I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 207: Put away your playfulness

Xiongxiong was definitely the most angry among all the people -

The fruits of his hard work for a night were ruined in the blink of an eye!

Half an hour ago, the guests had a goal in their hearts and strength in their hands, and they turned the soil enthusiastically, just for that small crystal core.

After all, picking up one more crystal core can save a lot of money from buying clothes.

If the crystal cores ten meters away were not within reach and could not be broken any more, I think they would not give up any of them.

The boss sat in the safe zone drinking tea and enjoying the scenery, and he performed well in front of the boss, and Zhikang was busy in the kitchen making delicious food. Everything was harmonious and orderly, right?

The boss thought so, Xiongxiong thought so, and the customers thought so.

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But it saw dozens of armored vehicles and dense zombies appearing again on the distant horizon.

There were three black lines on Xiongxiong's forehead.


Will Xiongxiong be allowed to live?

Where are the spring planting and tilling the soil? Over and over and over again? !

"They are coming again! Run into the safe zone!" Bai Zuo and Bai You, two smart ghosts, were watching all directions and listening to all directions. They found something wrong at the second time.

"Dad, Mom, come back soon!" Qi Hua picked up the crystal core and walked back with people in his arms with a frown.

"Dear mother, why are they here again? Will they let people live?" Qi's mother slapped her thigh in anger as she looked at the dark crowd.

Once or twice is not enough, do we have to force them to death?

"Don't say anything, follow the baby and leave quickly." Qi's father shook his head.

"Hey, there are zombies!" Qiao Zhen's eyes lit up.

"Let's go quickly, that's a zombie tide." The boy of the same age who lived next door to her retracted his gaze, picked up a small shovel and walked back slowly.

A group of people ran back cursing, but they knew very well that on the one hand it was related to the new customers, and on the other hand it was the malice in the end of the world that needed no reason.

Looking at Boss Xia again, he was still sitting in a rocking chair and drinking tea very calmly, not taking the other party seriously at all, and everyone's heart was calm.

That's right, anyway, they can't get in anyway, the holiday hotel is absolutely safe.

Thinking of this, they are no longer anxious, with food in hand, they are not panicking.

Look, isn't that another crystal core delivered to the door?

Xia Yan stood up and tiptoed to look around. In the distance, there was a large crowd of people, and the iconic cannon was mounted on the roof of the car.

That one-eyed man is so tough? He was blown up and still survived?

How could he have a concussion? He came again the next day, really like an indestructible cockroach. Could his ability be a strong repair ability?

That's nonsense.

"Boss, do you need to dig a pit to fight back?" Xiongxiong carried a shovel on his shoulder and clenched his fists.

It has figured it out. It's better for me to dig than for the enemy to bomb, and it's better to pit the enemy than to be pitted.

"Do you have a good idea?"

Xiongxiong shook his head: "I've seen TV dramas that show trenches and tunnels! The enemies scream!"

"Then, try it." Xia Yan supported it very much, and specifically called Zhikang out.

Zhikang, wearing a chef's hat, an apron tied around his waist, and holding a rolling pin in his hand, looked confused, "Dig a pit?"

Xiongxiong urged: "Yes, yes, yes, let's go, dig the pit before they come."

It took out the rolling pin in his hand and replaced it with a shovel, and pulled Zhikang to the entrance of the farm to start digging a pit.

Fearing that they would be too busy, Xia Yan also called other employees to help.

It's not clear whether it works for the time being, just watching it is like playing a game, it's quite fun.

She found a camouflage grass in the mall, bought a few spikes, and gave it to Xiongxiong to put at the bottom of the pit.

The customers who were originally standing upstairs to watch the enemy's situation also ran downstairs when they saw this.

"Boss Xia, there are still shovels left. Let's help dig a hole!"

"Yes! Strength lies in numbers. Dig a long hole so they can't get through!"

"Manager Xiong, give me the shovel. I'm strong."

"We can help too. It's time to fight back!"

Qi Hua's team, Zhang Lei, Ye Qizhen, Qiao Zhen, Xi Zhi and other customers she was familiar with stood opposite and spoke loudly. Xia Yan felt warm in her heart when she saw their solemn expressions of standing with the hotel.

In fact, she just wanted to satisfy Xiong Xiong's somewhat childish ideas and play for a while. Even if she didn't dig a hole, the other party couldn't attack the hotel. But she didn't expect everyone...

"Wait a minute, right away!"

Xia Yan put away her playfulness and handed over the newly purchased shovel. In order to protect the hotel, their only safe house, everyone was willing to contribute their own strength.

Even Bai Zuo and Bai You led a group of half-grown children to spread long spikes on the grass-no need to think about it, it was also given by Xia Yan.

"Boss Xia, are there any more ground spikes?" Ye Qi was wiping the sweat off his forehead, looking at the danger approaching from time to time, and the ground was shaking more and more.

Time was running out, they had to speed up.

Ye Qi was wondering why they always came in the evening, don't they have time during the day?

He muttered in a low voice, not understanding the enemy's behavior.

Whose family fights at night?

Xia Yan bought 20 more ground spikes and 30 pieces of camouflage grass.

The camouflage grass automatically adjusts its color the moment it hits the ground, until it blends into the surrounding environment. If you don't lie on it and look hard, no one can see it.

Xia Yan took a step back, thankful that Xiongxiong dug the pit outside the farm, otherwise the leaves of the camouflage grass would turn dark brown and sway in the wind...

Qi Hua, Wang Yi and Xi Zhi, the men, didn't even raise their heads. The shovels in their hands were waving and making whirring sounds. Handfuls of fresh soil were thrown out. Zhang Qiang and Xiong Xiong quickly transferred the soil and filled the holes in the farm.

Qiao Zhen and Wang Xuewei followed behind to place spikes, and Xia Yan and Qiao Zhen spread grass.

Bai Zuo and Bai You scattered long spikes around.

As long as the other party dared to get out of the car or drive over directly, they would be stuck at the mouth of the pit and unable to get out. The soles of their feet would be full of spikes.

No matter how they came, they had to go back with some color.

Originally, Xia Yan was just in the mentality of coaxing Xiong Xiong to play, and after this operation, she was a little excited.

Not to mention her, even Xi Zhi, who had been pretending to be invisible recently, curled his lips.

In fact, everyone knew that in the end times, superpowers were flying all over the sky, and this little damage was really not enough.

But when everyone worked together to do something to protect their "home", the originally vague barriers were completely broken, and their hearts were united as never before.

Sharing adversity, what a wonderful three words.

"That's all right." Qi Hua clapped his hands and asked Xia Yan if he had any other preparations.

Xia Yan looked at Xiong Xiong.

Xiong Xiong stared and recalled the plot of the TV. After a while, he shook his head: "No more." The TV series ended here, and the protagonist Dawei Tianlong's moment would come later.

It glanced at the boss, she definitely couldn't shout.

"Everyone, go back quickly, be careful of your feet." Xia Yan waved to the customers outside and put the remaining long nails handed by Bai Zuo back into the system grid.

Looking up at the sky, at this moment, the sky was full of sunset and orange light. Xia Yan looked up and clearly saw the super-large armored vehicle approaching rapidly in the distance.

But the car seemed to be pulling something alive behind it, and it couldn't catch up with the speed of the car and was dragged at the rear of the car, causing the zombies to run away continuously.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes, what was that?

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