I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 187 Returning Empty-Handed

Today's country roads are covered with wild grasses that are half as tall as a man, and their jagged leaves can quickly cut through the flesh and blood they pass by.

Earl moved up, using the safety straps to secure his body from sliding down. At the same time, he raised his legs high and rested them on the shaking horse's butt.

The old horse knows the way, it knows which way to go home.

Suddenly the wheels of the car hit a big rotten bird, and the car fell to the side.

Penny quickly grabbed the armrest and kicked Ace who bumped into her leg to the opposite side in disgust. Then, following the tilt, Ace almost fell out.

His hand hung weakly outside, and after making close contact with the leaves, Ace let out a dull "hiss".

"There's a vampire! It's sucking my blood!"

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He withdrew his hand with half-open eyes, held his blood-stained hand and shouted loudly.

"Shut up, even vampires hate the stench of your body and can't keep it from their mouths." Penny carried two bags of potatoes to her side and threw the only empty sack into his face, "Drink your northwest wind!"

Ace was confused and felt a burst of darkness in front of his eyes, and an indescribable smell hit his face. He thought it was a vampire wrapping him under its wings, and he screamed in fear.

Earl, who was closest to him, couldn't stand the buzzing in his eardrums. He covered his ears and took off the sack and put it under his buttocks.

"Penny, please, don't let him yell anymore, we are in a dangerous zone ahead!"

Behind the barbed wire fence a thousand meters away from the carriage, the dense zombies became restless when they heard the movement, constantly shaking the crumbling last layer of protection.

Earl didn't know how long the iron fence could last. It seemed that he was out looking for new materials and repairing the iron fence had to be put on the agenda.

"Oh, shit!" Penny spread her hands in the air, picked up the potato digging tool and hit Ace hard on the head.

Ace fell to the ground without saying a word, and soon a big bump appeared on his forehead.

"Cruel woman, he is almost dead." Earl didn't even need to look back to know what happened.

Penny didn't care, "Then let him die."


"They're back!" When the thin girl with beautiful emerald green eyes saw the carriage approaching at high speed in the distance, she jumped up excitedly, turned around and threw herself into the arms of the equally thin woman, hugging her neck. He said happily: "Dad is back with food! There is food to eat tonight!"

The woman also had equally beautiful emerald green eyes. She hugged the child tightly and looked forward to the carriage carrying food.

Not far away, there were two other families who were equally happy.

"Dewani, if they bring enough food today, we won't have to risk going out to pick wild vegetables tomorrow." The neighbor winked at her, "I still have some pepper at home. If you need it, you can come and get some. ”

Most of the people living here are friendly, and Di Jiani often accepts everyone's help.

"Thank you, I'll be there if necessary."

It is not right to accept and give endlessly.

Dijani hugged the child tightly again and looked at the carriage expectantly. She had already thought about how delicious it would be to make a sweet meal of mashed potatoes with a last bit of honey tea in the evening.

The carriage gradually approached, and sure enough it was Earl and the others.

"Dad!" Earl's son rushed over with arms wide open.

The rest of the people behind him exclaimed that it was too late to stop him now. Fortunately, Earl tightened the reins with quick eyes and quick hands, and the horse raised its front hooves high, narrowly avoiding it.

"You little bastard!" Earl jumped out of the car, picked up the child and kissed him twice, "Look what I brought back."

He opened the sack and revealed the food inside.

"It's potatoes! I love potatoes the most!"

"Hahaha, let you eat enough tonight. Tomorrow, dad will take you to eat delicious food." Earl also hugged his elderly mother, "You will never imagine what I encountered today, such a wonderful day! Tomorrow we will go together!"

Penny also jumped out of the carriage and threw the sack over her shoulders to stop her parents who wanted to step forward to help.

"Don't worry, I can do it."

She turned to look at Earl, "We're going tomorrow too, remember to call me before we leave."

"Okay. Can you move it? Do you need my help?" Earl said as he put down the sack in his hand.

"No, don't underestimate me." Penny said as she turned the sack up and down, making a relaxed expression.

Seeing that they had gained so much, Devani put down the child and walked to the car to get the potato sack. Unexpectedly, she saw her boyfriend's forehead was swollen and he was unconscious.

"Oh my God! What's wrong with you?!"

Devany's panicked voice attracted the others.

Only then did Penny remember that she put down the sack and said to Devani apologetically: "Sorry, he was too noisy. I was worried that he would attract zombies, so... I'm sorry."

Earl patted his son's thin shoulder, and the latter used his strength to pull the potato home.

"He drank too much. The explanation is a bit complicated. To put it simply, we encountered a hotel today with a buffet and alcohol. Ace...you know, he only has eyes for wine and drinks too much." ”

"We tried to persuade him, but he didn't listen," Penny added.

A huge feeling of loss hit her, and Devani took the empty sack from Earl with empty eyes, without a single potato in it.

The light sack is like a piece of paper.

The little girl hugged her mother's legs in fear when she saw her mother like this. She looked at her father with his eyes closed and felt that his purple and blue bumps looked familiar. Wasn't that the color of her mother?

Penny couldn't bear to see her like this, so she took out two potatoes and stuffed them into the bag, "Just consider it as my medical expenses."

Halfway through, she turned back again, "Remember, this is for you and the child, don't let it go into the mouth of someone who shouldn't."

Earl also took out three big potatoes and put them in.

He sent his family and potatoes home first, then came back to tie up the carriage, carried Ace, and picked up the girl, "Let's go, I'll take him back."

Divani nodded, followed behind with the hard-earned food. She looked at the tall and strong Earl in front of her, and Ace who was unconscious with his head down, with mixed feelings and weakness in her limbs.

Earl put Ace on the bed, said hello, and rushed home.

"Mom?" The little girl pulled the corner of her clothes carefully.

Divani took a deep breath and tried to smile, "Don't worry, go play, I'll call you when the meal is ready."

Just as she was stirring fresh mashed potatoes and pouring out sweet honey water, she and her daughter sitting at the dining table heard the movement in the bedroom.

"Mom!" The girl was startled and jumped off the chair in a hurry, hiding behind her mother, only revealing her two big eyes staring at the movement in the bedroom.

There are always demons running out of hell at night and disappearing at dawn.

Divani was stiff, watching Ace's figure gradually appear behind the door.

He touched his forehead and cried out in pain. He was drunk and had no idea how the injury came about.

Ace didn't care how he got back home. His eyes stopped on the dinner in Divani's hand.

"Salt and pepper mashed potatoes and honey water? Not bad, it's very face-saving to take out. Put it up, I'm going to take it to Fan Jie's house and eat with him."

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