I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 200 Just leaving like that?

Xia Yan glanced at the new customers on the beach who pretended that everything was fine and nothing had happened, and she calmed down.

After opening a store, you will naturally meet all kinds of customers, and human nature is complicated. It can be like this at the moment, but it can turn 180 degrees in the next second.

Xia Yan kicked the sand at her feet casually.

Being too involved in their disputes will make her exhausted, and the more she cares and the more capable she shows, the more trouble she will have. When she saw the new customers' eyes pretending to be casual and secretly glancing at her, Xia Yan also understood their true thoughts.


It's annoying.

Xia Yan sighed. She thought that there would be fewer such troublesome things after moving. She was naive. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

However, she rolled her eyes and then laughed. She only guaranteed the safety of the customers who checked in. The dangers outside the safe zone had nothing to do with her. If they were angry, she would send them home directly.

As for the group of men in black, let's just deal with it coldly. Anyway, the protective shield is on 24 hours a day and can bounce back all attacks, so they can't attack.

Xia Yan sighed secretly. Unconsciously, she was still infected by the emotions of this world. She became indecisive and had many considerations. If she couldn't guarantee a calm and bystander position, she would get deeper and deeper in the future and couldn't extricate herself...

She went straight back to the private island and prepared to take a cold shower to clear her mind.

She turned the switch to the maximum, and the torrent of cold water hit her face. She shuddered, and her arms were covered with goose bumps. Her brain was instantly very clear...

Wrapped in a nightgown, Xia Yan lay by the swimming pool, drinking beauty tea and enjoying the beautiful night scenery.

"The night is so beautiful. It seems that I haven't been so relaxed for a long time."

In fact, the moon is still the same moon, but the mood of the person who sees it is different, so he feels that tonight is different.


Xia Yan got up early, and when she arrived at the front hall, there was no customer in the spacious hall.

"Xiongxiong, did anything happen last night?"

Xiongxiong shook his head, "No, they are very honest, and drove back early this morning."

Hearing this, Xia Yan looked out through the door and window, and sure enough, there were only crooked weeds and a wooden fence that was obviously missing a large piece of the parking lot last night.

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"Boss, do you want to repair the fence? The farm is now ours." Xiongxiong asked very considerately.

'System, if this area is fenced off, does it belong to the hotel? Do you have absolute control?'


"No need to repair it, just like that. "Xia Yan patted Xiong Xiong's shoulder and took the elevator upstairs to eat.

The restaurant was full of customers. Everyone was eating and chatting, with worries on their faces, and their eyes looking at the new customers were full of targeting and dissatisfaction.

That group of people looked difficult to deal with. What if they stayed here all the time? They also planned to go outside to find zombies and dig crystal cores. Who could bear to eat up all the food like this?

The old customers became more and more angry, and they were concerned about the store rules that prohibited fighting and making trouble, so they had to glare at each other desperately, but they didn't expect the new customers to act as if they didn't see it. Not only did they not move, they even smiled at them.

Angry, so angry. The old customers were so angry that they were smoking, and their knuckles were clenched.

At this moment, Xia Yan walked out of the elevator.

The old customers seemed to have found their backbone, their eyes were warm and their expressions were intimate.

"Boss Xia! "

Xia Yan kept walking, nodded to them with a smile on her face, walked to the dining table, took a bowl of millet porridge and steamed dumplings, and sat down at random.

The customers who had finished their meal were no longer in a hurry to leave, and repeated the previous topic with their neighbors at the same table.

"What if that group of people don't leave? We can't go out to kill zombies."

"That's right, there is a head for every debt, whoever caused it should solve it, what kind of person is hiding!"

"I heard that there is a mother and daughter inside, what kind of people can do such a thing that destroys the conscience of the world, such people should not be allowed to stay in the hotel."

Xia Yan picked up the bowl and pretended to glance around casually. Sure enough, several old customers changed their faces. She lowered her eyes and blew it, and sipped it.

After she finished eating, the chattering sound at the table next to her stopped.

Xia Yan said before they spoke: "That group of people drove away this morning. If you want to go out, be careful. "

Seeing that they were holding a sentence in their mouths and couldn't swallow it, Xia Yan smiled gently.

"They're gone?" Earl and the others were surprised when they heard it, as if they had heard some unbelievable news.

Some people who were curious immediately ran downstairs to "check on the spot". In less than half a minute, they rushed back with joy all over their bodies. Before they stepped out of the elevator door, they heard a loud voice: "Gone, gone! They're really gone!"

Then the restaurant exploded. Earl and the others were glad that they really escaped this disaster. They didn't have to work or sacrifice people. At present, the child was still their own child.

Qi Hua's team ran directly outside to explore further after settling their families. This time they must find zombies to save crystal cores.

The remaining old customers have long developed the habit of following the team. Seeing Qi Hua and his group rushing downstairs, they also called their teammates to follow.

Everyone used to take care of their own teams. Since seeing the huge "secret" of the new customers, everyone has divided into two factions, the new and the old.

If nothing else, at least when going out, if you see a familiar old customer, you can help him as much as you can.

Xia Yan drank the porridge slowly, and soon all the old customers in the restaurant left. On the contrary, the new customers made an appointment to go to the buffet restaurant to drink and have fun.

"Have a happy day!" Ace put his arm around Fan Jie's shoulders. The two of them didn't even eat the remaining breakfast. The expression on their faces was happier than anyone else.

Earl met her eyes, waved, and raised a big smile.

He touched his son's head, and only he knew the complex emotions in his drooping eyes.

Everyone is walking on a tightrope. If you are not careful, you will definitely die. If that time really comes, it will be a great fortune to be able to die with a snap...

Earl looked at his son's bulging cheeks, wondering whether he should tell the truth to Boss Xia.

He clenched his fists, and the veins on the back of his hands were exposed.

When he looked up again, Boss Xia had already walked into the elevator and left, so he had to sigh and give up.

Zhikang in the safe zone filled a car with sugar-roasted chestnuts that he had roasted overnight in a plastic bag, and when he saw Xia Yan appear in the hall again, he sent the freshly roasted chestnuts to him.

"Boss, try it, the chestnuts are very soft and sticky."

The golden fruit was revealed in the brown chestnut skin with a cross-shaped crack. It opened with a slight pinch. A whole fruit fell into the palm of his hand and was put into his mouth. It was slightly sweet, and Xia Yan was in a great mood.

"Push the cart over to me, I'll take it inside. I'll give you the RV later, you drive it to a distant place and look for the sea full of game."

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