I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 184 Carriage Carriage

Xia Yan: ? ? ?

Zhikang didn't expect to meet such a supportive customer, and he also looked at Xia Yan with shining eyes.

Boss, the customer ordered food.

"Ahem." Xia Yan couldn't accept that he used the kitchen of the buffet restaurant to deal with these insects, but she felt that she shouldn't be narrow-minded, maybe there are really many customers who like to eat, so she decided to let Zhikang try.

"What do you need? I'll build a small kitchen for you here."

This was her biggest concession.


Zhikang was visibly happy and talked about a lot of cooking utensils that he thought were useful.

Xia Yan looked around the safe area and finally decided to allocate a corner on the east side for Zhikang to use. She bought a backpack for snakes and a large glass jar with a lid and air permeable in the mall and handed it to him, asking him to put the things in, and then go in with her to get the cooking utensils.

Zhikang sighed and asked Qiao Zhen to come back later to stuff the centipede and snake in and put them in the east corner.

Xia Yan took him directly to her private kitchen and moved whatever she liked. Anyway, it was useless for her to have a kitchen. For someone who never cooks, no matter how complete the things in it are, they are just decorations. It is better to let Zhikang take them away to create value.

Seeing that the packages were not opened, Zhikang was not polite. After finding a small cart, he piled them up to the maximum and took them all away.

The boss is really good at moving. After staying for so long, he can finally do what he likes.

Zhikang looked up at the sky and thought that the weather was really good today.

In the safe zone, Zhikang was busy packing up his small stall. The sink, kitchen counter, dining rack, various seasonings, and various exquisite dinner plates made Zhikang's exclusive wild game kitchen look very good.

As for water and electricity, Xia Yan called Xiongxiong to help. With Xiongxiong here, these are all small problems.

While Xiong Xiong was installing the water pipes, Xia Yan took out the unused dining table and chairs in the system grid and placed 6 sets in a row. In order to prevent customers from breaking into the game kitchen, Xia Yan also added a protective cover and bought a small universal trash can and placed it in the kitchen.

Considering that Zhikang is a very clean person when cooking, Xia Yan specially bought him a disinfectant hand sanitizer.

After everything was ready, Zhikang washed his hands and put on disposable gloves, ready to deal with the snake first. The moment he picked up the knife, his calm and confident temperament was highlighted.

His eyes were cold and unruly, as if it was not the snake that was to be disemboweled, but the patient he should be prepared for. With a quick, accurate and ruthless knife, the snake was motionless.

Skinned, head, tail and internal organs removed, washed again and cooked in a steamer, then stripped into strips, bones removed...

Zhikang was silent and focused, with only this snake soup that he wanted to make carefully in his eyes.

Xia Yan, who was watching from the side, had to say that the work was really quick.

The aroma in the small cup gradually rose, and the smell was fragrant but not greasy.

Qiao Zhen had been waiting at the table early, staring at Zhi Cang and the soup pot in front of him.

She took a deep breath, and her face showed anticipation. It had been a long time, and she almost forgot the taste of this delicacy.

Today was really a lucky day.

I remember that my grandmother always loved to make snake soup for her, and every time she told her to eat more so that she could grow taller...

I really miss it.

As the aroma drifted away, the customer upstairs poked his head out and shouted: "Manager Zhi Cang, what delicious food are you making?"

Before Zhi Cang could speak, Qiao Zhen made a gesture to calm down, raised his head and replied: "Snake soup, fried big spiders and centipedes, come down if you want to eat."

He put his head back, came out of the hall a while later, and found a seat to sit down.

"I never thought that I could still eat game after moving. Manager Zhikang, can I bring my own ingredients in the future?"

Zhikang glanced at him, scooped a spoonful of soup from the small cup, and tasted the saltiness.

Not bad, it tastes great.

Xia Yan drank the mint tea that relieved the greasiness, and watched the customers savoring the snake soup with enjoyment, and her mood was really complicated.

Looking at the expressions of the customers, they loved it very much.

A bowl of soup costs 30 points, which seems very good.

"Xiongxiong, come here quickly."

She waved to call Xiongxiong, then pulled it to the other side and whispered: "Xiongxiong, have you used the insecticide yet?"

She planned to make another fortune by selling game in the future. Anyway, Zhikang was idle and didn't have to spend money on raw materials. A suitable deal.

Xiong Xiong imitated her movements and looked back, lowering his voice: "No, it's too late, I'll go spray it now."

"Wait, give me the insecticide, don't deal with it for now, ask Zhi Kang what he can do later, which of the bugs outside can be used. Leave the front hall to me, you just help Zhi Kang catch the bugs."

Xia Yan stopped it and took back the insecticide.

Xiong Xiong nodded.

The rain outside gradually stopped, and the sky gradually turned white.

A sound of horse hooves came from afar, gradually approaching.

The customers who were eating stood up one after another, looking at the small dots in the distance.

"Someone is coming." "I don't know if it's good or bad, I'm a little nervous." "Don't be afraid, it's okay if Boss Xia is here, let's take a look first."

As the carriage gradually became clear, the groom sitting at the top also saw the people in front of the door.


The instantly tightened reins made the tall horse tilt its upper body, and it stopped with a long neigh. The groom turned around and said something, his eyes were terrified, as if he was hesitating whether to come over.

Two heads popped up behind him, one on the left and one on the right, looking over here.

"What are they doing? Are they coming or not?" Qiao Zhen finished the last of his soup and looked at the orange tree, planning to pick more and eat them slowly in the room.

The other party discussed for a long time with gestures and finally decided to come over to take a look.

They stopped outside the farm and got off the car one after another. They didn't rush in. The leading driver took off his hat and bowed and smiled at everyone.

"Hello, farm owner, I'm glad you are safe. It's like this. During your absence, we have been taking care of this place. Thank you for the seeds you planted before, which saved many of us."

"We only take enough to eat for a week each time, and we don't damage the seedlings. Well, now we haven't eaten for a day. If you agree, we want to come in and dig some potatoes to take back."

The driver was very tall, with deep features, a beard but not sloppy, soft brown hair, clear eyes and no aggression.

Behind him stood two young men and women, with the same narrow face and high nose bridge, deep eyes, casual clothes, strong limbs, and curious about the people in front of the hotel.

They want to dig potatoes?

The customers were emotional. Everyone knew how precious food was at present. Although these things belonged to Boss Xia, Boss Xia was his own...

Forget it, let's see what Boss Xia said.

Xia Yan's first thought was that business was coming, and her second thought was that these three people were really good-looking, and it was very visually pleasing.

She put on a kind professional smile, making herself very friendly.

"Haven't you eaten yet? If you don't mind, can you have a buffet at my place?"

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