[Randomly generating the venue...]

[The passage is open]

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝓈𝒽𝓊.𝓃ℯ𝓉

Xia Yan saw a dazzling door suddenly appearing outside through the French window, which was constantly flashing.

The word "passage" was engraved on the lintel.

"Xiong Xiong, let's go, we're off."

Xiong Xiong turned off all the lights in the hall, followed her out of the hotel, locked the door with his backhand, and fumbled on the wall to pull out a hidden Xiong Xiong special valve.

Pulling hard, there was a sound of puffing, and the originally heavy wall gradually collapsed, like a melted ice cream cake, slowly falling towards it.

Soon, the 30-story building became mini, like a child's toy, picked up by Xiong Xiong and held in his palm.

"Okay, boss."

"Yeah." Xia Yan held Xiong Xiong's other paw, and the two stepped into the flashing door together.

Inside the door was a passage extending forward, full of white light spots, clustered together.

Xiongxiong curiously reached out to touch it, but was stopped by a transparent barrier halfway.

"Ah, I can't touch it..."

At this time, the door frame behind them was swallowed by the light spots, and the door gradually disappeared. The feeling of being pushed back came, and the two of them walked forward involuntarily.

As if they had found something fun, all the light spots around them gathered and pushed the two of them mischievously.

The passage in front became dim, and the light behind them was so dazzling.

"Hurry up." Xia Yan saw that the light spots had a faint feeling of gathering under his feet, so he grabbed Xiongxiong's paw and ran forward.

If they didn't run, they might be thrown up and played with as balloons...

At this time, Xiongxiong suddenly screamed, and his furry face couldn't hide the redness.

The small light spots whose plans were discovered no longer hid, and followed them closely, flashing and flashing, until the two rushed out of the door, and the light spots gathered in front of the door to form an angry expression.

The door disappeared in an instant.

"Boss, what is this?" Xiongxiong grabbed the small model hotel, his chest heaving violently, his expression terrified.

It seemed to feel a bite on his butt ┭┮﹏┭┮.

Xiongxiong looked behind him and really felt the smooth skin with a tuft of hair missing...

┭┮﹏┭┮ Bare butt... So embarrassing...

Xia Yan shook her head, she had never seen it before.

Suddenly, it went from bright to dark, and her eyes could not see anything clearly for a while. She only felt small raindrops falling on her face, and the nose was filled with the fresh smell of grass and trees.

It was raining here.

After a minute or two, the bright light in front of her gradually disappeared, and she could see the surrounding environment clearly.

It was indeed raining here, and the gloomy dark clouds blocked the sky. The dim light could barely see that they were in the middle of a farm, and not far away was the hotel she was very familiar with.

The small hotel that was originally in Xiongxiong's hands disappeared the moment the two stepped out of the passage, and automatically fell to the position specified by the system, abolished the original house, and restored it to its original state.

[Congratulations to the host, the safe zone has been expanded to a diameter of 150 meters]

They were standing at the edge of the safe zone.

Xiongxiong only took a rough look around, walked to the front of the hotel, unlocked the lock, and then turned on all the lights in the hall.

The bright light instantly illuminated the surroundings clearly. Except for the smooth marble in the safe zone, there were weeds and flowers all around. The vegetation taller than people was full of blooming flowers, colorful and very beautiful.

Further away were a few lush trees with something hanging on them.

It was a bit far away, and Xia Yan couldn't see clearly.

The rain was getting heavier, and she hurried back to the hotel. It was late at night, so she would come out to see it tomorrow.

After telling Xiongxiong and Zhigang to keep an eye on the store door, Xia Yan yawned and returned to her private room. After a simple wash, she fell asleep.

She did not appear in the hall again until ten o'clock the next morning.

The hall was empty, even Xiongxiong and Zhikang were not there. She called Xiongxiong several times, but heard no response.

"Strange, where are they?"

Xia Yan ordered a handmade hamburger in the food city. The black bread was sandwiched with fresh pineapple meat and crispy beef patties. She walked out the door while eating.

It was still drizzling outside. The sky was leaden and continuous. The thin clouds were shining with white light. The breeze blew, and the rain was slightly slanted. It was warm and comfortable.

Xia Yan saw Xiongxiong holding a super large gardening shears outside the safe area, pruning roses with a click.

She looked far away and saw several customers gathered under a big tree in the distance, cheering and picking orange fruits.

It turned out that they were a few orange trees with abundant fruits.

Looking further away, there was a low wooden fence surrounding the farm in a circle.

The farm was full of green plants of unknown plants—at least Xia Yan didn't recognize them. Zhikang and the customers were digging something in the field, and the round fruits were thrown onto the land outside.

Xia Yan walked out of the safe zone, and in front of her was a path made by the footsteps of many people. It was soft and wet when she stepped on it.

"Zhikang, what are you digging?" she asked curiously.

The busy Zhikang raised his head, his face still covered with wet black soil. He raised the things in his hands, his eyes sparkling, and he had never been so happy, "Boss, there are so many potatoes here!!"

He wiped off the layers of mud on the potatoes and handed them to Xia Yan.

Xia Yan blinked and took the potato as big as a small ball. It was so heavy that she almost couldn't hold it.

It's no wonder she didn't recognize it just now. The biggest potato she had seen was only slightly bigger than a fist. This was too outrageous.

The customers behind Zhigang couldn't hide their excitement. They kept digging. Without tools, they dug with their hands. Their nails were full of black mud.

There was no way. They couldn't control themselves.

Each of them had experienced cruel hunger. They turned supermarkets and residential buildings in the city upside down and didn't miss any food.

After the high temperature and drought, basically all the food on the land in the countryside could not survive.

At this moment, how could they control themselves when they saw such a rich harvest of food.

It was really strange. Wasn't there a high temperature invasion here? Is it a place chosen by God?

Soon they found that not all seedlings could bear fruit, and the number of potatoes was still too small.

And here were unknown weeds everywhere, with leaves full of sharp thorns, but there was no reaction when they pierced their bodies. When everyone stood up with their hands, they felt unbearable pain in their palms.

The thorns were like insects, breaking through the epidermis and drilling in. Soon the whole body was itchy and painful, especially the arms. Everyone scratched and had blood marks.

"Oh my god, what is this?" They jumped out of the room, shaking their hands, and stood on the path scratching frantically, unable to suppress the itch coming from deep in their bones.

Xia Yan was startled, and hurriedly called Zhikang out, asking him if he was okay.

Zhikang stretched out his two clean arms to show her, "Boss, don't worry, I'm fine."

After that, he picked up a woven bag, put all the potatoes in it, threw it on his shoulder, and walked back to the safe area with deep steps.

He dumped all the potatoes on the ground, and after going back and forth several times, he carried back all the potatoes that everyone had dug and piled them into several piles.

"These are what you dug, everyone can deal with them by yourselves."

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