It's pointless to continue asking questions.

The man sat down again, his face depressed.

Some people had the same expression as him, as if they were newborn lambs opening their eyes to see the world for the first time, shrinking and at a loss.

Xia Yan lowered her eyes. Some people forget to be prepared for danger after living for a long time, and are unwilling to take any risks. She hasn't moved in yet, but they think it must be worse than here, and they will be kicked out because they don't have points...

"The meeting will end here, and the time will end at 9 o'clock tomorrow night. Customers who want to check out, please go to the front desk before the deadline. No one will be served after the deadline."

Xia Yan walked away.

(Please remember 𝟔𝟗 book bar → 96𝙨𝙝𝙪.𝙣𝙚𝙩 website, watch the fastest chapter update)

Everyone acted differently. Customers who had made up their minds to stay took the elevator upstairs and made random guesses about where they would move to in the future. Anyway, they had a lot of points and could at least support themselves for nearly a year, so there was nothing to worry about.

The customers who stayed looked at each other and talked about it.

I guess they won't sleep well tonight.

The Sumei team didn't expect the hotel to move, but they just moved into the villa.

"Captain, then we..."

"Continue to live here, it's the same wherever you are, just treat it as a trip." Sumei was not worried. Since she saw Lidai Island, she has fallen in love with this place.

It's impossible to leave. Boss Xia can move wherever he wants.

Seeing Sumei so calm, everyone felt that it didn't matter. No matter where they go, as long as they are together, it's fine.

"Let's go, go back to sleep."

Su Mei and the others stood up and prepared to go through the resort gate to the island to rest.

The three people who had been secretly observing looked at each other and immediately stood up to act.

Damn, I never thought that they could afford to live in Lidai Island. They really enjoy it.

Stop them quickly, otherwise you will have to pay for tickets in the future.


"Boss, come out quickly, eating melons online."

Xiong Xiong suddenly pushed open the back door, only poked his head out and shouted at Xia Yan who was staring at the sky in a daze.

Xia Yan sat up with a look of excitement, "What melon? Whose melon?"

"The heartbroken wife catches the shameless mistress, and the heartless man holds his young son and speaks nonsense: Whoever wins will be the winner."

Xia Yan, who trotted all the way, looked at its black face.

Xiongxiong spread his paws, "Oh, Zhikang taught me. He said you definitely like it."

"Well, he knows me very well." Xia Yan affirmed, "Who is it? I'm so curious."

"It's a customer who just checked into Lidai Island today."

One person and one bear walked quickly through the corridor. Through the huge glass, she saw that the outermost edge of the safe zone was full of customers.

It seems that everyone came out to watch the fun.

Xia Yan was very curious, who in the Sumei team would be the third sister? It feels like no one.

As they got closer, the woman's sharp shouting instantly penetrated the front and back of the street.

"Good third sister, I finally caught you, let me see how I deal with you this time!"

What a bloody family ethics drama, she is a local dog, she likes it~

Xia Yan's eyes lit up, squeezed through the crowd and walked to the front, and sure enough, she saw an expressionless man outside the safe zone holding a child and watching coldly.

OMG, what kind of person is this, letting his wife and third sister fight?

Xia Yan looked at the third sister who was being held down by the woman by her hair. She could only hear her weak voice shouting that she was not the one and that she had recognized the wrong person.

The woman was hoarse and furious, "You are talking nonsense! I would recognize you even if you turned into ashes! If it weren't for you, my mother would have been pissed off to death. How could an old man eat such a trashy woman? She has a strong taste."

The onlookers finally understood. They had always thought that the woman's husband had cheated, but they didn't expect that her father had an extra leg.

Wrongly blamed, wrongly blamed.

However, some people were puzzled. From what she said, her parents were gone, so what kind of cheating did her daughter catch?

The woman was still impatient and hit her on the head twice, cursing and looking fiercely at the Su Mei team surrounding them, eager to try to beat them up together.

Su Mei frowned fiercely and tried to pull the woman away, "If you have anything to say, just talk it over. Why do you come up and hit me? Let go!"

Fan Zhina was pinned down by her and couldn't move. She stretched out her hand to Su Mei for help, "It's really not me. I don't even know her."

When the woman saw Su Mei reaching out her hand, she winked at the man, who came up and punched her, "It has nothing to do with you, don't make trouble."

The fist went straight to her face. Su Mei's face changed. She used her supernatural power to quickly avoid it and stretched her hand back, "Mi Dong!"

Mi Dong took out the Tang sword from the space and handed it over. Yi Xinyi and others used their supernatural powers and stepped forward to surround the two.

"Let go of my teammates!" Yi Xinyi held the sharp ice blade in her hand, her eyes full of murderous intent.

"What, you want to kill someone?" The woman sneered, pulled out a sharp blade and put it on Fan Zhina's neck, "One for one, I won't lose."

The pain came from her neck, and Fan Zhina's face turned pale in an instant. She hurriedly explained again: "Sister, you really recognized the wrong person, I don't know you at all."

The woman sneered and leaned beside her ear, looking directly at Su Mei and said: "It doesn't matter, we just know Su Mei."

Su, Captain Su?

After all the fuss, the third sister is the captain?

Receiving the weird eyes of her teammates, Su Mei's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, "Don't guess randomly, these three people were sent by the surname Yang."

Oh, I said it, the captain didn't even look at the pretty boy who came to the door, how could he be willing to be the third sister.

Thief, you dare to mess with my loyalty!

Mao Yuanyuan and Luo Yu were furious, and after exchanging glances with Yi Xinyi, they signaled her to take the initiative.

It was not easy for Yi Xinyi to endure her violent temper until now. She immediately silently swung countless ice needles, attacking indiscriminately.

The woman did not expect that she would not care about the life or death of her companions. Seeing the ice needle approaching in an instant, she hurriedly shouted: "Brother Ru!"

A light black light screen instantly blocked her face, blocking the ice needles and making a crisp tinkling sound.

Only then did they notice the child beside them. They saw that he was wrapped in a black light screen, and his dark eyes stared at them motionless.

On the other side, Su Mei wrapped around the man with the Tang Dao, waving it with a whirring sound. The man no longer hid his strength. After strengthening his body, the bulging muscles flashed with a metallic light, and the Tang Dao only left a shallow streak on it. Light white mark.

Seeing this man, he smiled sarcastically and said, "Captain Su Mei, we have been waiting for you here for a long time."

As he spoke, he raised his arm to resist the Tang Dao, clenched his other hand into a fist and swung it out heavily, heading straight towards Su Mei with the sound of biting wind.

If this punch hits her, a few bones will be broken even if she doesn't die.

Su Mei did not dare to take it lightly. All of her superpowers were concentrated on her feet. Her body swayed, leaving only an afterimage. She circled around the man and kept waving the Tang Dao at extremely fast speeds.

She tries to find his weaknesses.

The man's punch missed, and the slight pain of being chopped kept coming from his body. He couldn't touch Su Mei at all. In desperation, he could only cover his Adam's apple and shouted:

"Brother Ru, give me a shield!"

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