I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 175 Somewhat Lucky

“We need to consult Boss Xia about this, but we have never heard of the price increase. You can rest assured that if there is a price increase, we will notify you in advance.

Zhi Cang did not say anything final, but he could not not reply to the customer. This compromise made everyone satisfied.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Ye Qizheng did not continue to ask without getting an accurate answer. He silently opened the brochure and started reading.

Xiong Xiong and Xia Yan looked at each other, and Xiong Xiong asked in a low voice: "Boss, will the price increase in the future? "

Xia Yan didn't say anything and thought deeply for a while.

In fact, the initial prices given by the system from the beginning, whether it was the rent or the price of food in the restaurant, were all very low.

It was not difficult for Xia Yan to guess the real intention of the system.

Thinking about the system guiding her to open branches, issuing holiday gates, villas and water houses in Lidai Island, etc., she set the price so high, and the system did not object.

She understood very clearly that the main store of the holiday hotel stipulated by the system was a safe house prepared for the survivors.

Since she understood the good intentions of the system, Xia Yan would naturally not raise the price.

"Don't worry, there will be no price increase. If there are customers asking in the future, just reply like this." Xia Yan said lightly.

"I know, boss. "Xiongxiong doesn't think so much. In its eyes, everything is subject to the boss's orders.

At this time, several customers came upstairs to ask for manuals, and Xiongxiong rushed over to help.

As expected, everyone asked this question.

Ye Qizheng raised his head from the manual and looked at Xiongxiong with a little expectation in his eyes.

Manager Zhichang may have a low level and no authority, so I don't know what Manager Xiongxiong will say.

While handing out manuals, Xiongxiong comforted everyone with an extremely affirmative tone: "There will be no price increase, everyone just live in peace."

"That's great. It's not easy to find a safe place in this world."

"Yes, I just want to live a stable life. "

Ye Qizheng got the answer he wanted, closed the manual and prepared to take the elevator upstairs.

After a ding, the door opened to both sides, and he was stunned for a moment.

The two boys inside the door didn't expect to see him. Their faces froze and they snorted coldly, looking away and pretending not to see him.

When they went out, the two of them bumped into Ye Qizheng's shoulder.

Ye Qizheng lowered his eyelashes, hiding his sad emotions, and slowly walked into the elevator.

He knew why the two had this attitude towards him, but he didn't know how to solve it.

Should he care, or treat the two as strangers? Should he force them to communicate?

Ye Qizheng's eyes were full of confusion. He used to be a lone wolf and didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Now he felt very lonely. There was nothing to worry about in his heart. He just obeyed his mother's last words in a daze and tried to live.

"Ye Qizheng, come here. "

He heard Boss Xia calling his name, looked up, and saw her sitting on the sofa, smiling and waving at him.

In this hotel, I'm afraid only Boss Xia knows and is willing to call him.

While the elevator door was not closed, he hurriedly pressed the key to open the door, stepped out and walked to Boss Xia.

"You called me, what's the matter?"

"Sit down first. "Xia Yan looked at him calmly.

His face became thinner again, and there was a hint of black under his eye sockets. His clear and bright eyes were now filled with some sorrow and confusion about the future.

Xia Yan remembered a sentence an old man had said before, which was very appropriate here:

Parents are a wall between children and death. When parents are gone, they will face these things directly.

Perhaps, the kind-hearted Ye Qi was unwilling to vent his emotions to others, and forced himself to forget his twisted sadness, like a young animal quietly nestling in a corner licking his own wounds.

Ye Qi was sitting opposite her, with the brochure on his knees.

Xia Yan ordered two cups of milk tea in the food city, put one of them in front of him, and whispered in his puzzled eyes: "I'll treat you to a drink and ask you something by the way."

"You are too polite. Just ask whatever you want to ask. There is no need to prepare these for me. "Ye Qi was about to push the milk tea back, but he stopped when he met her gentle but firm eyes.

Her expression seemed to say that if he didn't drink it, she would drive him out...

Ye Qi took the milk tea with both hands and took a sip. It was icy, sweet and delicious. He lowered his long eyelashes, and under his straight nose was a straight mouth.

He recalled how he and his mother supported each other step by step through the city full of zombies while hungry, and then settled down.

The two of them were lucky to get here smoothly.

"How are you doing recently?" Xia Yan asked hesitantly.

Calling Ye Qi was a completely subconscious behavior. Maybe he couldn't stand the two kids bullying him.

After all, he liked Ye Qi quite a lot at the beginning.

"Not bad. I killed a lot of zombies and saved crystal cores on Lidai Island last time. If I spend it sparingly, I can at least live until the beginning of next spring. "Honest child Ye Qizhen had nothing to hide, and he told her all his thoughts.

"Well, that's good." Xia Yan was not very good at comforting others, and she didn't know what to say when she called him.

She was also unwilling to take the initiative to reveal his scars, and then hypocritically say condolences and live a good life in the future.

The two of them drank milk tea quietly, and Ye Qizhen's originally confused heart gradually calmed down.

He began to calm down, and felt that his brain, which had been cloudy recently, had become somewhat clear.

What had he been doing recently? Just because the two little brats felt that he did not cry and express his pain, he reflected and blamed himself?

Wu Zetian really lost her mind. He was a little outrageous.

In the eyes of irrelevant people who were still alive after the apocalypse, he kept wasting himself. How S13 was this behavior?

Ye Qizheng almost wanted to hold his forehead and sigh. Only after he woke up did he realize how unbearable he had done.

He took a big sip of milk tea and secretly promised to go back and sleep under the quilt.

If his mother was still there, she would definitely not want to see such a decadent son.

Ye Qizheng looked at the two people at the front desk who kept secretly looking at him and Boss Xia.

The two half-grown boys could not hide anything in their hearts. At this moment, they looked shocked, as if they had never expected that Boss Xia was so close to him.

Bai Zuo and Bai You stuck out their tongues and made faces at him, trying to anger him.

Seeing them like this, Ye Qizhen was even more speechless. How stupid was he to be controlled by two young fools.

Xia Yan followed his gaze, Bai Zuo and Bai You quickly retracted their expressions, and tried to put on a smile, and greeted her with a stiff face and a bit weird.

"Boss Xia Xia Xia Xia, the hotel is really decorated, Boss Xia asked us to raise the rent - oh no, please don't raise the rent, what am I talking about."

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