I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 206 The temperature has dropped

"Well, long time no see. ׺°"˜˜`"°º×"

Jing Yimai nodded, his expression still grim.

He was still wearing a black tank top, which was slightly tight and outlined his neat abdominal muscles. He had a long-sleeved jacket between his arms. There were many scars on both arms, and his temperament became more calm and restrained.

He looked down and noticed the cart in the hands of Manager Zhikang. He vaguely heard the sound of living things moving in the bucket.

What is Boss Xia going to sell again?

Jing Yimai tilted his head slightly, and was curious for a moment, then he remembered that he had more important things to do. He looked at it twice and prepared to leave.

Zhikang stared at his increasingly broad-shouldered and narrow-waisted back, and reminded him:

"Guest, the supermarket on the island has been stocked, and the goods are very complete. If you need them, you can go and have a look."

Jing Yimai stopped and looked back at the huge rainbow-colored sign, "Got it, thank you."

Zhikang nodded, pulled the cart and walked towards the official detoxification center.

The mutated seafood has a strong attack power. If the white barrel is not very thick, it would have made a hole with just one poke.

In front of the official detoxification center, he directly placed the barrel on the conveyor belt. The originally small entrance automatically recognized the size of the object and successfully swallowed the white barrel.

The detoxification progress bar above slowly rose.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhikang watched Jing Yimai turn around and walk into the supermarket.

After not seeing him for a long time, Zhikang found that his face was even more stern, and his whole body was surrounded by the aura of keeping strangers away.

Of course, he would not ignore the surprise expression that flashed across Jing Yimai's eyes.

Zhikang raised the corners of his mouth. Since he heard the boss accidentally say in confusion that the supermarket had no turnover last time, he planned to find a way to improve his performance after this busy period.

Although he didn't see that Boss Jing's strength had improved, he had been living outside and should know more people. Even if he purchased a bunch of things from the supermarket and resold them, it would be fine.

There are holiday hotel logos on the products, which can be regarded as free publicity and reputation.


Xia Yan returned to her private room, changed into a comfortable home outfit, and lazily lay on the sofa to watch TV series.

As for why the group of black-clad men came to cause trouble, she didn't really want to explore the reasons behind it. She guessed that it was related to the local black forces.

Then she didn't want to get involved, and the look of Earl and others looking at her from time to time with guilt and wanting her to do something directly dissuaded her.

She came to this world to spend a vacation and enjoy life. For such an event that can be seen at a glance as a huge conspiracy, she didn't want to get involved.

She only recognized one truth-as long as you stay in the store, you are her customer. It is her job to protect the guests, and what happens outside has nothing to do with her.

Xia Yan hummed a little song and opened the food city. She picked and chose inside and ordered a soft daifuku and mango lasagna for dinner.

While the TV series was GG, she opened the hotel backstage. Today, I was so excited that I spent all my points. I am used to having rice in my pocket, and I am a little uncomfortable to see zero eggs for a while.

It seems that I have to find a way to improve my performance tomorrow.

The next morning at ten o'clock, she showed up at the lobby on time. As soon as they met, she asked Xiongxiong to take the fruit basket and sell door to door upstairs.

Don't look at the cheap price of fruit, no matter how small the mosquito is, it's meat.

Xiongxiong has rarely seen the boss so motivated recently, and he happily accepted the order in surprise.

Xia Yan sat behind the front desk and finished her breakfast slowly. She took the soy milk and strolled into the safety zone to take a walk to digest the food. Unexpectedly, the cold wind blowing in her face made her shudder suddenly, and both arms instantly had goose bumps.

Did the temperature drop overnight?

She bought an outdoor thermometer and stuck it on the work surface of Zhikang's work area. Soon the temperature on it stopped at 12 degrees.

Xia Yan was surprised. You know, it was still hot yesterday afternoon, but she changed into short sleeves.

Another gust of cold wind blew, and her nose was a little itchy. Worried about catching a cold, she hurriedly controlled the backstage to turn on the air conditioner in the safety zone, synchronizing the temperature of the hotel and the safety zone to stabilize at 26 degrees.

At this time, a customer who had finished breakfast appeared at the door.

"Boss Xia, good morning!"

Xia Yan turned around and saw that it was Qi Hua's team. Seeing that they were wearing thin clothes, he couldn't help but remind them.

"Good morning, it's getting cold outside. Wear more clothes and be careful not to catch a cold."

"Eh? I don't feel cold." Wang Yi stretched out his hand and waved it in the air. He felt that the temperature was still very suitable.

"The temperature inside the safe zone is the same as that inside the store, but the temperature outside has dropped to 12 degrees." Xia Yan explained slowly.

After hearing her say this, the few people didn't have to feel it in person. After saying thank you, they went back upstairs and put on a long-sleeved jacket before coming out again.

Until they walked out of the safe zone and felt the cold air outside, they were very glad that they listened to Boss Xia's advice, otherwise it would be the easiest to catch a cold when the temperature was cold.

Qi Hua's team also planned to go far away, so they continued to search in the soil with branches near the safe zone to see if there were any crystal cores that had escaped.

Xia Yan noticed that their clothes were a little worn and there were a lot of pilling on their coats.

Although in the end times no one cares whether clothes are pilling or not, or whether the style is good-looking, but after wearing for a long time and washing more often, they are always not as warm as before.

According to the experience of selling clothes at the Shangyang base and branch last time, the importance of keeping warm is not lower than diet, and the style is not important, the warmer the better.

It is late autumn now, and when the severe winter comes, customers cannot stay in the hotel all the time without going out. A qualified boss can always discover the needs of customers in time~

Xia Yan flattered herself in her heart, and looked around the open space in the safe zone in a good mood, preparing to find a place to put some hangers and hang various clothes, so that customers can buy them as needed.

To the west of the safe zone, near the wall, this open space is very suitable.

She first asked the system to make a shiny sign, gestured and prepared to hang it directly on the wall.

At this time, the system couldn't stand it anymore.

[The hotel is so well built, and the safe zone makes you arrange it like a piece of S]

"......What did you say?"

[Can't you spend more points to buy a simple house? Too stingy. Ferrari interior, tractor appearance]


Xia Yan was very embarrassed by the damage, is it really as bad as it said?

She didn't say anything else, and stepped back to the edge to look around the safe area. Within this 300-meter range, there is Zhikang's work area, outdoor restaurant, public operation table, various self-service vending machines, and her special rocking chair...

If you add such a bright light sign and rows of clothes...

Well, she thinks what the system says makes sense.

If there is a mistake, correct it. Boss Xia is very obedient. He immediately opened the mall and entered simple house in the search box. The next second, several pictures popped up. There are many styles of shiny houses.

The cheapest translucent house only needs to consume 3,000 points to use it for three months.

The price is not bad, Xia Yan waved his hand and bought three houses.

The installation is also very simple, just like playing a game. The virtual control is to the predetermined position. In about ten seconds, the virtual operation platform pops up in front of her, and she can change the appearance color and rename it.

The three houses are placed side by side on the west side. Zhikang's work area is at the innermost, connected to the tables and chairs of the outdoor restaurant, and surrounded by a small white fence. Each table is placed with a vase of flowers, which is a separate semicircular dining area.

All the vending machines were put into the middle house.

Xia Yan placed a lot of shelves in the remaining house, and bought some autumn and winter clothes and shoes with reasonable prices and the best cost-effectiveness in the mall, and then arranged two fitting rooms, full-length mirrors, and finally placed a card reader at the door.

A simple clothing store can be open to the public.

As for the public operating table, Xia Yan originally did not plan to move it, but when he walked outside, he found that it was still a bit abrupt, and finally decided to buy another house, move the operating table into the house, and put a white steel rack that reached the ceiling inside, and provide stainless steel basins of different sizes for free.

This looks much neater.

Xia Yan looked at the newly empty safe zone and nodded with satisfaction.

Qi Hua's team, who were searching for crystal cores in the farm, beat their waists and looked at the houses in the safe zone rising from the ground with their eyes wide open. When they saw the plaque of the clothing store standing in the most conspicuous place, they were delighted.

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