I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 199: Purchase of Goods

Xia Yan recalled the mother and daughter caught by the black-clad man. They seemed to be Ace's wife and children?

She looked at Ace, who was laughing wildly, from beginning to end. His behavior was not like a father and husband at all.

However, such people are not uncommon in the end times, and there are many who are more extreme than him. Xia Yan planned to do business first. She went straight to the official detoxification store transmission port, took out the cart, put the plastic bags of vegetables and fruits in it and started disinfection.

Not far away, by the lake on the island, several elderly women gathered together, chatting while watching the children playing not far away. They looked relaxed and smiled at the corners of their mouths. It seemed that they didn't care about the black-clad man outside at all.

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The only difference was Lin. She sat alone on the steps of the rental department, her eyes were gloomy, and the corners of her mouth turned down, making her look more fierce.

When her eyes moved to the children, her expression was like a crack in the thousand-year-old ice, revealing the deep hidden sadness.

Her sight seemed to see the person she was thinking about through the group of children. Water drops soon oozed out of her dim eyes. She hurriedly lowered her head, and the water drops hit the steps in a parabola, oozing black and blue.

After the detoxification was completed, the screen issued a beeping reminder sound. Xia Yan retracted her gaze and put the plastic bag pushed out on the other side of the cart, and then sent all the remaining ones to the conveyor belt for disinfection.

When she looked again, the steps in front of the rental department were empty.

Maybe they went back, Xia Yan thought.

The blonde woman sitting by the lake saw Xia Yan waving enthusiastically, and the people around her followed suit.

"Boss Xia, won't you meet that group of people?"

"Who knows, it should be."

"If Boss Xia is stronger, we can get rid of control." The blonde woman looked at her chest and abdomen dejectedly, where there was a red protruding "small mole".

Someone bumped into her. "Being controlled may not be a bad thing. As long as you listen, you can survive. Do you think it's safe outside? Many people starve to death because they can't get enough food. Times have changed. It's good for us now."

"But can we not go out this time? Just hide here?"

"Emm, I guess it's nothing. At most, a few more people will go back. And compared to us, Ru Yongnan (the one-eyed man) should value this hotel more." The person next to her lowered his voice, glanced in the direction of Boss Xia, and gave her a look that you know.

She is white-skinned, beautiful, and has some unique strength. I don't believe he won't be tempted. As long as he focuses his attention elsewhere, their situation will be much better.

The blonde woman thought it was right. Anyway, if the sky falls, there will be a tall person to hold it up. She is young and fertile, and she is very willing to cooperate with the work of others. I think Ru Yongnan will not make things difficult for them.

But she felt sorry when she thought that such a good hotel would end up in Ru Yongnan's hands. It was not because Boss Xia would wither, but because they could no longer eat and drink there at will.

Several people looked at each other, with the same panic in their eyes. It seemed that everyone had thought of the same thing.

"How about storing some food and wine in the space?"

Someone soon broke her idea, "Impossible, have you forgotten that one of his subordinates can see through the space? If he is caught, his hands will be cut off and sent to the red light area."

In the past, some people did not believe in evil and hid supplies. Sure enough, they were caught in the act. Their hands were cut off alive on the spot and they were teleported away by a man in black. They have not returned yet. They secretly said that this person must be dead.

With this precedent, who dares to hide it privately?

Several people sighed, life is really hard, when will it end.

Being so far away, and with their low voices, Xia Yan glanced at them several times, and stretched her ears many times but could not hear a single word. She had no choice but to walk into the store and put the vegetables on the shelves.

She bought a super large LED sign from the mall, recorded the promotional information, and placed it at the door of the store. The super large words could be seen even on the island.

Yes, Xia Yan put it up specifically for them.

There were so many things that happened during this period, and she was so busy that she forgot about the group of rich bosses in the villa area.

While she had time now, she opened the backstage of the store, and the turnover inside was just enough to purchase goods.

[It costs 500,000 points to replenish two quantities of goods for the whole store. Do you want to purchase goods?]


[Goods are being displayed... Detected that there are goods on sale. Do you plan to the correct category?]

"Well, yes."

[Completed, please re-enter the store]

According to the instructions, Xia Yan turned and went out, and when she came back again, she found that the inside had changed a lot.

At the entrance are two robots holding high-voltage electric batons. You need to pass the light blue transparent channel detection before entering the store entrance. Next to them are five self-service cash registers, each guarded by a robot holding a biodegradable packaging bag. The exit is another exclusive channel.

When you walk into the entrance, the first thing you see is three refrigerators against the wall, which are filled with bagged milk, goat milk and yogurt, but there are two bags of each flavor...

Next to them are stacked boxes of milk, the calcium content is above 4.0, and there are two bags of each flavor...

Opposite is the fruit area and vegetable area, two of each...

Xia Yan looked at the two identical fruits alone on the huge booth, and the price was written as per kilogram, and she laughed directly.

What's even more unbelievable is that the vegetables are also sold in pairs. She can understand two tomatoes, but what the hell is two mushrooms? Two beans? It's not enough to fill the gaps between your teeth!

When she saw two leeks and two chili peppers, she was too tired to complain.

Xia Yan quickly ran out of the vegetable area. She would be furious if she stayed any longer.

The daily necessities area was behind, with toiletries, diving equipment, and even two kayaks and two tents. What surprised her most was that they even sold gasoline inside, with 30 liters of gasoline costing 3,000 points.

Fortunately, rice and flour were not sold in bulk, at least 50 kilograms per bag, not to mention cooking oil, which filled two shelves with different weights, brands and types.

The snack area took up most of the store, with instant noodles, bread, biscuits, self-heating hot pot, self-heating lunch boxes, bagged snail noodles, rice noodles, etc.

The further Xia Yan walked in, the more she felt that she had been cheated.

Although the quantity was small, only two bags, the main thing was that the goods were complete. After thinking about it, Xia Yan felt that it would be better to change the name of this place to a supermarket. Calling it a store was too modest.

The words "Exclusive Supermarket for the Resort Hotel" are so eye-catching when they are placed on top.

Xia Yan never procrastinates when she changes things. She opens the backend and operates it. The two words "store" that were originally bare suddenly become the "Exclusive Supermarket for the Resort Hotel" with glittering colors.

At this moment, the last ray of afterglow in the sky dissipated between the waves, and the No. 1 and No. 2 islands in the distance were still dark.

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