What are you talking about? !

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Xia Yan's eyes suddenly sharpened, and his fingers flew to increase the force of the protective shield's rebound. The moment the body hit the protective shield, it accelerated and rebounded back to the man who had not yet flown away.

The man's eyes blurred, and he hurriedly flapped his wings, but it was too late. He was smashed hard, and his body tilted towards the pile of zombies and fell down.

The corpse that landed one step faster than him was instantly overwhelmed by the zombies. In the blink of an eye, only the skeleton was left. It was not even qualified to become a zombie.

The zombie that didn't grab the mouth looked longingly at the man, roared and stretched out its arms to catch him.

The man broke into a cold sweat and flapped his wings rapidly, narrowly dodging zombie hands one after another.

His face was very ugly, and he glanced back cryptically. There were several armored vehicles in that direction, and the leader must be watching him with a telescope inside. If he knew that he was almost caught by zombies because of this small mistake, he would probably be afraid when he went back. It was classified as useless.

The only use of being useless is to drain out the last bit of energy and then use it to attract the firepower of zombies...

A chill ran up his spine, as if he was being watched closely by a venomous snake. He shuddered and prepared to turn over in a beautiful kite to show off to his boss.


屮! ! !

The man's eyes widened in astonishment, and a thick electric baton was clearly visible in his black pupils, approaching at the fastest speed!

It's the female boss! ! Why is she in mid-air! ! !


The man was hit hard on the forehead, and his vision instantly turned black. Severe pain emanated from his brow bone. He screamed and covered his eyes, lost control of his wings, and fell down again.

Xia Yan was afraid that something would happen and he would run away again, so she turned on the current to the maximum and stabbed him hard in the ribs.

"Give me tomorrow, I won't let you see tomorrow!" Xia Yan cursed.

At the same time, the one-eyed man sitting in the armored vehicle whispered, "Fire."


Hearing only a few dull sounds of "dong dong dong" in the distance, Xia Yan looked up and saw several round cannonballs streaking through the afterimages on his retinas, rushing towards the hotel.

[Danger, return to the protective cover quickly]

The system suddenly pops up a dark red warning.

In order to make up for it, Xia Yan stretched most of his body out of the protective shield. The one-eyed man who was watching closely took the opportunity and fired.

The system popped up warnings one after another. Xia Yan stopped looking and retreated back to the safe area, looking at the shells that had rushed to the top floor without blinking.

"Mom, mom, it's over, it's over -"

"God, please allow me to do this one last time—"

"My life is at risk!"

"Son! Husband! Come to me quickly!"

For a moment, all the sounds came out, and everyone thought the hotel was going to die.

Those were cannonballs, and five or six of them were actually fired. This was completely preventing them from surviving!

Seeing this, Ace and Fan Jie poured wine into their mouths like crazy, almost becoming drunkards.

Before everyone could review their lives or make a wish to be reincarnated as humans or animals in their next life, the round bomb hit the soft protective cover.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

A series of loud noises, filtered by the protective shield, were still loud enough to knock people over. Their eardrums buzzed, as if their internal organs were shattered, and even the earth trembled.

The dense wave of zombies was blasted into the sky, with putrid fragments and bones scattered all over the sky. No one was spared, it was like a stinking rain.

A thick smoke instantly engulfed the resort hotel, with bright yellow firelight flickering in it.

"Boss, they must be dead. There is nothing that can withstand the six newly developed high-efficiency bombs."

A minion in the car calmed his heartbeat and hurriedly stepped forward to flatter him. When he saw the one-eyed man taking out a cigar, he lit it and moved forward.

Ru Yongnan took a deep breath and glanced at him, with a hint of disdain in his eyes, "What's your name?"

"Yang San, Yang San, hehe."

"Come to me tomorrow and do some work."

"Hey, yes!" Yang San rubbed his hands with a happy face, and the minions behind him showed complex expressions of envy, jealousy, and hate.

Ru Yongnan put his feet on the console, smoked with a crooked mouth, and blew smoke rings while looking at the dusty hotel opposite.

Quite a good thing. It's a pity that what doesn't belong to him can only be destroyed.

It's a pity that such a large group of people were reduced to a pulp like this, otherwise they could still earn a lot of resources...

Yang Sanan stood quietly for more than half an hour and listened to the sound of the armored vehicle being smashed by pieces. His eyes fell on the crystal clear crystal core exposed on the ground in the distance, and he secretly thought about taking more of it while no one was paying attention. Click private...

"That hotel actually -" A small group of exclamations suddenly sounded behind him. Even though he covered his mouth behind him, Ru Yongnan still heard it and looked back at him with a gloomy look.

From his position, he could only see that the opposite side was still surrounded by thick fog, and he could not clearly see the situation on the top of the building, but the exclamations of his men made him feel bad.

Ru Yongnan stood up, gave him a slap in the face, and asked people to take him away. Then he stood in his position and looked into the distance. Sure enough, he saw the high-rise building with the sign of the resort hotel.

Um? High-rise? ?

He got out of the car despite everyone's obstruction, and found that the resort hotel was intact with a very ugly look on his face.

A not-so-strong wind blew by, blowing away the dust and revealing everything behind.

Not only was the holiday hotel fine, but the people standing on the open space were also fine.

Seeing this, Ru Yongnan clenched his back teeth, and the cigar between his fingers was crushed into powder. He looked at the hateful female boss opposite with murderous eyes.

Behind him, a row of minions were as quiet as chickens. Even Yang San, who had just caught his eye, hid in the crowd and dared not breathe, for fear of attracting his attention and being angered, and becoming a punching bag for him to vent his emotions.

"You go!"


"We are fine?!" Bai Zuo jumped up from the ground first, grabbed Bai You's shoulders and scanned him carefully.

Bai You also made the same move.

"Great, we survived!" The two hugged each other and cried.

Qi Hua opened his arms and hugged his parents under his armpits. The pain in the eyes of the three people had not yet subsided, and the tears on their faces were still clear. When they opened their eyes, they saw Boss Xia standing in the front like a green pine.

The breeze blew on her face, blowing the broken hair around her ears, and the gentle sunlight seemed to be a fine ornament hanging on the round earlobes.

"Son! Son!" Qi's mother trembled her lips and looked at his face eagerly. The bitterness of the family almost going to hell together had not yet been digested. She could not distinguish between reality and illusion, and could only hold his collar tightly and stroke his cheek, crying bitterly.

"Mom, Dad, we are fine, we are still alive." Qi Hua choked up, holding them head to head and crying silently.

After walking on the edge of death, the sad cries rang everywhere, gradually out of control, or family, or friends, hugged together to vent the pain suppressed in the deepest part of their hearts.

For what they are experiencing now, and for the future without hope.

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