I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 195 Surrounding Farms

The weeds around my farm have been basically pushed away, and the RV can drive smoothly.

As we slowly drove out of this area, the weeds returned to chest height. Even if the clearing function was turned on, it was still difficult to drive the RV, and the blades swished across the car body, which made Xia Yan feel very distressed.

"It would be great if I could get an off-road vehicle. I can drive it casually without feeling any pain at all." She leaned halfway against the window, her heart throbbing when her eyes fell on the jagged blades.

No wonder I saw a lot of thin lines on Zhi Zhi's arm last time. It turned out to be cuts.

Thinking about it this way, she also felt a little sad for the injured employees. These were all her assets.

After driving along the grass road for more than ten minutes, another very large farm appeared in front of us.


Zhiji walked through the broken wooden door and stopped until he reached a spot on the road where there was no grass being pressed down.

"Boss, this is it. I'll go down and take a look first." After saying that, Zhiji jumped out of the car and beat the grass blades with a long stick to drive away the insects inside.

Xia Yan asked his employees to go down to help, and then he jumped out of the car.

Half a house stands in a sea of ​​green grass. After a long period of rain and wind, the wood has become rotten. The door is wide open, revealing the hollow and twisted corridor inside. It has become a dangerous house.

She looked away and found Zhiji digging wild vegetables in the grass.

Xia Yan opened the packaging bag aside, squatted down and pulled out the carrots.

"There are a lot of radishes here. If you go further in, you will find ball-shaped lettuces, but they are full of holes eaten by insects and cannot be eaten." Zhichi briefly introduced the vegetables growing on the farm, and did not expect the boss to dig them. How many dishes.

The group of people were busy with their own tasks and were working in full swing.

Fortunately, I brought a sack with me when I came out, and I dug out a lot of potatoes, carrots, etc.

After three days of cultivating varieties, Zhizhi has now become able to identify many vegetables that have been mutated and can be eaten.

"Boss, don't move. There is a piece of Jerusalem artichoke on the sole of your foot." He suddenly shouted to stop Xia Yan who was retreating. He walked over seriously and held the blade, trying to distinguish it, and finally used a shovel as a sharp weapon.

You will know if you dig it out and take a look.

Xia Yan retreated behind him, dug down with a shovel, and dug out a lump of black mud. He then pulled the soil away and found out the strange-shaped fruits inside.

He put it to the tip of his nose and sniffed it, then nodded after confirming it again, "Yes, it's Jerusalem artichoke. It can be made into mustard. It's sour, sweet, crisp and delicious."

Xia Yan can eat it as soon as he hears it, and he digs it with a shovel. It doesn't matter if he can't eat it, he can sell it in the store! There are points all over the place waving at her!

The two men were waving, and smoke was rising, and there were more and more Jerusalem artichokes in the sack.

"It's almost done. Let's go check out other farms." Xia Yan rubbed his sore back. After looking around, he found that there were no other varieties and decided to set off.

There were several tall fruit trees in the next farm. Xia Yan left the work of digging wild vegetables to his employees, took the packaging bags and slowly approached the fruit trees.

The fruit trees are covered with brown-red fruits. The palm-sized fruits are covered with small eyes and look a bit like sugar apples and lychees.

A layer of overripe fruit fell on the ground, and the cracked flesh was crawling with fat black ants.

Xia Yan bypassed the ant colony and walked straight to the bottom of the tree. The branches were bent by the numerous fruits, so she could easily pick the fruits with her hands. After carefully checking that there were no small thorns on them, she put on a pair of rubber gloves and started picking the fruits.

There was a tree next to it. Xia Yan just glanced at it casually, and then looked at the low bush next to it, which was covered with red raspberries.

"Good guy, it's such a good harvest." She muttered, and excitedly bought an oversized crisper box in the mall to hold raspberries.

Catching up with strawberry-sized raspberries also opened Xia Yan's eyes.

Pick, pick, pick.

With a single swipe of his fingers, he got a handful, which was sour, sweet, soft and glutinous with the fragrance of roses. Xia Yan picked more and more of them.

This area is actually full of raspberries, and the red ones are all ripe fruits. Good guy, you can pick them freely.

Unknowingly, Xia Yan went deeper and deeper, and finally he yelled to wake her up.

"Oh, here we come."

Xia Yan stepped back and walked back. As he was about to go out, he stepped on something and almost fell down.

"What?" She lowered her head and picked up the "culprit". It was a green fruit that felt extremely hard.

She looked carefully and made sure she didn't recognize it, so she left it behind her.

"Boss, do you want to go pick chestnuts later? It only takes about ten minutes by car." Zhiji put the last bag of wild vegetables into the car and asked his colleagues to get in and wait.

Xia Yan looked up at the sky. It was still early and there was still plenty of time.

"Let's go and have a look."

Chestnuts are such a versatile food. They can be stir-fried with sugar, stewed with chicken, ribs, and made into snacks.

Along the way, Xia Yan kept thinking about various ways to eat chestnuts, almost salivating.

I have been in this world for so long, and I have never thought of ordering sugar-fried chestnuts...

"The boss is here, right in front." Zhiji parked the car in the parking line and waved everyone to get out of the car.

Walking up the bluestone steps to the end, a large fruit forest appears in front of you. Tall chestnut trees are covered with thorny fruits.

Zhichi asked her to pay attention to the soles of her feet and the top of her head. It was the ripening period of chestnuts at this time, and there would be many fallen spiked fruits on the ground. If she accidentally stepped on the soles of her feet, it would be difficult to get them down.

Pay attention to the top of your head because you are afraid of ripe fruit falling and hitting your head.

Xia Yan bought a few hats from the mall and asked everyone to wear them. Then he bought three long-handled fruit clamps and set out to pick up the fruit.

The group's target was the chestnuts on the tree, and those that fell on the ground were kicked aside.

It wasn't that they didn't want them, but the insects had already eaten through them and built nests inside, so there was no point in picking them up.

Zhikang was tall and had long hands, and he could pick up the fruit accurately. After the clamp was taken back, an employee held out the packaging bag and went to take it. The two of them worked perfectly together.

Xia Yan stood behind another employee and took it after she caught it.

There was a rustling sound in the grass next to him, which sounded like a snake crawling by.

Zhikang was stunned, put away the clamp and rushed to the place where the sound came from. His movements were so fast that they didn't seem human.

"Eh?" Xia Yan only saw his disappearing back. Good guy, this man saw the snake as if he saw his wife.

Ten seconds later, Zhikang came back with a snake as thick as his wrist.

"Boss, I'll make you snake soup tonight."

"...No thanks."

Zhichang nodded, killed the snake and went back to pick chestnuts. The poor snake lay on the cold ground with its belly turned upside down and burped.

"Almost done, let's go back." Xia Yan saw that there were already three sacks, so he stopped them in time.

Zhichang was responsible for moving all the sacks back to the car. The three employees squeezed through a narrow passage and sat on the sofa with their feet tucked in.

Xia Yan sat in the co-pilot and looked back. Wow, the RV was no longer the same as before.

It would be great if there was an off-road vehicle.

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