After the three people died, the few points in the card were automatically attributed to the store's non-operating income.

This part of the points is so small that Xia Yan thought it was a spam message when he received the system's prompt.

[Host, you should go to the front hall to check out the customers]

[As a boss, you have to stand your last shift]

Xia Yan's bed-ridden time is getting longer and longer, so long that after a simple wash and meal, he went back to bed again, and then bought a bunch of new autumn clothes in the mall.

He was so bad that even the system couldn't stand it.

"Ah, do you still need me to go to check out?" Xia Yan was a little incredible. "Do customers want to exchange points for crystal cores? Can't Xiongxiong also handle it?"

[It's impossible to return the crystal core]

[Xiongxiong is too busy, and it can't enter the hotel backstage. The boss also has to work occasionally]

Is that so?

Xia Yan half-believed and half-doubtedly opened the quilt, unpacked the pile of clothes he bought today, threw them all into the washing machine, and then slowly stepped out of the house.

Sure enough, she is still very useful.

According to the system, many customers decided to leave, and there were so many that Xiongxiong couldn't handle it.

Don't worry, Xiongxiong, the boss is here.

Xia Yan thought that there would be many customers at the front desk, but she never expected that the system was playing a trick on her.

At this moment, Xiongxiong was driving the floor scrubber around the hall, and the leisure area was full of customers waiting and watching, as if waiting for someone.

Xia Yan retracted his gaze and walked behind the cashier, ready to talk to the system. He didn't show up even after calling it several times, and Xia Yan was so angry that he kept greeting it in his heart.

After the elevator rang twice, a line of people with luggage walked out and walked straight to the front desk.

They didn't seem to expect that it was Boss Xia sitting inside. After a visible hesitation, they still walked over.

Seeing this, the customers in the leisure area also gathered around and grabbed one of them to ask where they were going.

"Go to Shangyang Base, where my relatives are. Anyway, I can order takeout, and it's safe for the family to get together." This person didn't hide anything and said whatever he wanted.

"Shangyang Base, I heard the system there is pretty good, it's the largest base in the city. Hey, brother, I have relatives there too, if you don't mind, let's go together?"

"Well, ask my husband later. I can't make the decision."

"Oh, then I'll wait..."

"Boss Xia, sorry for the trouble, we check out." The young man smiled kindly and spoke in a humble tone.

"Okay, wait a moment." Xia Yan smiled at him, opened the backstage to find the room he was staying in, clicked OK on the check-out button, and a reminder popped up that it was waiting to be cleaned.

"You have successfully checked out, and there are 3280 points in the card now."

The young man was relieved to see that he checked out so smoothly. He thought Boss Xia would take the opportunity to make things difficult for them... It turned out to be a mean man.

"You don't need to refund the remaining points. I'll have to order takeout from you in the future. Boss Xia, we're leaving."

"Well, be careful on the road." Xia Yan stood up and nodded to them. His expression was still as gentle as when they checked in. He didn't seem to care whether they left or not. He just fulfilled his duties as a boss...

Seeing that he checked out so smoothly, the other customers who were interested checked out one after another after reaching an agreement with them to leave together.

The world is difficult, and it is easier to live in a familiar place.

They have taken too many risks and really don't want to pay the price of blood again.

Xia Yan checked out for them one by one, and then she found that the people who checked out didn't have that many points in their cards.

But they didn't ask to exchange their points for crystal cores, so they should have a lot of crystal cores in their pockets. It can be seen that these people are cautious and will not put all their eggs in one basket.

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This group of people returned upstairs, took down the luggage they had packed in advance, waited in the lobby for a while, and left in a hurry while it was still bright.

Someone left and someone else checked in.

Among the pre-registered customers, except Sheng Nan and a couple, the remaining customers who had not checked in were reluctant to leave a room full of wood, so they pulled a few companions with high supernatural levels and prepared to continue to stay here.

After wiping the floor, Xiong Xiong ran upstairs and asked the waiters in charge of that floor to disinfect and clean the rooms for check-out.

Xia Yan stayed at the front desk all the time. Customers came to check out one after another, and she had never been idle.

After waiting for three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was setting, and no more customers went downstairs to check out.

Basically, less than half of the customers had left, and the current room supply was very sufficient.

After checking the hotel's backend information, Xia Yan stood up and stretched his body.

Until nine o'clock in the evening, the stipulated time was up, and Xia Yan asked Xiong Xiong to invite the customers in the leisure area who were ready to watch how the hotel moved back upstairs.

"I'll stay here and keep quiet, you guys are busy. "Qiao Zhen crossed her arms and remained motionless, her heart filled with curiosity.

She had waited for a whole day just to witness this magical scene with her own eyes.

The customers near her obviously had the same idea, their eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Sorry, you need to go back upstairs." Xiongxiong's tone was soft but could not be refused.

The boss told you to go upstairs, don't make it difficult for Xiong.

Everyone looked at each other and wanted to hold on, but then they saw Boss Xia looking in this direction.

"Why haven't you gone upstairs yet?" she asked in confusion.

"Right away, right away." Qiao Zhen stood up, waved his hand with a big mouth, and ran away.

Don't make a fuss, the only person you can't offend here is this seemingly harmless Boss Xia, be careful or you won't know how you died, run away.

The rest of the people saw that the core figure Qiao Zhen ran so fast, so they also stood up and walked upstairs.

The originally lively leisure area was empty in an instant.

Xiong Xiong pouted and tugged at the corner of his clothes.

The customers who went upstairs lay in front of the window, staring outside without blinking - they couldn't watch in the hall, but they could watch in their own rooms.

This group of people just stood in front of the window, waiting and waiting, but nothing came.

At 23:40, she suddenly felt extremely sleepy, as if coming from the depths of her soul, and she could not resist it with her will.

Qiao Zhen slapped herself hard and forced her eyes open. She knew that Boss Xia was going to move.

Damn, she had waited for so long!

At this time, she felt pain in her chest and couldn't breathe. At the same time, her heart was suffocating and her eyes were black.

She fell on the bed and felt that she would die suddenly if she didn't sleep. The moment she closed her eyes, she fell into a deep sleep.


[Customers are all in a deep sleep]

[Do you want to start the moving function?]


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