I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 189 There is more outside

Xia Yan got up early and was now sitting in the safe zone eating breakfast, watching Xiongxiong and Zhikang busy.

She was such an open-minded boss, she knew the truth of listening to others' advice and having a full meal.

Zhikang said that instead of placing so many vending machines in the lobby to affect the overall appearance, it would be better to directly divide an area in the safe zone as a store, so that new customers can see it at a glance and have to buy something before leaving.

Xia Yan thought about it and felt that this was the truth, so she asked the two to move all the machines outside.

Zhikang also suggested that drinks and light meals be placed outside, and the store inside the store would be full of clothes and daily necessities.

At Zhikang's request, she also bought scented candles and talcum powder, and put all the glasses she bought for zero yuan in the past inside, and the ice cream machine and juicer were placed outside.

In the safe zone, the vending machines were neatly arranged against the wall, filled with colorful new products, and there was a plaque with pictures in front of them, which was concise and clear, and easy to understand.

Xia Yan also bought two self-service card machines and a paid biodegradable shopping bag machine,

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

At this time, a surprised voice sounded behind him:

"Boss Xia, where... is this? Did I have hallucinations because I slept too much?"

Xia Yan looked back and found that it was Su Mei's migratory bird team.

Yi Xinyi rubbed her eyes, Mao Yuanyuan opened her mouth as round as her face, Su Mei's expressionless face was also filled with surprise, not to mention Mi Dong and Fan Zhina, since they were rescued, everything they encountered was wonderful.

"I thought we were just moving somewhere in the city, but it looks like we've moved to a new country???"

"Why are you talking like that? There's no such beautiful scenery in our country?"

"Mao Yuanyuan, are you a tiger? Can't you see the big English sign across the street? You really have two big eyes for nothing."


Yi Xinyi likes to see her frustrated, but at this moment she is more excited about the new environment outside.

"Why are you free to come out today? Have you rested enough?" Xia Yan looked at Su Mei.

"Well, I planned to have a meal at the buffet restaurant before going back to swim. It was Mi Dong who was sharp-eyed and noticed something was wrong at first glance." Su Mei finally withdrew her eyes from the scenery and turned to explain to Boss Xia.

Originally, I planned to have a good meal before going back to play. From this point of view, exploring the new environment is not bad.

What kind of fruit tree is that across the street? The fruits at the bottom have been picked, leaving only the golden top.

The teammates also found it and were ready to go up and pick some to eat. Everyone likes to pick fruits, especially fruits that don’t cost money, the more the better.

Xia Yan saw their thoughts and told them that they could buy a packaging bag. There was a refrigerator in the villa area, and the oranges could be stored for a few more days.

When they heard that, they thought it made sense, so they took dozens of packaging bags and headed for the fruit trees.

The originally dense grass turned into a low lawn after Xiong Xiong drove the lawn mower all night. The insects that were originally hidden in it moved overnight, revealing a path paved with bluestone slabs.

Su Mei and the others tied their cuffs and trouser legs tightly. Yi Xinyi roughly felt where to step down, put the packaging bag on her waist, and climbed to the top in a few steps. Her feet were swaying on the thin branches, and people couldn’t help but worry that the branches could not bear the weight and snapped.

So the people below stared at Yi Xinyi and made a move to pick her up.

“Oh.” Yi Xinyi suddenly shouted.

“What’s wrong?” Everyone was nervous.

"Snake, it's okay, it just got scared." Yi Xinyi quickly grabbed the snake's seven inches and held it firmly in her hand.

"Hey, don't say it, this snake is quite fat, I don't know how much meat it ate to grow this fat."

As she spoke, she pulled off the snake's tail wrapped around her arm, tied it into a knot and prepared to throw it outside.

"Wait a minute." Zhigang suddenly appeared nearby, "If you don't want it, give it to me, I can make snake soup."

Yi Xinyi didn't say anything, aimed and threw it directly into his arms, holding the packaging bag with one hand, and quickly picked the round orange with the other hand.

This orange is big, strong in flavor, and tender when pinched. It must be delicious.

Boss Xia asked them to pick oranges for free, not to mention one snake, ten are fine!

"Right, right, there are several big oranges, pick them quickly."

The teammates under the tree had a better vision than her and kept giving instructions.

Soon, she threw a large bag of oranges under the tree, and Mi Dong received it in his space, smiling so hard that his teeth could not be seen.

With food in his pocket, he would not worry about going anywhere.

Yi Xinyi stood on a high place and looked into the distance. Several snow-capped mountains were in the corner of the sky. Wherever her eyes went, there was a green area, with a few scattered wooden houses in between, like other idle farms.

Turning her eyes, she saw a team approaching slowly, each of them carrying a bulging backpack, with a smug expression on their faces as if they had found a treasure.

When the group walked into the safe zone, their families who were waiting there surrounded them one after another, and even Boss Xia and Xiong Xiong came over to watch the fun.

They opened their backpacks, revealing all kinds of fruits and vegetables, and even a few wild bird eggs.

"We have a lot of harvests." She muttered, picked the last orange, and climbed down the tree neatly.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look." Yi Xinyi threw the orange to Mi Dong and pulled Su Mei and the others back.

Qi Hua's team simply dumped everything in their bags onto the ground. In addition to the oversized, jagged green leafy vegetables, there were also carrots as thick as arms, oddly shaped apples, and even a few large, fleshy mushrooms.

These vegetables are more than twice as big as those Xia Yan has ever seen.

"Captain Qi Hua, are there any farms nearby?" Xia Yan was very curious.

"Yes, but the grass on the road is too deep, and there are many snakes. We didn't dare to go too far, so we just looked around." Qi Hua walked outside the safe zone, turned the bag inside out, and emptied the dirt inside.

Qi's mother was very excited when she saw the pile of vegetables, and she kept praising Qi Hua for his ability. She picked up a mushroom bigger than her hand and kept exclaiming, "Wow, I have never seen such a big mushroom. Is it poisonous? It won't kill people, right?"

The onlookers were also unsure and started to discuss.

The Su Mei team, who rushed over, saw this scene and showed wolf-like eyes. It turned out that there were such rich supplies around!

Isn't this prepared for them? Good boy, the sisters will be here soon!

Not to mention them, even Xia Yan couldn't wait to go out and experience it when she saw the mushrooms. That's picking mushrooms. Mushrooms bigger than the palm of your hand, who can't be moved!

Just when everyone was ready to move, a sudden sound of horse hooves broke their thoughts.

One carriage after another appeared behind the wooden fence, and men, women, old and young of different skin colors sat in the carriages, all dressed formally. When they saw them, they straightened their upper bodies, smiled and waved, very enthusiastic.

The driver with skilled driving skills tightened the reins to slow down, turned into the door and stopped on the lawn.

The men in the front row jumped out of the car first, and then helped the women and children in the car. After simply tidying up their lapels, they turned and walked towards the hotel.

Earl walked in front, raised the most enthusiastic smile and said to Xia Yan: "Oh, my dear boss Xia, look who I brought? When everyone knew that a restaurant opened here, they couldn't wait to come."

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