I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 174 Rent increase?

Xia Yan looked back after hearing the sound, and saw Xiong Xiong holding a flower he got from nowhere, with only her figure in his dark eyes, walking step by step.

"Boss, are you feeling better?" Xiong Xiong put the flowers in her hands, his voice soft and filled with worry.

It hesitantly reached out its hand, wanting to test whether the boss's forehead was feverish, but she grabbed it.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, just like a normal person." Xia Yan used some strength to pull it to her side and put one hand around its shoulder.

Holding the flower with the other hand and taking a deep breath, the nose was instantly filled with the refreshing floral fragrance, as if you were among a hundred flowers.

“It smells so good~”

Xiong Xiong happily covered his mouth with his furry little paws, leaned over and took a sniff, and agreed: "It does smell good~"

After this upgrade, Xiong Xiong has an additional function, that is, he can know Xia Yan's location at any time, and he no longer has to shout throughout the hotel.

Xia Yan held its furry little hand and walked along the stairs while arranging the staff, and took Xiong Xiong to get familiar with the brand new hotel.

When the hotel was upgraded, a utility room and a staff lounge were added on each floor.

Although the room is not big, the staff are available 24 hours a day.

The system still thoughtfully prepared rooms for them.

Xiong Xiong suddenly slapped his forehead and looked at Xia Yan with an expression as though he had just remembered, "Oh boss, I actually forgot something very important! Come with me!"

The two returned to the first floor. Xiong Xiong went straight to the back of the teak stairs and reached out to push open a door that only he could see and open.

"Boss, I forgot to tell you. After this upgrade, I also have an exclusive room. Thumb thump~ please come in~" Xiong Xiong was extremely happy to spin in circles, with his left hand behind his back and his right hand stretched out to invite her in for a visit.

The big smile on his face was full of unconcealable happiness. Xiong Xiong never dreamed that he would also have his own beautiful house~

Thanks boss~

The system that is going crazy in the dark: Wrong, wrong, stupid bear, I am the one to thank.

The "shameless" Xia Yan grinned: "Thank you. I just want to thank you. You're welcome, Xiong Xiong."

After knowing that all this was done by the system's love for Xiong Xiong, Xia Yan raised his eyebrows and asked the system secretly.

‘When can you cancel Xiong Xiong’s Achilles’ heel? ’

[This comes with it when it is born and cannot be canceled]

Fine. Xia Yan touched Xiong Xiong's head and prepared to go back at night to see if there were any high-tech fireproof suits that he could wear in the mall.

She walked in and was shocked.

Bear's room is actually a huge tree hole...

The ground is covered with tender green grass and wild flowers, and there are even small mushrooms with water droplets hidden in the middle.

The hemisphere hanging in the air is a soft bed for bears, and there are neat honeycombs on the wooden platform beside it.

Xiong Xiong opened the wooden door and took out a jar of honey.

"Boss, come and try it. It's delicious."

Naturally, Xia Yan would not refuse its kindness. He was about to take a spoonful and taste it, but he didn't want to be hit by a weak electric current on his hand——

[Warning, the host cannot eat food exclusively for Bears]

"What? Can't eat it?" Xia Yan waved his hands in pain and asked in shock.

[Yes, this is exclusive food]

Xiong Xiong didn't know that the boss was talking to her "kissing" system. She thought the boss was talking to her, so she couldn't help but tilt her head and hurriedly explained: "You can eat it, boss, I'll treat you to it. I just ate it." Yes, it’s so sweet.”

Xia Yan reached out her hand again in disbelief, but this time the current increased, causing her to scream in pain and throw away her hands.

Xiong Xiong on the side opened his mouth when he saw this scene. He stroked the honey pot up and down in confusion, looking at the boss and then at the honey pot from time to time.

What happened? Why did the boss get hurt?

Are there bees hiding inside?

Xiongxiong raised the honey pot high, scanned it carefully, trying to find the damn bee, and then threw it out without it!

Xia Yan stretched out his fingers, sighed after easing the discomfort, and touched its head.

"Xiong Xiong, this is your food. It's a pity that I can't eat it."

"Is that so... I thought there were bad bees..." Xiong Xiong was surprised at first, and then became visibly disappointed.

He held the honey pot in his hand and shook it gently, humming softly with some reluctance.

Xia Yan couldn't see it like this, so he changed the subject, "Xiong Xiong, do you have special mineral water?"

Its special mineral water is packed in bamboo tubes with labels on them.

"Ah yes, boss, can you drink the water?" Xiong Xiong put the honey pot aside, jumped open the lid and brought it to her.

A fresh fragrance of bamboo leaves wafts out, which is sweet mountain spring water.

[emmm, it’s not possible either]

Xia Yan was speechless and choked, and could only shake his head with apology.

This topic changed so awkwardly...

"Ahem, Bear, don't be sad. Even though I can't eat, I'm still very happy. You are the best Bear, and the boss likes you the most."

You can't eat this, you can't eat that...

Xiong Xiong was a little unhappy, hugging her arm and humming, and kept acting coquettishly.

The young man's voice was about to break her heart.

God knows whether Xia Yan is soft-spoken or not. What she can't bear the most is Xiong Xiong being like this.

"Be good. Let's go out and take a look."

Xia Yan coaxed Xiong Xiong for a while, planning to take him out to change his mood. Xiong Xiong obediently wiped away the non-existent tears from his eyes, blinked and nodded.

One person and one bear walked out of the room. Zheng Zhi was sitting behind the front desk, with his hands on the checkout table, chatting with customers seriously.

"Manager Zhichang, please give me the latest brochure of the hotel." Ye Qizheng scratched his head and muttered in embarrassment, "I couldn't find the room after dinner. I'll go back to get some clothes and go out."

Zhichang smiled politely, took out the brochure from the drawer and handed it over with both hands, "The hotel has been renovated, and some customers can't find their rooms. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"No, no, I just said that the hotel seems to be more glorious." Ye Qizheng's face turned red, and he waved his hand quickly, "Manager Zhichang, um, will the rent increase in the future? After all, the hotel now looks like a star standard."

In fact, this is what he really cares about. When he was eating, he vaguely felt that the seat was shaking slightly. When he looked up, he saw that the restaurant on the second floor was much more spacious.

The original wooden dining chairs became comfortable sofas, and there were several exquisitely decorated private rooms around.

For some reason, he watched the hotel change again, but he felt it was normal, just like drinking water and eating.

There were many guests in the restaurant at that time. Everyone ate breakfast slowly and watched the restaurant change little by little like watching a play.

No one felt strange, and everyone even discussed excitedly:

"Boss Xia is renovating the house again, and I guess our room will also change." "I wish the room can be 5 square meters larger."

"I wish the room will be better and the rent will never increase."

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