I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 203 Why are you here?

Qiao Zhen pursed her lips and lowered her head, kicking the empty air with her toes in loneliness.

A huge, irresistible tornado called longing rose out of nowhere and instantly drilled into her body, raging from her limbs to her heart, causing pain wherever it went.

Her eyelashes were heavy and motionless, and those extremely familiar faces flashed through her mind quickly.

Qiao Zhen suddenly felt a little wet and painful in her eyes. She rubbed her eyes hard until they turned red, fearing that she would be noticed, and raised her head and looked around quickly.

Not far away, a man named Zou Yu was hugging his wife tightly. The burly man was trembling and stroking her back heavily, as if to confirm something.

Su Mei looked at the girl who fainted in her arms with an expressionless face. Mao Yuanyuan and others hurriedly gathered in a group to block the eyes of the opposite sex and carefully examined her body.

Zhang Lei, Xi Zhi, and the boy who lived next door who didn't get along well with her were all lone rangers. Just like her, there was no companion around to vent their emotions.

Qiao Zhen retreated silently until her back was against the outer wall of the hotel. The faint warmth brought her a sense of security.

She followed their example, folding her arms and watching indifferently, and her mood gradually calmed down.

Xia Yan turned a deaf ear to the cries of people in the safe zone, and her eyes were fixed on the three approaching armored vehicles.

Why are they here?

The wheels of the car rolled over the ground with a rumbling sound, and the hearts of the people who had just calmed down were lifted up again.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the armored vehicle broke through the few remaining wooden fences, and rolled back and forth 10 meters away from the safe zone with a full of arrogance.

The colorful crystal core was crushed and buried deep in the soil, which was full of irony.

When the vehicle moved, the black barrel was aimed at Xia Yan at any time, as if she dared to move.

This made Xia Yan very angry. She looked through the mall on the spot and found the weapons column. Even though the prices in it were sky-high, she spent all her turnover to buy an ultra-light mortar.

Lose the battle but not the battle. You thought she really had no other options, right?

When Ru Yongnan, who had been standing still and observing, saw her setting up the mortar and loading ammunition, he felt something was wrong and ordered people to drive quickly to get out of the attack range, and at the same time prohibited the car in front from retreating and continuing to harass her.

He wanted to see how many rounds of ammunition she had and what other cards she had.

The three armored vehicles received the order and drove back again. The barrels were no longer decorated, and several shells were fired, which exploded on the land outside the safety cover, splashing high mud blocks and blocking her sight.

The minions hiding in the car simply used gravity cover and operated the heavy machine gun to output, but the bullets were bounced back and hit the car body, making an ominous sound.

Xia Yan sneered. If the mortar bought at a high price didn't even have an advanced aiming system, could it still be on the system mall?

Xia Yan set the target vehicle in the aiming system and adjusted it to automatic gear. The next second, with a "puff", the white shells rushed out of the protective shield and rushed towards the target.

Then the three cars in front of her.

She loaded the ammunition again, aimed and fired.

The three cars were blown up by the shells falling from the sky before they could react.

Ru Yongnan looked at the shells chasing him and felt cold all over. Damn, he was still careless. Who would have thought that she also had such heavy weapons? He was really not a human being!

"Boss, the three cars were blown up. Let's run away!" A little minion hurriedly ran to report to him. Ru Yongnan was furious at the stupid look of considering the boss.

"Use ♦ to remind you! Get out of here!"

The minion's face turned pale, and before he took a few steps in his hurried retreat, he was grabbed in front of him by Ru Yongnan, whose face changed drastically.


A huge explosion suddenly sounded at the rear of the car. His eyes turned white, his ears buzzed until he lost his hearing, the sky and the earth spun violently, and everything around him lost order and flew in the air, hitting his body hard.

A sharp edge would create a blood pit, and the head without any protection was even more vulnerable.

The little minions lost their voices before the car even stopped.

The few people in the armored car at the rear were shocked by the overturned car in front of them and broke into a cold sweat. After braking suddenly, they didn't care about the billowing smoke and the shells that might fall again. After opening the door, they searched and finally found Ru Yongnan under a body that was unrecognizable.

Ru Yongnan closed his eyes tightly, bleeding from all seven orifices, and his life or death was unknown.

The few people looked at each other and dared not delay any longer. Even if he died, they had to take him back to report.

"Save, save, save me."

The few people looked back, and a bloody hand slowly stretched out from under the corpse.

Is there anyone alive? Take him away together as a witness! Ru Yongnan was not killed by them!


Xia Yan saw several cars successfully blown up in the distance, and she put away the mortar with great satisfaction.

Wow, it's really useful.

The guests behind her were staring with their eyes wide open, and they couldn't believe that Boss Xia actually had such a powerful weapon, and they were also impressed that Boss Xia's strength was also a strong support for their survival.

Among the new customers, Earl was the most prominent. In his eyes, he looked at Xia Yan with admiration and a sudden desire to live well.

Ace and Fan Jie, who were drinking so much that their stomachs were about to explode in the buffet restaurant, were so surprised that they dropped their bottles on the ground. A robot not far away came over with cleaning tools and reminded them not to waste food in an electronic voice.

Ace stared at Boss Xia's back in a daze, thinking that she was really capable, unlike his useless wife. The anger that was about to rise disappeared in an instant, and he smiled and told the robot that he knew.

Fan Jie, who was sitting opposite him, had a face like a palette, sometimes white and sometimes gray, and even fine beads of sweat oozed from the tip of his nose.

He glanced at Xia Yan obscurely, and began to feel uneasy. He must not let the matter be exposed...

Suddenly he shuddered all over, and suddenly retracted his legs with a vigilant look.

"What's wrong with you?" Ace tilted his head and looked down curiously. Didn't the robot accidentally touch him? Why did he react so strongly?

"No, nothing, come, drink."

"No, my bladder is about to explode. By the way, I'm going to see if my daughter still has crystal cores. I've spent too much these days, and there's not much balance on my card. I have to find a way to top it up."

Ace said as he stood up and leaned on the window to look, "I'll be back soon."

Fan Jie nodded, and wiped the sweat from his forehead after he left.

I didn't expect that Boss Xia was so powerful. If I had let Ace go back, it would have been fine. But it's okay. Only the girl is alive. Ace doesn't care about her, and Boss Xia doesn't allow people without crystal cores to stay. It's okay, it's safe.

"Guest, your self-service dining time has expired. Can you open it again?"

The robot put down the tools, and the display showed his dining time that was about to return to zero.

"No need." Fan Jie tidied his clothes, shook his head to sober up a little, and walked out of the restaurant. Through the window, he saw the girl lying on the ground motionless, with no one around to take care of her, and his heart was completely relieved.

"Oh, just a little girl, who would invite such trouble."

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