I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 188 It’s time to come up with a title again

Divani's feet seemed to be filled with cement, and her steps were so heavy that she couldn't lift them.

He didn't even bring home a potato, and now he was going to take away the only food? What would she and her child eat?

"F**K, don't you understand?!" Seeing that she hadn't moved, Ace's violent temper was instantly ignited by the pain in his head and his irritability. He grabbed the plate on the table and smashed it hard.

Diivani stiffened her body and endured it.

Her heart was pounding, and fear gushed out, which was clearly visible through her emerald green eyes.


She should do as he said, so as to avoid a beating. But she had a child behind her, and the child was still hungry, so she couldn't move.

The little girl hid behind her mother when the plate was thrown, and she could clearly hear the dull sound of the plate hitting her body and the crisp cracking sound of the plate falling to the ground.

She huddled behind her mother and didn't move, praying that all this would pass quickly.

It was as if the room was full of demons with bared fangs and claws, and there were dense eyes in every gap, constantly peeping at her...

Ace let out a long breath, looked at the two men fiercely, and suddenly smashed a hammer on the table, and the two people opposite trembled all over.

"Don't make me repeat it a second time."

Divani's beautiful emerald green eyes were full of fear and terror at this moment. She only looked at Ace and then retracted her gaze. Her chest rose and fell violently, and she forced herself to move.

And Ace's hand had already grasped the lampstand...

Perhaps the fear forced her throat, she finally took a step back, like a machine that had not been oiled for a long time, creaking and difficult to start, but moving quickly.

Divani walked to the kitchen counter and began to pack up the mashed potatoes.

The daughter hid in the corner and hugged her body tightly, her eyes full of desire for food, but she was obedient and didn't say a word.

After Divani noticed it, she had a bold idea in her mind, she wanted to secretly leave some for the child!

"Hurry up!" Ace was rummaging through the boxes behind him, trying to find some medicine to take, but he found that it was full of miscellaneous items, all of which were children's supplies.

He couldn't help but start to curse.

Divani's hands were shaking so badly that she quickly put a piece of mashed potato on the plate and hid it in the cupboard.

Ace kicked over the bench to vent his anger, but was accidentally hit by the splashed pieces on the lump. The pain came instantly. His heart seemed to be fried in a frying pan for eight hundred times. It was so unbearable, and the huge emotions were surging and wanted to find an outlet to vent.


Accompanied by the thunderous voice, the heavy footsteps gradually approached. Ace rushed into the kitchen with his fists clenched and gnashed his teeth, and saw the little girl huddled in the corner and trembling constantly.

"Everything is your stuff! You damn devil!"

Ace shouted and kicked fiercely, not caring at all what kind of disaster this kick would cause to the child.

"No!" Divani rushed forward to block the child, and the kick just hit her abdomen and ribs. Her face instantly turned red and her body shrank into a shrimp shape.

"Beat, beat, pack it up, it's ready." Divani squeezed out these words from between her teeth, enduring the severe pain to block her daughter tightly.

Ace pretended to take action, and saw the two people shrinking in fear. He waved his fist in protest and picked up the food and went out.

Divani opened her mouth wide and couldn't breathe. It was like a plastic bag wrapped around her mouth and nose. She was sweating, her eyes were wide open, and the blood vessels in her neck were protruding high, as if she was going to die in the next second.

"Mom, Mom." The girl cried out, shaking her arms in fear.

Divani watched her daughter tremble all over, she breathed hard, and struggled to escape from the hands of death.

Five or six minutes later, her face returned to normal.

She held her belly and took out the mashed potatoes hidden in the cupboard, "Eat quickly, kid, don't leave any."


"Knock, knock, knock."

The family who were eating looked at each other.

"Who is it?" Fan Jie asked.

"Me, open the door quickly, I have good news to share."

"Why does Ace always come at mealtime? Go open the door." Yan Xiulan hurriedly picked up the unfinished plate on the table and asked her son to hide in the bedroom with her to eat.

"Don't worry about it, go in quickly." Fan Jie waved his hand.

When the two entered the bedroom, the door of the house was almost broken by the hammer.

"Don't knock, I'm coming." He opened the door and Ace hugged him.

"Hey, man, you must not know what happened to me. Take out the best bottle of wine in your house and drink it while you talk. You will definitely be grateful to me after listening."

Ace put the mashed potatoes on the table and found the wine cabinet in his house with ease. When he saw that there was only one bottle in it, he screamed, "Man, you eat alone. But for the sake of what I am going to say next, I won't mind."

He took out the bottle of wine, raised it high when Fan Jie came to stop him, pulled out the cork, and poured a mouthful of it into his mouth without thinking.

Fan Jie's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. How could this old devil be so familiar with his secret cabinet?

"Brother, let me tell you, all this is amazing! There is a hotel on the farm, and there is also a buffet restaurant inside, as well as various wines and coffees! And the boss collects the most useless crystal cores, haha. With what we have now, it is enough for half a year!"

He hugged Fan Jie under his armpits, rubbed his head with a wine bottle, and his eyes were bright with excitement.

"What? How is that possible!" Fan Jie pushed his hand away, shocked beyond belief.

Ace threw his head back and laughed, "Really, I drank a whole bottle of wine. If I didn't inform you, I wouldn't come back!"



Early the next morning, the news spread throughout the neighborhood.

Ten carriages were ready to go.

Countless men and women were smiling, holding glass jars they used as decorations and holding guns in case they encountered zombies on the road.

"Kids, sit down in the middle and just don't make a sound when you get out of here. You hear me?"

"Got it~" the children in the middle of the carriage replied in unison.

Women dress their children in the cleanest clothes and little bow ties, and they themselves put on the most beautiful skirts, trying to keep their families clean and respectable.

It was as if they were not going to eat, but to attend a dance.

"Let's go, get in the car." The men sat close together in the front row. After the women got on the car, the driver in the middle waved his whip and whipped the horse on the buttocks.

The frightened horse neighed, kicked off its hooves and galloped away.

Everyone laughed instead of being surprised, and happy voices rippled above their heads. When they got out of the self-made safety fence, everyone automatically silenced themselves and tried to pass through the zombies outside the barbed wire fence as quietly as possible.

In a certain house in the neighborhood, Devani was sitting on the bed in the bedroom with her daughter in her arms.

Through the thin glass, they could clearly hear how busy it was outside. It was only after Devani heard their conversation that she knew where the group of people were going and why Ace had taken the jar of crystal nuclei.

She hugged her daughter tightly.

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