I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 198: You want a rabbit or your life?

When Ye Qizheng saw that what he was holding was the bucktooth rabbit he had carefully raised, he clenched his fists and frowned.

They were going to attack a rabbit?

When the brothers Bai Zuo and Bai You saw that it was his rabbit, they looked at each other without saying anything, but there was some sympathy in their eyes.

They saw with their own eyes how Ye Qizheng fattened up the rabbits little by little. Based on the principle that food is precious and cannot be wasted, although they envied Ye Qizheng for having rabbits to eat, they did not vent their private resentment on innocent rabbits.

It's a pity that such fat rabbits will fall into the hands of the enemy...

The one-eyed man swept his one eye over the fat rabbit. As the boss, he had eaten all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas, but rabbits alone were not in his eyes, but...

"Start a fire."

It was obvious that the rabbit had an owner. It would be best to lure the owner out. At the very least, he could knock on the mountain to scare away the tiger and test the strength and unity of this group of people.

"Yes!" The person behind him replied excitedly, pulled out the knife at his ankle, grabbed the rabbit's ear and killed it with one cut, and found a place to start skinning and cutting, while others set up a fire, washed the rabbit meat, marinated it casually and put it on the fire to roast.

"Your rabbit is going to be eaten..." Bai Zuo looked at Ye Qizheng and reminded him kindly.

Qi's mother and several "peers" whispered that the rabbit was not the property of the hotel, and Boss Xia would definitely not care. If Xiao Ye couldn't bear to part with it, he could only do it himself, but it would be too stupid to rush out alone for a bucktooth rabbit.

The hotel has everything you want, and a rabbit doesn't matter.

Qi's mother and others couldn't bear to see the young people sad and doing stupid things, so they comforted Ye Qizheng one by one and advised him not to be impulsive.

Ye Qizheng smiled bitterly, how could he run out to die foolishly, everyone looked up to him.

The bucktooth rabbit that was about to die tragically glared at him with red eyes, rubbing its rabbit teeth and making a creaking sound, turned around and hugged the beloved rabbit and licked each other's fur for the last tenderness.

A big hand grabbed the rabbit's ears - Xiaoye looked away, unable to bear to watch.

Soon a scent of barbecue wafted in, and the guy who cooked the rabbit meat smeared golden honey on it, which smelled fragrant and sweet.

Xiongxiong moved his nose to sniff, and was successfully tempted. He looked at the honey pot reluctantly, and ruthlessly checked the protective cover to prevent the outside odor from entering the hotel. With the addition of the fresh air system, the air was soon purified and fresh.

"Dear customers, thank you for your support. There are no hidden dangers in the hotel at present. Please go back to your room to rest." Xiongxiong turned around and bowed deeply to the people standing behind him to express his gratitude.

"When will Boss Xia come back?" Qi Hua was still a little worried, and he was unsure if Boss Xia was not there.

"She will be back before dark." Xiongxiong guessed so, and in fact, Xia Yan really came home in the dark.

When they saw Boss Xia's exclusive RV appear in the corner of their sight, the customers standing on the open-air balcony on the 31st floor told each other, rushed downstairs by elevator, and went to the lobby to greet her.

When everyone saw that the armored vehicle that had threatened them for an afternoon was easily driven out of the farm by Boss Xia, they couldn't help but applaud and cheer. The arrogant black-clad men, including their leaders, were forced to the side, and even rolled on the ground in embarrassment. Everyone finally let out the breath that was suppressed in their chests.

Boss Xia did a great job!

Such people should be dealt with directly.

Originally, everyone wanted to see Boss Xia kill them one by one after getting off the car, but she didn't even give the black-clad men a glance, and was busy going back to the lobby to appease the residents. This moved everyone so much that they surrounded her and started to complain.

Xia Yan said nothing, concentrating on sorting out useful things from the messy information, and roughly knew what happened.

"Where are the new customers? Are they still in Lidai Island?" She asked Xiang Xiongxiong.

"Yes, they are still inside. I have been watching here for an afternoon, and they have not come out!" Bai Zuo jumped out of the crowd. If it weren't for the charge to go to Lidai Island, he would have run in again.

With so many supplies here, I think Boss Jing would be very happy, and he might agree to take them brothers with him. Unfortunately, they never met him.

Xia Yan looked up at the clock. It was six o'clock. The guests would be automatically cleared at 9 o'clock when they left Dai Island.

"I know everything you said. As long as everyone is not injured, it's fine. Now I have to go back and change clothes. I will communicate with the new customers. Please rest assured." Xia Yan raised the corner of her mouth and signaled Xiongxiong to send the customers upstairs to rest.

She returned to the room and took a hot bath. After resting for a while, she changed into a comfortable suit and returned to the lobby. Unexpectedly, there were still a few customers sitting in the leisure area and refused to leave. When they saw her, their eyes lit up.

Xia Yan smiled and nodded to them, and walked past them and walked into the safe area.

The lights on the top floor were turned on early, and the surroundings were bright, as if it was daytime. She could clearly see 5 armored vehicles lined up behind the broken wooden fence, but she didn't see the traces of the group of men in black.

Maybe they hid back in the car. After all, the farm is not safe at night, and there are many nocturnal mutant beasts.

Xia Yan looked at them for a while, and then looked back at the busy Zhikang and Xiongxiong. There were dozens of full sacks around them.

Zhikang first simply processed the appearance of the vegetables, and Xiongxiong picked out the good-looking and insect-free fruits, and then handed them over to other employees to wash the vegetables and wild fruits in the pool three times and put them in clean stainless steel white buckets.

Seeing that they were very busy, Xia Yan went over to help.

"Boss, please give me a machine. I want to make sugar-roasted chestnuts." Zhikang kept thinking about this as his boss' favorite food, and reminded her every time she had the chance.

"Okay, right away." She clapped her hands, opened the mall, and typed in the sugar-roasted chestnut machine in the search box. Several different pictures popped up below.

One machine costs 2,000 points, and the special roasted sand needs to be purchased separately.

If Xia Yan would have felt sorry for it before, now she placed two orders without blinking an eye, put the machine in the position reserved by Zhikang, and gave him four bags of roasted sand, asking him to ask for anything he needed in the future.

Zhikang saw that the only work left was bagging and plastic sealing, so he started to pick chestnuts.

Xia Yan took over the plastic-sealed vegetables and put them in the cart, preparing to take them to Lidai Island to remove the poison and sell them later. She also planned to make a big promotional sign -

100% non-toxic vegetables and fruits, first come first served, the quantity is limited, buy as soon as possible.

Do you think she is going to pull the cart across the beach to the official anti-drug shop? Wrong, put the cart into the system grid and take it out when you get there.

After filling the cart, Xia Yan put away the cart, walked through the resort gate and walked into Lidai Island. The sky here is not completely dark yet, and the sea is calm and unobstructed, so even without street lights, the beach can be seen clearly--

Earl, Fan Jie and Ace are sitting in a circle, drinking cold beer bought from the vending machine, and relaxing in the sea breeze.

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