I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 183 Is there anyone who is not afraid of insects?

After Zhikang finished speaking, he returned to the hotel and took out a few buckets of clean water. He first cleaned the mud off the potatoes, and then washed them little by little in the bucket.

"Boss, do you want to eat baked potatoes? I can make dipping sauce, and it's guaranteed to be delicious. Or mashed potatoes, I can do it."

Zhikang put the cleaned potatoes in the basin. When he talked about cooking, his eyes were shining.

Zhikang was probably the happiest person besides the customers. He had just looked around and guessed that there would be a lot of ingredients here.

For a chef, this is the happiest thing. Every time he makes a delicacy, it is a solitary spiritual journey.

He loves this place.

"Then bake potatoes." Xia Yan also wanted to try his cooking skills.

The customers who couldn't stand the itch on the side didn't even have time to share the potatoes, so they rushed back to the room to take a bath to try to relieve it.

Xiongxiong had trimmed the overgrown roses neatly, and the thorns on the flower stems were no threat in his hands.

After all, it was just a hairy bear, not afraid of being pricked.

Xiongxiong was going to trim the weeds on the road in a while, just in case future guests saw such a road and it might have a negative impact on the hotel.

As a store manager, there are many things to consider.

Zhikang put the processed potatoes back into the kitchen of the buffet restaurant. When he came out again, he carried a basket on his back. He was going to pick some oranges.

Xia Yan had nothing to do, so he followed him to help.

As the two walked, many locusts as long as little fingers flew out of the grass, waving their wings and flying past their eyes. They were so dense and scary.

Xia Yan, who was not particularly afraid of insects, frowned.

Looking closely again, there were not only grasshoppers in the grass, but also mantises as big as palms. Its two forearms were raised high and swayed from side to side, and its compound eyes were staring at her, as if it was going to attack at the next moment.

Under it, a black and shiny millipede more than ten centimeters long crawled quickly, and the millipedes on both sides of its body swung regularly.

Not to mention the big scary beetles, three-centimeter-long red ants, soft long snakes, and big spiders hiding in leaves to make nests...

Oh my god, there are too many bugs...

Xia Yan got goose bumps all over her body. She used to like this place, but now she feels so uncomfortable.

She barely accepted three or four bugs, but she really couldn't accept countless bugs.

"Zhikang, go by yourself. I'm going back." Xia Yan frowned fiercely, turned around and ran to the safe zone. The startled bugs kept hitting her, and she picked them up quickly.

Zhikang looked at her back as she ran away, not quite understanding what the boss was afraid of, and bugs wouldn't eat people.

He retracted his gaze, grabbed the big black spider crawling on his leg in his hand, and put it in front of him to look carefully. The spider's eight powerful legs kicked around, and it was furry all over and had a round belly. He swallowed his saliva.

Fried big black spider is also a good dish.

It's a pity that I'm carrying an open basket. I'll spare your life.

Zhikang gently put the spider back on the ground, and saw a green snake as thick as a wrist along the route it escaped.

Another delicious dish, snake soup is even better.

Zhikang threw the basket away, rolled up his sleeves and prepared to catch the snake...

Xia Yan pulled Xiongxiong back, turned around in front of it, and said anxiously, "Xiong, check if there are any insects behind me or on my hair!"

It's terrible, it's terrible, she just saw a centipede crawling over her shoulder, and it disappeared at a very fast speed.

Immediately, her scalp went numb, and she started breakdancing on the spot. What she feared most was this kind of insect with many legs and running very fast. It was so disgusting, even more disgusting than a mouse!

And sometimes it's more terrifying when it disappears than when it sees it.

"Boss, don't move." Xiongxiong saw it at a glance, swept it down quickly, and then Xia Yan stepped on it.

"Let's see if there are any more!" Xia Yan got goosebumps all over her body and asked Xiong Xiong to check again.

She would buy insecticide and weed cutter in a while, and add restrictions to the protective cover to prohibit insects from entering.

This feeling of moving into an insect nest is really uncomfortable.

'System, when can we move again? '

[We have to live here for at least a month]

Xia Yan:...

"Boss, there are no more insects." Xiong Xiong looked at it two or three times and said with certainty.

"Well... you go and get busy..."

She was going to go back and change clothes. Just like the cup crawled by spiders, she was disgusted. She didn't want this dress and shoes.

Fortunately, no insects can enter the hotel. This is a blessing in disguise.

After taking a shower and changing into a new set of clothes, Xia Yan's mood eased a lot.

She bought 5 bottles of super-efficient insecticide in the mall, and spent 10,000 points to buy a high-end weed cutter, and gave them to Xiong Xiong together, asking him to spray it one meter away from the protective cover.

As for Zhikang, no one knew what he was catching in the bushes, but he had something in his left and right hands.

Xia Yan brought out her rocking chair, took a small coffee table, and lay on it to set new restrictions for the protective shield in the background.

She also discovered a new function. After authorizing herself, she could control the isolation of the protective shield with her mind.

For example, now, no matter how heavy the rain is outside, she can't get into the protective shield. She can lie in the safe zone to watch the rain and snow in the future, and she won't be cold.

Before Xia Yan could drink a few more sips of tea to enjoy it, she saw that Zhikang had an abnormality - his body entered the safe zone, but his hands were still outside.

Taking another closer look, several insects on the protective shield were bounced away. The setting is effective!

But when Xia Yan saw what Zhi Kang was holding, her face almost turned green.

"...Zhi Kang, what are you holding in your hand?..."

Zhi Kang's eyes were gentle and he was very energetic. "Boss, this snake is very strong. I will make you a snake soup later. This centipede is the largest I have ever seen. It is very delicious after frying. I didn't catch many. Boss, you can eat it as a snack for fun."

Xia Yan choked and her face turned pale. "You, thank you. I think it's better to release it. It's not easy for them to grow so big. What do you think?"

Eat centipedes? Snacks? Play?

She was a little breathless.

This reminded her of the time when she went to the food festival before. The special snacks sold were all kinds of fried insects, including spiders and centipedes.

Especially fried centipedes. She couldn't figure it out. How could there be such a big centipede? Black, shiny and long, with legs on both sides of the body, how could she eat it?

Zhikang seemed to understand something, tilted his head to look at her, and asked tentatively: "Boss, don't you like it?"

Xia Yan's expression was hard to describe, and he said bitterly: "Zhikang, you should keep it for yourself, I'm afraid of insects."

Zhikang looked regretful, looking at the ingredients in his hand and reluctant to let go, struggling with himself.

Just at this time, Qiao Zhen came out of the hotel. When she saw what Zhikang was holding, her eyes lit up and she ran over.

"Manager Zhikang, are you going to make snake soup? Can you sell me a bowl?"

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