The two looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

Earl sat down at the dining table with coffee and pushed back the wine glass he handed him, "There are still a lot of things to do in a while, so I won't drink anymore."

Ace was dissatisfied, "If you are not as happy as Fan Jie, it's just a glass of wine. If you don't drink it, I will enjoy it myself."

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

After that, he picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp. The bright red wine flowed out from the corner of his mouth, and he wiped it off roughly with his sleeve.

"Since you don't want to drink it, I'll drink this bottle of wine myself. Unfortunately, there's no ice, so it's a lot less fun." Ace happily poured himself another glass.

In his concept, a hungry intestine and sweet wine are the best pairing, and they are inseparable good brothers.

Penny just pretended not to see it, rolled up her salad and ate her meal. The salad is delicious, the steak is delicious, the coffee is fragrant, and the ice cream is sweet. Everything is wonderful, as long as you ignore the "mosquito" opposite.

Ace didn't stop drinking until she and Earl had finished their meal and drank two cups of coffee.

"Wait, are you in a hurry? Let's go, let's go, I've already drank and eaten." Ace blushed awkwardly, stood up and swayed.

Penny had left the restaurant the moment he spoke, leaving Earl to deal with him.

Outside the hotel, she saw Boss Xia lying on the rocking chair and taking a nap, and the bear in the distance was driving a lawn mower to clean up the weeds.

Hearing Ace's humming voice behind him, Xia Yan opened his eyes and sat up.

The beauty Penny stood not far away from her, her beautiful blue eyes filled with anger, looking at Earl walking slowly supporting the drunk Ace.

Xia Yan stood up and asked softly, "Have you guys finished eating?"

Penny and Earl smiled very satisfiedly, "It's a good meal. The food here is delicious."

"That's good. I also hope that everyone will go back and promote the resort hotel. Not only can I eat here, but I also provide accommodation." Xia Yan took the opportunity to ask the two of them to help promote it.

Even though I have arrived in a new place, I still have to do the business that needs to be done.

"Even if Boss Xia doesn't say anything, we will bring our family to have dinner when we go back." Earl hit his chest with his fist, showing an expression of leaving it to us.

Then, he smiled shyly and continued:

"Boss Xia, look... we talked about digging potatoes before... We don't dig too much, we only have enough potatoes for a few days."

Penny agreed: "Yes, just enough for three days, we won't take more."

I don’t know if Boss Xia will agree. After all, the farm is now owned by an owner. Speaking of which, they haven’t taken care of it much. They are not experienced farmers. They can’t identify the fruits by just looking at the leaves, and they don’t understand. What about weeding and fertilizing?

I don’t even know what is edible and what is not edible on the farm.

The only thing that I can recognize and definitely eat is potatoes. It’s a safe bet. After all, I grew up eating them.

Xia Yan smiled at the two of them and told them not to be nervous, "Of course, you can come and dig in the future. You can't say that because we are here, everyone will have nothing to eat."

Xia Yan thought very simply. First of all, the hotel brought its own ingredients, so there was really no need to compete with the aborigines here for food.

Secondly, her other purpose is to promote the friendly sign of the hotel, attract more customers, and earn points.

It doesn't matter who digs up the potatoes on the farm, as long as they can bring profits to the hotel.

Earl and Penny were overjoyed and opened their arms to hug her. Ace on the side thought it was to celebrate him, laughed and hugged the two of them, rubbing their shoulders.

"Oh, he's drunk. Boss Xia made you laugh." Earl spread his hands, pulled Ace to his side, and bent down to carry him on his shoulders.

He walked to the carriage, threw Ace in and slapped his cheek, "Hey man, are you still at home? Can your dirty soul see your mother who cried all night? Oh, God, this guy It’s really nerve-wracking.”

"Leave him alone, we should go find the potatoes, and let this drunkard sleep." Penny unceremoniously pulled out the sacks from under him and hit Ace hard on the face with one of them, "Cover your hunger Sack, sleep well! Earl, let's go."

Earl took out the potato digging tools, tied his legs and feet tightly, put on gloves on his hands, and walked into the field with his whole body wrapped tightly.

Penny made the same move, took the tool thrown by Earl, and after driving away the insects in the grass, she vigorously swung the hoe. The dark black moist soil turned out contained irregular-looking potatoes.

In the carriage, Ace held the sack and laughed, as if he had a sweet dream.

"Boss Xia, potatoes...are you going to let them dig them away for free?" Qi Hua's mother looked at the food that had been dug out of the land and felt very sorry for it, but the land was not hers, so she couldn't say it too straightforwardly.

Qi's father stood on the side with his hands behind his back, standing in the safe zone and looking into the distance. His son and his teammates went outside to explore, hoping to come back safely.

Xia Yan noticed the deep crow's feet at the end of Qi's mother's eyes, which were traces of the cruel passage of time and the end of the world.

Xia Yan's eyes were soft and he smiled at her, "It's okay, everyone must live."

Hearing such a reply, Qi's mother couldn't say anything else. Her eyes showed longing, and she wanted to go out and dig some potatoes and put them in the room. However, this thought was fleeting - there was no kitchen in the room, and there were no kitchen utensils. There was no way to get them back. I can only watch the potatoes sprout and rot.

Forget it, it would be even more of a waste to spoil the food and not eat it.

Mother Qi was exhausted and sat there, waving her father away to keep her sight out of the way. She also wanted to see that her son came back safely.

The sky gradually cleared up, and the first ray of sunlight shone through the clouds onto the earth, like a golden beam of light. At this moment, the light had a shape, and later generations called it the Beethoven effect.

Earl and Penny stopped their work and admired the beautiful scenery for a long time.

Until the dark clouds faded away, this effect gradually disappeared, and Ace in the carriage put one hand in front of his eyes and wailed in pain, and the two carried half a bag of potatoes on their backs and put them on the carriage.

"Thank you, Boss Xia, you are such a kind woman, may God be with you." Earl shook the dirt off his hands and saluted.

He helped Penny put the potatoes on the carriage, jumped on the front seat, waved to Xia Yan again, and then waved the whip to drive back.

Penny in the back seat stepped on Ace and shouted to her: "Boss Xia, thank you very much, we will come again tomorrow!"

Xia Yan smiled with satisfaction, waved his hand and watched them leave.

"Xiongxiong, come back to the hall with me."

In the empty hall, Xiongxiong stood obediently aside, his eyes following the boss's figure.

"Xiong, put these four vending machines in the most conspicuous place, and then put these clothes in them."

Xia Yan considered that a large number of customers might come tomorrow, so she had to decorate them well today to stimulate new customers' consumption.

"Put the manual razor in there too, as well as canned meat, cheese slices..."

She bought some vegetables, bread slices, and steaks from the mall and gave them to Xiongxiong.

"Tell Zhikang later to make salads with mashed potatoes and these vegetables and put them in transparent lunch boxes, and then make more hamburgers. These must be placed in the most conspicuous place, and these wines, put them next to the lunch boxes."

"Remember, these things are unlimited, customers can buy as much as they want, and if they don't have enough, let Zhikang make them now."

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