I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 193 A Happy Decision

This matter has to start from the beginning.

Ever since the guests found that Manager Zhichang had started to clean up the perimeter, mushrooms that could be picked up became popular. A group of people followed the lawn mower in groups, picking up mushrooms wherever they drove.

The land here is fertile and there are a lot of mushrooms. Even the two brothers Bai Zuo and Bai You picked up several bags.

Zhang Lei even volunteered to Xia Yan to drive a lawn mower to clean up the weeds for the hotel for free. The main reason was that he found that mutant animals would not attack people driving (Xia Yan turned it on purpose).

Xia Yan would naturally not refuse the kindness of the customers, and she had more important things to do.

In the next few days, Xia Yan began to place outdoor dining tables, parasols, swings and slides for children to play on the lawn.

If you want new customers to spend all their points here, in addition to satisfying their food and drink, they must make their children reluctant to leave.

Zhang Lei did not drive the car to expand the scope along the original route, but shoveled east and west, and wherever there were mushrooms, there was lawn.

The people following behind him were neither as bright-eyed nor as fast as him, and could only watch Zhang Lei's bags filled up one after another with envy.

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At first everyone was still holding back, but later they couldn't help it anymore and ran to Xia Yan to complain.

Xia Yan touched his chin and quickly made a happy decision - buy 10 more lawn mowers! The premise is that the same condition must be returned as the one borrowed.

She asked Zhikang to give the car to the customer, and then study the menu of the outdoor restaurant with her.

Zhikang recorded all the meals that customers might like in a notebook. He and the boss couldn't make up their minds. Finally, he found Lin and listened to her suggestions to cut and reduce. Finally, he decided on pan-fried mushrooms, onion soup, Provence stew, shepherd's pie, garlic pasta, etc.

According to Lin, the ingredients for these dishes can be found in various farms, and they are most suitable for opening a restaurant.

When Xia Yan heard that there were ingredients outside, her profiteer nature as a boss was activated. She approved three days of leave for Zhikang, and took out the takeaway truck, asking him to take Lin out for a stroll.

In fact, the task she secretly gave him was to ask Lin which vegetables were edible, and it would be best if he could remember where the vegetables grew.

The takeaway truck has a protection function, and the people on it will not be attacked by zombies, so the safety of customers can be guaranteed.

On the second day when the weather was fine, Zhikang set off with Lin, who was smiling.

Bai Zuo and Bai You drove a lawn mower behind the electric car. As long as the front stopped, they would stop, and they would pick up whatever was in front.

With a long brake sound, they turned back suddenly, and it turned out that they were not the only ones who followed.

The two looked at each other and shrugged, it seemed that everyone was smart.

Qi's mother and father tried to clean up the mushrooms and vegetables they had harvested in the past few days on the lawn.

Without water and tools, it was very difficult to clean up.

Boss Xia was directing employees to clean up grass clippings and wipe the table. When she turned around, she saw the two people in trouble.

Xia Yan's eyes lit up. Isn't this another opportunity to make money?

She bought another vending machine from the mall. This time, it sold small fruit knives, bamboo strips, backpacks and other utensils.

Xia Yan called Xiong Xiong and built another large sink and operating table in the safe area. The charge was 5 points per half hour, and an additional charge was charged for water usage exceeding the specified amount.

She guessed that customers might want to dry and preserve them, so she bought a plastic sealing machine and only charged a processing fee each time.

She waved to an employee and asked her to tell Qi's father and mother that there were tools for sale here.

Since the new customers came, a lot of juice and ice cream have been sold every day, and there have always been customers in the cafeteria and cinema.

In order to meet the preferences of children, she added soft candies and biscuits to the vending machine, and there was also a vending machine that specializes in selling beer.

Customers who were tired of watching movies upstairs would run outside, sit on the dining chairs, enjoy the breeze, drink cold beer, and enjoy the rare leisure.

In the evening, Zhikang returned with a full load, and there were twelve lawn mowers following the takeaway truck.

"Boss, I'm back." Zhikang greeted her and helped Lin to rest on the dining chair, and began to unload the bulging packaging bags on the truck.

Xia Yan smiled and nodded at Lin as a gesture. She walked to Zhikang, unpacked the packaging bag and looked at the various vegetables inside.

"Here is another bag of fruit. We went to a park today, and there were many fruit trees there that had fruited, but the car was too small to take many." Zhikang opened the bag, revealing fruits of various colors inside.

"Lin said that all of these can be eaten, including raspberries, grapefruits, various persimmons, and sugar apples. By the way, I also saw a chestnut tree. If you like it, I'll pick some tomorrow?"

Hearing this, Xia Yan's eyes lit up and he nodded frantically, "Sugar-fried chestnuts are delicious, can you?"

Zhikang thought about it and said uncertainly: "If there is suitable sand and syrup, it should be fine."

In fact, there is one more thing he didn't say. With so many chestnuts, he is afraid that he will never finish frying them...

Xia Yan waved to call an employee and asked her to take them to the external cooking table and clean up the vegetables.

Zhikang didn't stay idle after parking the takeaway car in the safe area. He washed his hands and went to the cooking table to start cleaning the ingredients.

He also picked some black fungus today. No need to wash it, just dry it directly. Other varieties of mushrooms need to be shaved and then put in the refrigerator for refrigeration.

There are also oversized white radishes, potatoes, and onions, which are washed and cut into small pieces for later use, and the fruits are washed and sent directly to the boss.

Bai Zuo and Bai You imitated Zhi Cang's movements and began to clumsily collect the ingredients. Although they didn't know how to cook, they still regarded food as very important.

Maybe the two still had a little fantasy in their hearts, hoping to give it to Jing Da Lao when they met him again in the future.

There was a long queue in front of the external cooking table. Everyone started to clean mushrooms with the newly bought fruit knives and put the vegetables to be washed in a separate bag to avoid having to find them again later.

Taking advantage of this time, Xia Yan told them that they could store dried vegetables and fruits in plastic in the future, and charge 5 points for each bag each time.

After this news was sent out, everyone's original worry that the food would rot was also dispelled, and they happily decided to go out tomorrow to find more food and save more.

Everyone was tired of the suffering of having nothing to eat. Even if the hotel provided meals, they were still worried that if the hotel was gone one day, they would return to the situation of having no food and starving to death.

Originally, everyone was worried that Boss Xia would prohibit them from picking vegetables and fruits outside and then monopolize the market, but they didn't expect that she would not only not stop them, but also help them seal the ingredients. Oh, she is so mean.

At that moment, everyone looked at Xia Yan with hot eyes.

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