I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 196 Uninvited Guests

Xia Yan, who looked out the window with his chin in boredom, always felt that the way back was shorter than when he came.

In the blink of an eye, she saw that her own hotel was shining with white lights, and the huge plaque shone brightly, shining in the dusk on the horizon.

It was as if the lighthouse in the deep sea was calling ships, and the cozy hotel was also calling her.

Xia Yan's heart instantly calmed down, and a joyful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. Her eyes moved downward, her expression froze, the smile disappeared, and her whole person became serious and cautious.

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"Zhichi, speed up."

The headlights on the top of the hotel in the distance were turned on, illuminating the surrounding environment more clearly.

Xia Yan clearly saw a group of people surrounding the hotel's safe area. Only Xiong Xiong and Xiong Xiong stood at the edge and faced them, with a fierce expression on their faces, baring their teeth and growling in a low voice, showing their sharp claws.

Zhijiu also noticed it. He glanced at Xia Yan and increased the speed of the car.

The sun here disappeared without any principles at all. The orange color that originally filled the sky disappeared in an instant, and the dazzling high beam of the RV successfully attracted the group of people.

A man was sitting on the outdoor dining chair carefully prepared by Xia Yan, with his legs crossed, smoking a cigar and puffing out smoke. His eyes were dull and it seemed that he was not surprised that the RV could run on oil.

Under the illumination of the distant light, one of his eyes reflected a strange light, like a big glass ball.

Behind him, a woman was holding a child and her face was pale and trembling with fear. She couldn't help but take a step back when she saw the RV, but was pushed back hard.

"Stand still!" The man gestured fiercely with the famous gun butt, as if he was going to hit it at the next moment.

Xia Yan looked away from them and noticed that there were 5 modified armored vehicles parked on the lawn. The entire vehicle was covered with a metal cage. The row of sharp drill bits in front of the vehicle was the most eye-catching. There was also a horizontal circular cutting machine at the rear of the vehicle. There are two submachine guns at the top.

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The car body was covered in filth, with thick black blood constantly dripping down, and there were struggling zombies on the drill, strung together like candied haws.

These people turned a blind eye to this and stared hard at the RV.

Show off your power?

Xia Yan sneered.

Do you think a few zombies can scare her?

"As we get closer, increase the clearing function and drive these cars outside."

"Okay." Zhiji controlled the car and turned into the farm. He turned the clearing function to the maximum at the position closest to the armored vehicle. In an instant, five modified vehicles weighing 3 tons each made a harsh creaking sound and smashed through the bug-eyed car. The wooden fence crushed the dense weeds and forced people outside the farm.

"Damn, she touched our car!" The little gangster's eyes were shocked, and then he loaded the gun twice and pointed the black muzzle at the driver's seat behind the car window.

When the others heard the noise, they also loaded their guns and took aim, just waiting for the boss's signal.

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the man sitting on the dining chair. He waved his hand to his men to tie up the mother and son, without giving any order to fire or to put the gun away.

He planned to use this mother and son to negotiate and deceived so many people from him. Why didn't he give an explanation?

But they didn't expect the overwhelming force to hit them, forcing the group of people to be driven back a distance of 30 meters...

"Boss, you're back!" Xiong Xiong put away his attack mode, ran to the car cutely, and moved supplies with the employees inside.

"Yes." Xia Yan jumped out of the car, ignoring the one-eyed man with a livid face, patting the ashes on his body and preparing to go back to the house to take a shower and change clothes.

Naichi originally wanted to ask this group of people how to deal with it, but when he saw that the boss and Xiongxiong didn't pay attention to them, they hurriedly moved forward to move things.

The hall was crowded with customers behind the glass. Seeing Boss Xia crowding around and chattering complaints, Xia Yan had no choice but to stop and nod while listening.

It turned out that these people had arrived in the morning. When the new customers saw this group of people, their faces turned pale, just like mice seeing cats. They all hid in Lidaijima and refused to come out. Even Tiantian in the cafeteria The Ace duo who were working on the meal also hid and disappeared.

Seeing them like this, the guests who checked in began to panic. The group outside seemed to have a high level of force, and Boss Xia was not in the store yet. They were really scared and worried.

Manager Xiong Xiong held up his bear paw and repeatedly assured that the hotel was absolutely safe. They couldn't break in and everyone should not go out. Coupled with the fact that Bai Zuo, Bai Zuo, Qi Hua's team, and Su Mei's group were waiting in the safe zone, the customers could barely feel relieved.

Because Xia Yan had previously given Xiong Xiong the backend permissions of the protective shield, Xiong Xiong immediately changed the protective shield to prohibit anyone from entering or exiting, without notifying the boss.

Under the eager gaze of everyone, this group of people drove an armored vehicle into the farm as if they were in a deserted area, and stopped on the neatly manicured lawn, leaving a long and clear mark.

Immediately afterwards, the submachine guns on the roof of the car were all pointed at the hotel. The sight of the black hole of the muzzle made everyone's back numb.

The customers, whose relatives were guarding themselves outside, hid behind the glass doors with red eyes, and the long-lost pain hit their hearts again.

"Son..." Qi's mother sobbed and patted the glass, trying to tell him to come back. There were so many people here, so her child didn't necessarily have to go out and die!

She looked around at the people behind her, and when she saw the residents who were about the same age as her son, her eyes burst into naked anger - why don't you go out? How dare you hide under my son's protection?

Qiao Zhen glanced at her and chose to ignore her.

Don't say it, some people are really lucky and have lived for so long. It's really their own children.

Qi's father held his wife, and he was also angry and resentful in his heart. Those foreign devils were really cunning. They disappeared as soon as they saw something wrong, and they had to clean up the trouble they had caused. It was too much!

For a while, everyone in the hall was furious, just waiting for Boss Xia to come back and complain, and it would be best to drive them all away, and live a good life behind closed doors.

Xiongxiong stood in the front, showing his long fangs and claws, looking very intimidating.

It is the store manager, and he must perform his duties conscientiously.

The Su Mei team stood in a row behind it, followed by the Qi Hua team and the Bai brothers. Not only were they not frightened by these armored vehicles, but they were also aroused by the surging fighting spirit.

Behind them were their families, and no one could step in!

After a strange stalemate, the car door opened and a group of people jumped out. They were all tall and strong, fully armed, and looked extremely powerful. They surrounded a one-eyed man with him as the center.

The one-eyed man's eyes passed through Xiong Xiong and the others and looked straight into the hotel lobby. His eyes were full of excitement.

He waved his hand, and the people behind him pulled a mother and daughter out of the car, and pushed them to the front fiercely, standing where everyone could see them.

"Save me!"

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