I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 178 Everyone is shocked

Su Mei pulled her teammates to find a random seat and sat down. 6̾̾

As long as they are not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Xiong Xiong counted the number of people and nodded to Xia Yan.

"Since everyone is here, we will start." Xia Yan stood in the front and scanned everyone one by one.

She specially notified Xiong Xiong today to let customers who booked rooms wait until the evening meeting to decide whether to check in.

She originally planned to move today, but then she thought that maybe not everyone would be willing to follow the hotel. Everyone has the right to know, and she doesn't know where to move to. The system means random.

"There is something very important to call everyone here tonight. Please make a decision after careful consideration."

Hearing Boss Xia's seriousness, everyone unconsciously leaned forward and pricked up their ears.

Did something happen in the hotel?

Xia Yan didn't keep it a secret and continued directly: "Tomorrow night, the hotel will move to another place as a whole, and even move every once in a while in the future."

What did they hear?


Wasn't it just renovated? How can this house be moved? Is it like a moving castle that moves on its own?

Everyone was full of doubts and asked: "Boss Xia, what do you mean by moving?"

"It means literally." Xia Yan said.

"Where will the hotel move to?"

"This is unknown for the time being."

"Will you come back in the future?"

"Probably not." Xia Yan didn't plan to come back either.

"If we don't have enough points in our cards, and there are no zombies in the new place, what should we do?"

Will they be kicked out?

After all, Boss Xia said before that they would not be allowed to stay if they didn't have points.

Xia Yan thought for a while, "This is why I called everyone here tonight. If you don't have points in your card, you can't continue to live in the hotel. This is the store rule and cannot be changed."

Everyone was in an uproar.

"What does she mean? She'll take us away by force, and then kick us out when we run out of points? What if she moves to a place where there's no one? We won't be able to survive if we're kicked out."

"That's right, she can't do that. We've lived here for so long, and we've never had any trouble. We've all lived honestly, so we should get along a little bit."

"How about this, let's follow her first, and then we won't go out no matter what when we run out of points. There are so many people, what can she do to us? Can she really kick us out? We can drown her with a spit from each of us."

"I say, are you stupid? Have you forgotten how Boss Xia dealt with those who violated the store rules?"

"Don't tell them, let's go sit somewhere else."

For a moment, everyone was divided into three different positions.

When it doesn't matter to their own interests, everyone is a good person.

One of the families was also whispering with their heads down, but the content of their discussion had nothing to do with the hotel-

"I didn't expect to really wait for the Sumei team. What should I do? Should I send a signal first, or take the body back to report?" The man lowered his head.

The corners of the woman's mouth were still raised, and she hugged the child in her arms.

"I think it's safe to send a signal. It's best not to cause trouble here. Boss Xia is not an ordinary person. We are just looking for someone. There is no need to get involved."

"I don't think so." A mature voice came from the child in his arms, which was completely inconsistent with his childish face.

He is actually a dwarf who never grows up.

The woman looked down at him and asked naturally: "What do you mean?"

"Didn't you hear Boss Xia say that we will move tomorrow? Even if we notify them now, they can't get here."

"But we can't cause trouble here. We can't protect you if a fight really breaks out."

Let's be frank. Don't count on her when the time comes.

The dwarf rolled his eyes after hearing this, "No one asked you to cause trouble here, so you won't trick Su Mei and the others out?"

Arresting people here, you must be crazy.

The man and the woman looked at each other and thought it was a good idea.

I have to say that they came at the right time. Boss Xia happened to move tomorrow, and they arrived today. God helps them.

After completing the mission, they can return to the base. This mission takes too long, and their families are probably very worried.

The three of them gathered together and began to discuss the plan to trick them out.


Xia Yan sat on the sofa in the front and listened calmly to the discussion of the crowd.

A large part of the guests staying here are local aborigines. No matter how many points these people have, some of them cannot accept to live in another completely unfamiliar place.

Here they are at least familiar with the roads, know where to hide from zombies, and also know the location of other bases, and can run to them if they really can't make it.

It's a brand new place, and the danger index is too high.

These people are the most entangled. They don't understand why Boss Xia suddenly decided to move, obviously the business here is also good.

A few thoughtful customers vaguely guessed that Boss Xia decided to move because he didn't want too many survivors to gather around the hotel, especially when there was no absolute manager among this group of people.

The last time those two people were a lesson.

What if the next powerful supernatural person with the intention of harming others is guarding outside?

If Boss Xia is only responsible for the internal security of the hotel, it means that in the future when they go out, they must not only guard against zombies, but also against people with special powers, and maybe even against the so-called neighbors in the hotel.

From this perspective, moving is definitely a wise move, and they support it.

At this time, a man suddenly stood up in the crowd, with his family sitting next to him.

"Boss Xia, I still have to ask the question just now. If we really don't have crystal cores, will you really drive us out?"

Everyone turned their eyes to Boss Xia. This was their last test.

"Yes." Xia Yan looked at him and said calmly, "I will randomly teleport you to the gates of various bases."

The man took a deep breath, as if he was making a final struggle with fate, "Boss Xia, you can't do this. Saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda. This is the last paradise for survivors. Driving us away is to kill us!"

His words attracted some people to nod in response.

Xia Yan stood up, "No, you're wrong. How many survivors do you think there are in the city now? Look at how many guests I can accommodate here. Saving people is not something that can be achieved by one person alone.

In addition to here, you have countless bases to choose from, and you have a points card to order takeout, so life may not be difficult."

"But the base cannot fully guarantee our personal safety..." the man murmured.

"In peacetime, no one can fully guarantee everyone's safety. It's the same here. As long as you step out of the door, I won't guarantee everyone's safety." Xia Yan said: "The choice is in everyone's hands. It's up to you to decide whether to live or not. My only requirement is that there are points in the card to pay the rent."

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