I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 176 More than just a door

Bai Zuo and Bai You shook their hands anxiously, and the two men, who felt embarrassed and ashamed, grabbed the brochures and ran away.

Without even looking back.

Xia Yan looked at them with amusement, and suddenly had a bad idea-

In the future, when he met customers who had been teachers, he would ask them to open online classes and teach these children.

Then he would give them homework every day, and if they couldn't finish their homework, they would be punished to recite the text, haha, so that they could also experience the joy of learning in the end times.

She provided the venue and textbooks, and as for the salary, how about exempting half of the rent.

It doesn't take a long time a day, just two hours a day.

Xia Yan became more and more excited as he thought about it, and felt that this idea was great.

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It also saves these kids from not knowing a single word and forgetting their previous cultural traditions haha.

Ye Qi was drinking milk tea while secretly looking at her. I don't know what good things Boss Xia thought of, and he laughed so hard that his back felt cold.

Xia Yan plans to move and see the situation, and then recruit two teachers online.

If you want the saplings to grow straight, you have to prune them from time to time.

Xia Yan is a person who thinks and does what she wants. At this moment, she is still thinking about setting up a classroom, and then seeing the group of children sitting behind the desks with a frustrated look on their faces listening to the teacher's lecture, they forget everything when they see Su Mei.

Su Mei and her group of sisters came in the afternoon.

The moment she entered the door, Yi Xinyi shouted wow, and looked around completely, hugged the round-faced woman beside her and said with a smile:

"You lose, I said this place is definitely more luxurious than the branch, but you still don't believe it. Give me the crystal core."

Mao Yuanyuan pouted, and took out two third-level crystal cores from her pocket and put them in her palm.

"Here you go. If you lose, you'll accept the bet."

Yi Xinyi put the crystal core into her waist bag with a smile on her face, and asked with a sly smile: "Want another bet? Guess if there are people ambushing us here?"

Hearing her say this, Su Mei, who was walking in front, stopped and frowned, "Do you think those people will not let us go? They ran all the way here to ambush us?"

"Who knows? After all, we killed his little wife." Yi Xinyi put her hands behind her head and continued indifferently: "It is possible that he is not here. I am just teasing Mao Yuanyuan."

Mao Yuanyuan glared at her fiercely.

Since escaping from the base, Yi Xinyi has been letting herself go more and more, doing whatever she wants. The honest and serious character she used to have disappeared without a trace, like a real little gangster.

Just like now, he was obviously glaring at her, but she tried to blow a hooligan whistle to counter-tune and tease herself. It was enough.

Mao Yuanyuan turned her head away from her, her cheeks puffed up with anger.

Yi Xinyi smiled secretly. Mao Yuanyuan was really funny. She would get angry at any time, like a pufferfish. When she got angry, her cheeks would puff up and her thorns would stand up. It would take some time for her to return to normal.

Life outside was not easy either. She had to find some fun to play with.

"You two stop making trouble. Boss Xia is watching in front." Su Mei reminded the two and walked to the sofa first.

"Boss Xia, long time no see."

"Yeah, it looks like you had a smooth journey?" Xia Yan smiled and stood up, his eyes falling on two unfamiliar faces.

It looked like their skin was very rough, their complexion was dark, there were two dark blushes on their faces, and there were fine lines around their eyes. I don't know what they had experienced, and their expressions were cautious and complicated.

What was even more special was that each of them had a blue tattoo on their face, which was the word "slave".

When Xia Yan silently looked at the two people, the other party also looked around with a hint of defense.

Seeing this, Su Mei invited Xia Yan to step aside and explained softly: "These two children are quite pitiful. Don't look at them like this. They are actually only seventeen or eighteen years old."

"We met them by chance when we were visiting the black market. There were many people locked up in a half-meter-high cage, both men and women. We don't know where they were robbed from, and we don't know how long they have been locked up."

Su Mei turned her head to look at the two girls, with sadness and reluctance in her eyes, "Soon someone took a high-voltage electric baton and made them climb out of the cage, forcing them to stand on the middle stand, naked with their arms open to show their bodies.

The people below called out the price, and the highest bidder won. In just a few tens of seconds, many people were bought. I snatched them from a fat man."

The two girls didn't know what Su Mei and Boss Xia were talking about. They held hands and said nothing, with only Su Mei in their eyes.

Su Mei raised her hand and pinched her aching temple. She didn't know why she told Boss Xia. After all, saving people was her own choice and had nothing to do with anyone.

Maybe, she had a little unrealistic fantasy.

Boss Xia is just a hotel owner, and the human trafficking issue has to be handled by the government.

Su Mei took a long breath, put on a smile again, looked at Xia Yan and said, "Boss Xia, do you have a room now? We want to have a good rest at your place for a while."

Xia Yan nodded, and became interested in the black market she mentioned.

"There are plenty of rooms. By the way, where is the black market? Take me to see it next time?"

Su Mei's eyes widened. What does Boss Xia mean?

She was a little excited, "The black market opens every two weeks. I heard from the sellers that it will be in Z City next time. If Boss Xia wants to go, I will take you with me next time!"

"Okay. Now I'll take you to see the room. I guarantee you will like it, but the price is a bit expensive."

Xia Yan blinked and prepared to take them to Lidai Island first.

Su Mei and her friends are very powerful. They must have killed many zombies and accumulated crystal cores along the way. They are suitable to live in the Lidai Island, which charges a higher fee.

"Sisters, let's go to look at houses." Su Mei waved.

"Let's go, finally we can have a good sleep." Several people followed.

But they didn't expect that Boss Xia didn't take them to take the elevator or climb the stairs, but walked towards a background wall.

It wasn't until they got closer that they suddenly realized that this was a door... Oh my god, where does this door lead to...

Xia Yan walked in first, and Su Mei and others behind him curiously reached out and touched it. They felt a little damp in their hands, and there was a gentle breeze passing through their fingers.

The eyes can't see, but the touch becomes keen.

Several people looked at each other excitedly, and their palms kept stirring inside the door, as if touching a blind box.

On the other side, Xia Yan folded his arms and watched countless hands stirring in front of him, laughing and crying.

"You guys come in."

Boss Xia's slightly teasing voice came from inside the door, and they put away their playfulness and stepped through the door.

After a dazzling light, they finally saw the scene in front of them clearly.

"Oh my god——" Yi Xinyi opened her mouth wide and looked at the beautiful scenery in front of her, rubbing her eyes and couldn't believe it.

Are they in a tourist attraction?

The sky here is blue, the sea is also blue, and the waves are sparkling in the distance. The slightly salty sea breeze blows, and the waves rush onto the beach with rich foam, which is both quiet and peaceful.

It's just a door, but it can lead to another place?

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