After saying that, Xia Yan took the RV out of the system grid and put it in the safe zone.

She put away the chestnuts and ran to Lidai Island.


Originally, she thought that the supermarket would be swept away by customers, but she didn't expect that yesterday's turnover was zero...

"What went wrong?" Xia Yan was puzzled. The supermarket sign was so big that even if you couldn't see the words clearly standing in the private island, you could still see the colorful lights.

Xia Yan opened the entry and exit records of the private island in the background, and found that no one had entered or left Island No. 1 for a long time.

The owner of Island No. 1 was Sang Yu and Sang Guqiu's family. The background showed that they had not stayed there for a month.

Island No. 2 was Xuan Nan's group, and they had not stayed there for three days.

Xia Yan did not receive any additional points, which meant that the customers had no accidents. Maybe they were unable to leave because of something? Maybe.

She put the bagged chestnuts into the snack area, put away the cart and prepared to go back to the hall.

There were only two or three employees left in the safe zone, cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, and Zhikang had already driven away.

Xia Yan counted the number of people and found that Zhikang had left without anyone...

She held her forehead, thinking that if she really encountered good things, how much could she bring back by herself.

The outdoor dining tables and chairs on the lawn were pushed all over the place by the group of men in black. After checking and finding that they were not broken, Xia Yan put them back into the system grid and put them on the west side of the safe zone.

Fortunately, the safe zone is large enough.

Xia Yan stood there with her hand on her forehead and looked into the distance. Wherever her eyes went, several small black dots were moving slightly.

It should be her customers who were out exploring.

She found Xiongxiong and asked him to watch the store, and ran back to the private island by herself, driving a speedboat to surf on the sea.

In the vast blue ocean, waves kept coming, and the speedboat "opened up" a white road in it. The waves discharged from the stern surged to both sides, and the hair was scattered and entangled in the air.

Xia Yan flew freely in the absolute sea area that belonged to her.

There was a cliff behind the high mountains of Lidai Island. The sea was full of rugged rocks. The waves hit the rocks and made a rumbling sound, splashing super high white crystal clear water.

After feeling it for a while, Xia Yan rubbed her ears and turned around, flying around Lidai Island close to the water surface.

At noon, she rested in her private island, drank a small beer, ate a small barbecue, and watched a movie in the sea breeze. Life was really comfortable.

After eating and drinking, she lay on the hollow hammock, with the emerald green sea water below her. She opened the mall and casually browsed to kill time. She bought whatever she liked until she was tired and stopped to sleep.

Originally, Xia Yan wanted to play it off for a few days. After all, it was fun to play it off for a while, and it was fun to play it off all the time.

No worries about food and drink, beautiful scenery and large space, swimming, boating and watching movies, everything is available, and it would be a shame not to play it off.

When she got tired of lying down, she would change rooms and beds to continue lying down. She could watch TV no matter where she was. Xia Yan really didn't think about going back for a while - until Xiongxiong sent a warning message.

"Boss, the group of men in black are back again, and they have surrounded the hotel with a lot of zombies!"

What? Xia Yan turned over and sat up.

Zombies surrounded the hotel? Wouldn't that mean that customers would be rich again?

Her eyes lit up and she rushed to the hotel.

Let's see the number of zombies first, and then decide how to build it!

The lobby was full of customers from the entire building, and the light was much darker. Since Xia Yan came in from the back door, she had to squeeze to the front while asking for help to move aside.

It was really strange. Normally, everyone would have made way when they heard she was coming. Now, everyone seemed to be under a spell. Their eyes were dull, their faces were pale, and their lips were trembling constantly, as if they had suffered a great blow.

Xia Yan squeezed out of the hall in great confusion. When she walked past the customers in the safe zone and walked to the front, she took a breath of cold air when she saw the scene in front of her. Then she was extremely angry-

Outside the safe zone were densely packed zombies, one on top of another, with severely rotten skin and distorted faces, like the rotten faces of toads, with long and sharp black nails, and roaring with their bloody mouths wide open.

A drop of bright red blood fell, causing a wider range of mania.

She looked up and saw the mother and daughter she had just seen yesterday in the air. The woman's collar was tightly grasped by a winged man with one hand. The tightened collar was deeply embedded in her neck. The woman's face was a little blue, her eyelids turned up to reveal her white eyeballs, and she opened her mouth wide and breathed hard.

She was about to suffocate to death. Her hands were still tightly holding her daughter.

There was a tattoo of a grinning skull under the right eye of the winged man, which almost occupied half of his face.

He and Xia Yan looked at each other in surprise for a second, and it turned out that the boss was talking about the hotel owner.

The task of attracting zombies to surround this place has been completed, and the last shock is considered to have exceeded the task.

His expression became more and more relaxed, and the corners of his mouth were wide open, revealing the extremely sharp fangs inside.

He easily lifted the woman in front of him with one hand, raised one of his broken eyebrows provocatively at Xia Yan, and slowly moved his fangs to her neck. As if to let her see clearly, his movements were very slow, and his eyes were fixed on her, not wanting to miss a single expression.

The fangs slid up and down on the elastic skin, and the huge sense of crisis tightly wrapped around the woman. She managed to grab a light sobriety from the fatal suffocation.

Girl, daughter, no, can't, die...

The strong feeling of dizziness and vomiting made her lose her five sensitive senses. She desperately clenched her fingers, trying to get proof that her daughter was by her side...


The man's fangs pierced easily, and the smell of rust instantly filled his mouth. The liquid that he didn't have time to swallow dripped down the corners of his mouth, causing the pile of zombies to instantly rise another level.

Xia Yan moved her eyes downward expressionlessly, turning a blind eye to his provocation.

These two people were not her customers, and they were still outside the safe zone. She couldn't protect anyone.

The man snorted coldly from his throat, his upper and lower jaws suddenly closed, and he shook his head with all his strength. A large piece of flesh and blood was torn off, and blood gushed out like a fountain, his face was bright red, like a devil crawling out of the depths of hell.

The woman screamed miserably, her whole body trembling disorderly. At that moment, she felt the weight in her hands very clearly.

She struggled to look into the safe zone. At the moment of life and death, a huge sense of faith forced her to throw her daughter down with all her strength.

"Puff. Shit!" The veins on the man's forehead burst out, and he tilted his head to spit out the flesh and skin to the side. The small one has other uses!

He flapped his wings quickly to rush to the falling girl. Eight hundred ways to make people unable to live or die flashed through his mind, and his anger at being fooled grew higher and higher.

According to the information obtained earlier, this layer of safety shield will rebound everything, but the girl easily passed through the safety shield, and he who followed closely was rebounded back instead! !

The woman who was holding on in a daze saw that her only concern was steadily caught by someone, and she could no longer resist the overwhelming sleepiness.

She didn't even have time to say goodbye, and her head tilted over.

The man turned a few circles in the air before unloading that layer of force, staring at Xia Yan ferociously, and his hands broke the body into strange shapes as if venting gravity, and finally smashed it hard against the protective shield.

"Look, this is your tomorrow!"

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