I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 180 Just a few more brain cells


The child no longer hid it, and spoke a low, mature man's voice. Then he waved his hand, and the man's throat was protected by a black protective shield.


"Hey, that's a dwarf!" Yi Xinyi shouted out as she was multitasking.

The three of them have such a good plan!

They didn't expect that this was an adult. Fortunately, he only had defensive abilities. Otherwise, they would have been stabbed in the back.

The woman laughed, and with a move of her hand, Fan Zhina fell to the ground and twitched all over.

Seeing that someone was really killed, the onlookers realized what was going on - the plot to capture the third sister was clearly an enemy who was extremely jealous when they met!

The customers were so frightened that they didn't dare to look anymore and kept running towards the hotel.

I didn't see anything tonight. They should be in the room at this moment, not here.

The originally bustling safe area suddenly became quiet, with only Xiong Xiong and Xia Yan still standing where they were.

"Sorry, boss, the information is wrong." Xiong Xiong put his hands in front of his belly and tilted his head slightly.

"Are they making trouble in the hotel?" Xia Yan asked.

"No." Xiong Xiong confirmed.

That's fine, as long as there's no trouble within the hotel, she won't take action.

Su Mei stopped her rapid movement and revealed her figure. The tip of her nose was covered with tiny beads of sweat, and her chest rose and fell slightly.

"It's my turn, eh'er eh'er." The man laughed strangely, and rushed over quickly while gearing up. His big fists made a whirring sound, and Su Mei had to use her superpower to dodge again.

The woman on the other side stood up. As she opened and closed her hands, several streams of water flowed out from her fingers, spiraling and speeding out, heading straight for the necks of several people with a momentum that could cut steel plates.

"Playing in the water?" Yi Xinyi's competitive spirit was aroused, and she asked Mao Yuanyuan and the others to help the captain. She also waved several ice streams to greet them, "Sister, let me play with you."

Luo Yu took the opportunity to drag Fan Zhina out of the battle circle and into the safe zone.

Midong took out a big hammer from the space and threw it to Mao Yuanyuan. The two went straight to the dwarf man, swinging the two big hammers and hitting the black light screen hard.


The aura was so fierce that the shields around the dwarf man shook slightly--

Not broken.

"Hurry up and deal with them, I can hold on." The dwarf man said solemnly, his eyes like the tail of a snake that has been tempered with poison, just waiting for the right opportunity to strike fatally.

The man and woman responded after hearing it, and immediately used all their powers to attack without mercy.

There was a clanking sound on the scene, and the supernatural powers that occasionally hit the safe area only made a ripple and then disappeared without a trace.

Xia Yan was wondering what Luo Yu was doing dragging a corpse back, when he saw her starting to "skin it off."

There was a hiss from the ear piercing, like tearing a piece of paper, and a layer of wax object was peeled off, revealing Fan Zhina who was intact inside and rolling her eyes.

"Me, me, I'm still alive?" Fan Zhina looked confused.

Xia Yan, an onlooker, found it interesting.

Just now, Fan Zhina had a dead look on her face, her chest didn't rise and fall at all, and her body was stiff. She looked really cold, but she didn't expect it to be fake. Luo Yu's superpower was somewhat interesting.

Luo Yu touched her forehead to make sure there was no fever. Without stopping, she quickly peeled off all the wax objects and rubbed them into a ball.

"Don't worry, you're alive and well. This is my superpower. I made the golden cicada escape from its shell, but luckily it was in time."

Fan Zhina stood up again and touched her smooth neck with fear. The feeling of having her throat cut just now was so realistic that she didn't want to experience it again.

"You stay here, I'm going out to help." Luo Yu dropped these words and rushed out, asking for tools from Midong and joining the eighty-black light screen.

The woman turned her head anxiously from time to time, and kept waving water in her hand to try to drive them away. Brother Ru couldn't hold on if he continued like this.

But she didn't want the water flow that was just halfway to be blocked by the ice power. Yi Xinyi's lazy voice came: "Sister, your opponent is me. If you are distracted, I will fire thousands of arrows."

The woman is so angry that she jumps on her feet.

On the other side, Su Mei fixed her gaze on the man's Adam's apple and kept slashing at it while moving at extremely fast speeds. The harsh tinkling sound shocked the man into cold sweat, but he could only be beaten passively.

Why are you still running so fast after so long? Aren't you tired?

If this continues, they will definitely die!

At this time, an unknown cracking sound came, and Brother Ru let out a scream.

The two of them suddenly broke out in cold sweat, something was wrong.

The opportunity has come.

Su Mei's eyes were piercing, and murderous intent suddenly appeared. The blade in her hand flashed with cold light, and she activated her powers to rush out quickly. After leaving an afterimage on the spot, she appeared on the other side in an instant, and a drop of bright red blood slowly appeared on the blade. dripping.

The man felt a chill in his throat, and blood spurted out like a waterfall. He didn't even have time to withdraw his powers, and he fell to the ground and twitched continuously.

Su Mei didn't even look back, and threw the knife to Midong as if nothing had happened.

"Solve it quickly."

"Sisters, I won't play with you." Yi Xinyi put away her intention to play. Under the absolute suppression of the superpower level, the woman's little water flow was not enough to see. Almost instantly, she was penetrated by the sharp ice arrow. heart.

The extreme cold exploded inside her body and froze rapidly along her blood vessels. The woman turned into an ice sculpture without even making a sound, and the dwarf man was also beaten to death by random hammers.

The Sumei team achieved a crushing victory.

Mi Dong and Mao Yuanyuan each held a red tassel spear and attacked again to prevent anyone from pretending to be dead. When they were sure that everyone was dead, they grabbed their feet and walked to the periphery.

What was the matter with placing this thing in front of Boss Xia's store?

The mess had to be cleaned up.

Seeing that there was nothing exciting to watch, Xia Yan prepared to go back to wash his face and watch a zombie movie to rest.

Xiong Xiong looked at the pool of blood and hesitated whether to clean it up. They had to move tomorrow at the latest, so it was okay not to clean it up.

But the big red pool looked uncomfortable.

Su Mei saw that it was staring at the blood, so she took the initiative to clean it with water.

Xiong Xiong readily agreed, led her straight to the utility room, filled a large bucket of disinfectant for her to take away, and gave her a wooden brush by the way, "You can use it, don't return it, I have plenty here."

"...Okay, thank you."

The few people started to clean the floor, and accidentally looked back to find that the store manager Xiong Xiong was in the safe area with his hands behind his back, looking at them with a smile on his face.

It seemed to be praising them for their good work...

Yi Xinyi made a bold assumption, maybe...it was supervising them to clean? A mysophobic bear? Six.

The few people who returned to the villa area of ​​​​Lidai Island lay on the ground, enjoying the rare comfort, with a small pile of colorful crystal cores next to them.

Although there was not much "money", it was enough for them to eat buffets for many days.

Mao Yuanyuan turned sideways and looked at Yi Xinyi, with a puzzled tone: "Xinyi, how did you know that someone ambushed us here?"

This guy is amazing, he guessed everything, and winked at them to actively cooperate with the three people to go out.

Seeing that everyone was curious, Yi Xinyi supported her hands behind her head, looking arrogant.

"Maybe, it's because I have a few more brain cells~"

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