I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 197 Confrontation between the two parties

The woman shrunk her shoulders, her face was pale with fear, and she held the girl tightly in her arms with both hands. The fear that she had been worried about all the way finally broke out at this moment, and she couldn't help shouting for help.

Her sudden shout not only scared everyone, but also attracted several loud slaps from the man.

The woman tasted the taste of blood all of a sudden, her eyes were full of stars, her hands were weak, and the girl in her arms fell to the ground and curled up and trembled.

At this time, the man grabbed her collar and turned her around, roaring: "Call your man out!"

She was dizzy, and her eardrums were still buzzing. The woman was lucky not to faint, let alone shouting for help.

Su Mei couldn't hold back any longer. If it weren't for Mao Yuanyuan and the others holding her down, she would have rushed out long ago. These people actually beat women, they are really beasts.

Although Bai Zuo and Bai You are not very old, they have personally witnessed and experienced the sadness, helplessness and cruelty of the end of the world. Their grandmother passed away early, and they have not received any moral education. They only know that men, women, young and old are the same in the end of the world, and the weak will be beaten, so they don’t understand why Su Mei is so excited. Could it be that they know each other?

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

The Qi Hua team is also unable to hold back. What to save? What to save? Most of the reason they stand here is to protect their families. If they are gone, their families will not live long. It doesn’t matter if they are selfish or cowardly, as long as their families are alive, it’s true.

Although the customers in the hotel lobby can’t bear it, it’s not the first time. Compared with the more cruel destruction and killing, a few slaps are considered light. It’s just that the man said to call her man out. Who is he referring to?

Which bastard left his wife and children at home and came out to eat, drink and have fun?

There is no new customer in the lobby. Even if they want to ask who it is, they can’t find anyone, so they can only see what to say next.

The man finally waited patiently for her to calm down. The words that asked her man to come out finally floated into her ears. The woman swallowed her saliva. With her excellent eyesight, she saw the faces of those people in the hall at a glance. She didn't find a familiar person at all!

Could it be that she said the wrong place?

But this is a holiday hotel. I heard that those people came here before. There is no other hotel of this size within a hundred miles!

The woman raised her head with difficulty and saw the open window on the upper floor. Could they be living in the room? ! As long as she speaks louder, it will definitely be heard upstairs.

Without time to think, she cleared her throat and yelled, "Earl! Earl! It's me, Divani."

After hearing who she was calling, the man holding her collar smiled strangely, "Did Ace sell you to Earl? In exchange for a few potatoes?"

As he spoke, he put his other hand in along the collar and pouted, "At most two small potatoes."

His companions laughed together, saying dirty words, and their wolf-like eyes swayed along the bright glass of the hotel to the young woman, "This time we've made a fortune."

Divani seemed to think of something, and her body trembled more violently. There was a faint liquid dripping down her wide trouser legs, sinking into the black mud and disappearing.

The girl near her carefully looked at her mother through her fingers, and saw the clear slap mark on her face and felt heartbroken.

Divani lowered her eyes and looked at her daughter. She didn't know whether she should let her daughter rush to the hotel, nor did she know whether the people inside would take care of her child, and she didn't know whether her daughter would be caught and beaten to death halfway.

Divani closed her eyes in grief, and she raised her voice again, "Ace, where are you, you bastard? Where are you, Earl? If you hear me, just make a sound!"

She shouted several times, and her voice became hoarse. Except for a few unfamiliar faces upstairs, no familiar people appeared. The pain and despair of being abandoned by everyone hit her heart again, and Divani regretted not taking her daughter to reincarnate again.

"Quanfei, go up and take a look."

At this time, the one-eyed man sitting on the dining chair next to him finally spoke. He took out a box of exquisite cigars from his inner pocket. When he held it between his lips, someone respectfully lit a flame to help him light the cigarette.

The one-eyed man took a puff and exhaled the gray smoke, with a faint expression.

Behind him, the people who hadn't smoked for a long time tried to smoke deeply.

The man who was named was a man wearing a hat and combing long hair. He paused for a moment and walked quickly towards the hotel.

The two sides stared at him with nervous expressions.

The man got closer and closer, and did not find any traps around him. His eyes were also fixed on the people in front of him. He had already thought about it. He would attack the women with round faces first, and it would be best to knock them out and drag them back.

Recently, there are some women with pointed chins and shriveled faces. Many old customers specifically ask for round faces, regardless of gender.

The man who was originally walking in a straight line suddenly shook his body and rushed over like a snake coil. He held a long pointed mouthpiece in each hand. As long as it pierced into the skin for a moment, the target would definitely faint within three seconds.

He deliberately made a big circle to confuse his opponent. Everyone was looking at his afterimage, except for a woman with sharp eyes, but it didn't matter, he was sure!

It's getting closer!

He took a big step and sent the mouthpiece out at an angle that was difficult to avoid. This move was invincible!

The sharp tip of the mouthparts poked into a soft barrier and sank in. Before the man could feel happy, a huge electric current instantly enveloped him.

Zizi Zizi——

The man was stiff and trembling, his skin was burnt black, and he was smoking. There was a faint smell of barbecue, and he soon fell to the ground and died.

The hotel was silent. It was the first time for everyone to see the power of the protective shield. The superpower was electrocuted in an instant? Didn't they worry in vain just now? !

Her son no longer had to worry and could go home.

Qi's mother glanced at Qiao Zhen obscurely, feeling a little guilty. Alas, she was just an ordinary girl. How could she be so fierce? Damn it!

"Wow, it's quite fierce." An old and thin man outside the safe zone touched his bald head and smacked his lips.

The one-eyed man shook off the ash, took a deep breath, and threw the cigarette butt to his feet and crushed it.

"It's interesting. It's more difficult than the last time. It's very challenging."

In order to prevent high-voltage electric shock, he ordered people to move the armored vehicle backwards, and then install anti-electric devices around it, and the body of the vehicle was also covered with an insulating cover.

It was not enough to just do all this. He also had to know the maximum distance of the electric shock, whether it could be so high voltage every time, what the inside of the hotel looked like, and who the boss was.

The one-eyed man did not show any expression, and his mind turned hundreds of circles. He was really curious about this hotel that suddenly appeared in his territory.

Endless food and wine? It was really exciting.

"Boss, I found a nest of rabbits. Should I eat them or throw them away?"

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