I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 194: Detoxification

Zhichang put the menu of the outdoor restaurant on each table, and soon customers came to order.

In order to facilitate his work, Xia Yan had to buy three more employees, without upgrading, just to do ordinary work.

The outdoor restaurant is only open for two hours at noon, and the rest of the time Zhichang is still outside digging vegetables and picking fruits.

After Xia Yan and other customers got tired of watching movies, he called them downstairs and took them to Lidai Island to visit the scenery.

As expected, their surprise was beyond description, big and small, they ran away, and some even took off their shirts and jumped into the sea to swim.

"Be careful! Don't get caught by crabs!" The cautious customers on the shore made their hands into trumpets and shouted.

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The man emerged from the water after a long time. He shook his hair and laughed: "Don't worry, there is not even a small fish in it!"

Oh, it hurts my heart.

Xia Yan covered her chest with an extremely hurt expression.

Who dares to believe that she, who owns an ocean, has no small fish in it?

"It shouldn't be..." The friends whispered, and then they were extremely happy and rushed up to hold her hand, "I really didn't expect that Boss Xia was so awesome that all the creatures in the sea were extinct. He is really a different capitalist!"

Xia·Capitalist·Yan wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Unlike the beaches where we are, they are almost full of mutated seafood! It's really strange. The less you eat something, the more it will flood."

Xia·Capitalist·Yan's eyes lit up.

Seafood? Her buffet restaurant has everything except seafood.

Wow, it's here?

Xia Yan asked the customers about the location of the beach. The customers who saw her purpose advised her that the seafood there would make people sick and tasted terrible, so it was best not to go there... In the end, everyone told her the exact location of the beaches that were flooded.

Xia Yan kept it in mind and prepared to go for a walk after finishing the things in front of her.

She collected her thoughts and waited until everyone had played enough, then took them to the rental department. After the door opened, a group of cute little bears jumped out, instantly attracting the children's attention. When they were about to rush over to hug them.

The group of little bears piled up together and made big faces, "You ××, you are not allowed to hug the little bears you ××."

"Wow~" The children's snot and tears fell freely.

Next was a chaos. Xia Yan watched the excitement for a long time and admired the mothers' patience.

"Excuse me."

"It's okay. If you're ready, please go in with the little bears to have a look."

Xia Yan would not follow the specific tour. She walked out of the rental department and saw an empty store after strolling around.

A flash of inspiration came to her. Why can't she sell vegetables here?

Xia Yan slapped her forehead and walked quickly out of Lidai Island and returned to the front hall.

"Xiongxiong, use the plastic sealer to pack two bags of dried mushrooms and washed vegetables that Zhikang gave you yesterday for me."

Xiongxiong was driving a mopping car. Hearing this, he jumped off the car and ran to the safe area to plastic seal according to her requirements.

"Boss, are these enough?" Xiongxiong didn't know what the boss wanted this for, but as long as the boss asked, it would do it 100% according to the boss's requirements.

"Okay." Xia Yan nodded. Just try it. Two bags are enough.

She returned to Lidai Island with the things and ran straight into the store to put them on the shelf.


[Does not meet safety regulations. Please remove the poison before selling]

Xia Yan: Remove the poison? ? ?

She opened the operation panel and found the official detoxification shop. The price was 300,000 points.

The hotel's sales have been unused for a while, and the total is 600,000 points, enough to buy two detoxification shops.

[Do you want to buy the official detoxification shop?]


[Purchase successful]

As the points were reduced by half, a square building of 100 square meters made of metal rose from the ground. The sign on the top read six big words - Official Detoxification Shop.

There were no windows in the whole house, only six transmission ports, and the small LCD screen above displayed the price and detoxification completion.

Xia Yan walked over and stuffed the plastic bag in.

The LCD screen showed: Two bags of dried vegetables, 10 points are required.

What? The boss still has to pay?

Xia Yan's mouth twitched. It's impossible, absolutely impossible, it must be that she didn't add the permission.

She clicked on the background, found the detoxification shop, added her identity, and stuffed the plastic bag in again.

An eye lit up on it, and after scanning her whole body, the plastic bag disappeared behind.

That's right, there's no reason to ask the boss for money.

Xia Yan snorted, and the progress bar of the detoxification on the LCD screen quickly reached 100%, and then the dried vegetables were sent out again.

"Is that it?" She looked through the packaging carefully, but didn't see any changes. Maybe, it was a change that couldn't be seen by the naked eye? ?

Xia Yan returned to the store again. This time, after putting it on the shelf, not only did no prompt pop up, but the price was even automatically marked.

"A bag costs 10 points? You really don't take other people's hard work seriously." Xia Yan was so angry that she raised the price to 50 points.

Sorry, I don't accept your suggestion.

So there were two more bags of dried vegetables in the empty store...

If I could fill this place with vegetables and fruits... Xia Yan looked around the store, imagining that the room was full of various plastic bags that "I" had worked hard for, and she felt inexplicably satisfied.

Through the transparent glass, she saw new customers following the little bears, preparing to move into the new house.

Strangely enough, new customers never consider the day when their points will run out. They eat well if they can, live well if they can, and enjoy everything as the standard. As a boss, she likes such customers the most.

Xia Yan listened to the newly credited points, and walked out of the store with her hands behind her back with satisfaction and returned to the hotel. She walked to the safe area to find Zhikang.

"After this lunch is done, bring a few more employees, and let's go out to dig wild vegetables together."

She took the RV out of the system grid. It had not been used for a long time, so it had to be charged first.

Let Xiongxiong transfer a few employees over, and Xia Yan handed them each a backpack and a shovel, and then distributed the tasks. Each person was responsible for picking a kind of vegetable and trying to keep the dishes intact.

While Zhikang was cleaning the table, Xia Yan returned to the room and changed into a pair of long boots and a long-sleeved shirt.

When they came out again, there was a circle of customers around the RV. Although this was the first time they had seen it, they still couldn't hide their shock - this car must be fuel-efficient, right?

Zhikang was already sitting in the main driver's seat, and three employees were sitting on the sofa in the back row. Xia Yan followed the path made by the customers to the car and sat in the co-pilot's seat.

Zhikang beeped twice and slowly drove out of the farm.

"Boss, let's go to the farm in the west first. There are more vegetables there."

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