
The three people's eyes fell on the fried insects on the plate on Zhikang's dining table, "...Thank you, we are vegetarians.

Xia Yan followed their gaze and laughed, "Don't get me wrong, the buffet restaurant has vegetable salads, grilled pork chops, grilled steaks, etc., as well as coffee and beef. It doesn't matter whether you eat it or not, you can come and take a look first."

Zhikang put the fried food in the display cabinet, washed his hands, took off his chef's uniform, put on his original apron, put on his backpack and walked into the bushes towards the orange tree.

The driver who saw his movements clearly stretched out his hand in surprise to stop him:

"Oh, you have to be careful, there are many snakes in the grass, and there is no serum in the hospital if you get bit, or the hospital no longer exists."


"Is that what you mean? "

Zhichang was stunned for a moment, looked back at him, then raised one leg, and a ring-striped snake with its mouth wide open was hanging at his ankle.

"Oh my God, he was bitten by a snake!" The blonde behind the driver shouted, turning her head away, unwilling to see his miserable state.

The driver was annoyed and walked forward to help him remove the poison, "Sorry, I should have said it earlier, I can only do my best."

As he spoke, he walked to Zhichang, and when he saw the two fangs of the snake deeply embedded in the flesh, he could not hide the apology on his face.

Zhichang did not understand what he meant, but as a manager, he would not let customers help him.

Zhichang bent down and grabbed the snake's seven-inch position directly, and pulled it off forcibly. He squeezed it hard in his hand, and the snake's tail wrapped around his arm trembled and stiffened.

The driver quickly pressed a ball of green light on the two holes, as if purifying.

"I'm fine, please let me go. "Zhichang threw the dead snake into the backpack and helped the driver up with both hands.

The driver was already confused, especially when he saw the light ball without a trace of impurities, he looked at Zhichang with incredible eyes.

"How did you do it? After being bitten by a poisonous snake, he was not poisoned? It's amazing. Friends, this young warrior is very healthy. He was not poisoned. It was really blessed by God."

He turned around and explained to his companions with a big laugh, and introduced himself to Zhichang: "My name is Earl, and my current job is everyone's driver, taking them to various farms."

Earl was very enthusiastic and hugged him with open arms.

"...Hello, I am Zhichang, the manager of the resort hotel." Zhichang rarely met such enthusiastic people, and he froze for a while and didn't know how to respond.

"Hotel? So this is a hotel. Is there really a buffet restaurant in it? "Earl looked around the high-rise building from top to bottom.

They had seen the four big words "Resort Hotel" at the top a long time ago, but they didn't believe it until they saw the beautifully decorated lobby and the front desk through the bright floor-to-ceiling windows.

Earl called his companions to go to the hotel. On the bright and smooth marble floor, the very kind female boss was waiting patiently.

He walked up quickly, passed through the safety cover, walked to Xia Yan and stretched out his hand, "Hello, boss, I'm Earl."

Xia Yan smiled and shook it, "I'm Xia Yan, and everyone usually calls me Boss Xia."

The two people behind him shook hands with her and introduced themselves in turn. The blonde was called Penny and the man was called Ace.

"Boss Xia, to be honest, we are very hungry, please take us to eat." Penny touched her shriveled stomach and almost vomited acid water.

"Please follow me." Xia Yan led them to the hotel front desk and prepared to apply for a card for them first.

There was an instruction posted at the front desk, which was easy to understand and didn't waste words.

"Is the crystal core written on it this thing? "Earl took out a handful of crystals from his pocket and asked with his head tilted.

"Yes, this is it. You can exchange points, and then you can eat and stay."

"We have too many of these things, so let's charge them all in." Penny also took out a handful of crystal cores from her pocket and put them on the table. Her big eyes looked like fine blue agate.

Even if they knew that this thing could enhance their abilities, they had to pick out their favorite colors and put the rest in a jar as a decoration.

Xia Yan looked at her beautiful eyes again and couldn't help but sigh how could there be such beautiful eyes in the world.

What if she has one more pair?

After completing the card, the three of them exclaimed at the points card on their arms.

Xia Yan led them to the buffet restaurant. After swiping the points on the robot, she left a sentence of "Happy meal" and turned to leave.

After she left, the three of them were like birds returning to the forest, fluttering their arms and running around the food counter.

"OMG, Earl, there are so many delicious foods here, and there are even ready-made salads. "Penny took out a plate and filled it with salad. Before she even returned to the table, she stuffed a large piece of lettuce into her mouth.

"Hmm~" She sucked the remaining salad dressing on her fingers with an exaggerated expression, "This is definitely the best salad I've ever eaten!"

Ace also took a salad, and then took a cup of coffee. He looked at the golden fried rice and various pasta on the counter and shook his head, "To be honest, I still like bread. Fan Jie's family always eats this. If there are these at the next party, I won't go."

After he said this, he took a sip of coffee and nodded with satisfaction, not noticing that Penny rolled her eyes where he didn't notice.

Penny mouthed to Earl: Both of them are garbage.

Earl pulled up the corners of his mouth to smile, shook his head at her, and took a piece of roasted sweet potato and put it on the plate.

"There's wine here!" Ace walked to the wine cabinet and took a bottle of red wine. He opened the bottle cap and took a deep sniff. Then he took a big gulp from the bottle mouth. "Wow, it's very good. Next time, invite Fan Jie to come here to drink."

"Ace, everyone comes here to dig potatoes. Don't be so immobile when you see wine. You have children waiting for food at home!" Penny looked down on him the most and couldn't help but remind him with a heavier tone.

Even though everyone is eating well here, they still have to work in a while. What does it look like to be drunk? Not to mention that his girlfriend and five-year-old child are still hungry and waiting for him to take food home.

"Take care of yourself. You don't have to worry about my family. If you can't stand it, take them home and raise them." Ace retorted unhappily, carrying the plate and wine back to the table to eat.

Penny spread her hands with a puzzled look on her face. Is this something a father and a husband can say?

Earl patted her shoulder and comforted her: "Ignore him, eat more, and tell Boss Xia to dig potatoes later. Just make sure your family doesn't go hungry, and try not to care about other people's affairs."

"I know, I'm just... angry... Forget it, I won't meddle in other people's affairs in the future." Penny thought of something and stopped talking helplessly.

Ace, who was eating at the dining table, raised his glass and shouted:

"Earl, this wine is really good, come and drink with me!"

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