I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 190 Both parties are confused

For the sudden arrival of local residents, the unprepared guests couldn't help but stand behind Boss Xia.

There are many people in the group opposite who have the same skin color as them. They seem to be compatriots?

Is everyone dressed too formally?

How many years have passed since the end of the world, and you still wear skirts and high heels? And those children were actually wearing small suits and leather shoes, and the girls were even wearing beautiful skirts?

Are they the chosen ones? Will the apocalypse only come to our own country?


While guests staying at the hotel observe each other, the other party also observes them.

Her cheeks look plump, her expression is healthy, her skin is clean and odor-free, and she seems to be living a good life. Is he the only one who is having a miserable life? Is he the only one with monsters here? ?

For a moment, except for the group of children who were running around and playing on the neatly manicured lawn like wild horses and touching various vending machines, the adults on both sides fell into deep self-doubt.

"Welcome!" Xia Yan also put on the warmest smile and nodded to them, "Everyone has worked hard all the way. Let's eat, drink and have fun in a while! By the way, there is a drink machine over there. If everyone is thirsty, just go up there. Buy."

She motioned for everyone to look at the row of self-service vending machines, earning a round of cheers.

She winked at Xiong Xiong, who immediately understood and led interested customers to apply for cards and taught them how to make purchases.

"Boss Xia, I haven't seen you for just a day, and you have so many things here. Is this magic?" Earl's tanned skin opened as he opened his mouth, and his wide eyes were full of dissatisfaction. untie.

Xia Yan just smiled when he saw this and had no intention of explaining.

When she saw the crystal core jars held in the arms of new customers, her heart had already flown into space.

Darling, you really have "money" and use crystal nuclei as decorations.

Customers were not polite about charging up their points. They directly opened the lid and poured the crystal cores inside into the card processing machine. This heroic attitude made the check-in customers doubt their lives.

What kind of family is this? You don’t leave any family assets behind?

"It's so wonderful, I almost forgot the taste of happiness." The customer who drank all the carbon drinks in one go burped with satisfaction and threw the empty bottle into the trash can.

"This place is so beautiful, so beautiful that I don't want to leave."

"Then you can stay a few more days. If it doesn't work out, just move here and never leave."

"No, I still prefer our home..."

Earl introduced his family to Xia Yan and shook the crystal core jar at her, "I'm going to recharge my points."

Xia Yan smiled and nodded, and then noticed the little boy staring at her. His lips moved as if he wanted to say something, and he glanced behind her, made a grimace, and ran away.

Are all children so naughty?

"Fan Jie, this is Boss Xia. I told you yesterday."

Xia Yan turned around and saw Ace, who was very drunk yesterday, standing behind him with his arms around a not-so-tall man with thick eyebrows.

Seeing her turn around, Ace returned to his normal expression, "Boss Xia, we have finished charging the crystal cores, so we just came over to say hello."

The single-eyed man next to him also laughed instantly, and at the same time he stretched out a hand, "Hello, my name is Fan Jie, this place is very beautiful."

Xia Yan moved from Ace to his face, swept his hand and smiled politely, "Thank you."

An imperceptible dark light flashed in the eyes of the man named Fan Jie, and he retracted his hand as if nothing had happened.

Ace didn't notice these details. He slapped Fan Jie on the shoulder nervously, "Man, it's time to say hello. Let's go drink!"

"Okay, I would like to have a good taste of the delicious food you mentioned. Wife, watch the children, I will go in to eat first."

Fan Jie shouted at the woman in front of the self-service machine, put his arm around Ace's waist, and walked closely together into the cafeteria.

Xia Yan looked at the two figures and always felt a little strange.

She glanced at the women and children aside and told herself that it was an illusion.

The security area is surprisingly harmonious. Except for a few hungry customers who walked into the cafeteria first to eat, the remaining new customers chatted with the staying guests.

Both sides are eager to know what is going on outside. In the last four years, all kinds of information have been isolated. It is rare to see outsiders, and new customers are full of questions.

Xia Yan stood aside and listened for a while. In comparison, the weather changes here are far less than human limits. It is cloudy and rainy in summer. This is probably why the vegetables and green plants here are so lush.

Qi's mother took the mushroom and curiously asked the new customers around her, whether this thing is edible? I heard from my son that there are many outside.

The blond woman was obviously asked, and she also looked confused, but she quickly thought of someone, the woman who claimed to be able to eat all weeds.

She found this person in the crowd and handed the fat mushroom in front of her, "Dear Lin, is this mushroom edible? You know, you are the person who knows the most about plants in our community, and you definitely know the answer."

Lin grabbed the broken reading glasses on her chest and held them in front of her eyes. After distinguishing them carefully, she nodded and said, "It's edible. This one is called hazel mushroom. The stewed chicken is the best."

Qi's mother hurriedly picked up other vegetables and asked, "Please help me, can these vegetables be eaten?"

"There's no word 'please'?" Lin's thin eyelids drooped, looking very mean.

Mother Qi was stunned for a moment, her eyes wandering helplessly, and the atmosphere was very awkward.

Qi Hua, who was squatting and sorting vegetables, saw that the situation was not right, so he stood up and stood beside his mother, took the vegetables from her hand and smiled, "Thank you for your hard work, please help me check whether these vegetables are edible."

Lin put her reading glasses in front of her eyes and looked at them carefully, then put away her glasses expressionlessly and left with her hands behind her back, leaving a sentence: "It won't kill you, eat it."

Lin's bad attitude instantly brought the atmosphere to the freezing point, and the blonde woman who called Lin was also embarrassed to pick her feet. After a long time, she finally said, "Actually, she is a good person, but... hey." It's too complicated to say.

At this time, she saw that the group of children were fighting for something, which was a perfect excuse.

After the blonde woman left, the others also found excuses to leave. Qi Hua put his mother's arm around him and comforted her: "It's okay, it's just a word, it didn't hurt me."

He put all the vegetables he had sorted into his backpack, grabbed his mother's hand and prepared to go back upstairs.

Turning back, he saw Boss Xia looking up at the sky and thinking about life. He paused, pretended not to see him and walked straight past.

Xia Yan looked at the flock of birds flying in the sky and decided to call Zhikang to go mushroom picking together tomorrow.

Earl appeared at the door of the hotel and shouted, "Guys, it's time for dinner. We're waiting for you. And those naughty kids, if you keep fighting, I'll throw you all into the zombie pile. The restaurant has your favorite fries and juice. If you come too late, you won't be able to eat anything!"

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