were very happy.

After the performance, the two joked with her, saying that they didn't expect the boss to sing so well, and they were really enjoying a feast for their ears today.

Xia Yan grabbed the white water on the table and drank it all in one gulp. Hearing this, he smiled bitterly, "Don't make a fuss, I'm forcing the duck to do it, and I'm making a fool of myself in front of everyone."

After sitting for a while, the alcohol suddenly surged up, and Xia Yan's head began to feel dizzy. He couldn't stand it anymore.

After calling Zhikang to support him, and saying goodbye to Xiaowan, the two of them returned to the courtyard through the back door. He told Zhikang to go back to the main store and not to worry about her. He lay down in the hanging chair and looked up at the night sky full of stars that kept spinning.

He successfully vomited...

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